eleven- attack on Gaara & Shukaku

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story! Special thanks to Champion Alex and ultima-owner (from fanfiction.net) for helping me come up with the name and information about Sasuke's inner demon. You guys are the best.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

eleven- attack on Gaara & Shukaku

After meeting in Sasuke’s mindscape and explaining a few things that the young ninja needed to know, the three of them left their mindscapes.  Once Ichigo and Naruto came too, they could both feel the familiar tug on their bodies.  It seemed as if they were needed elsewhere.  Their bodies began to become transparent.  They could both hear the group and team that they were with calling out to them.

“Dad….. It seems we are needed back in Naruto’s dimension.  We will try to return as quickly as possible.” Ichigo called out as he began to leap.  A second later both Ichigo and Naruto found themselves within a desert surrounded by ninja who had the symbol for the sand village Sunagakure on their headbands.

“Keep your hands where we can see them.  How did you get past the guards?” asked one of the sand ninja.  Naruot and Ichigo didn’t move or say a word.  Who was going to believe that they could leap dimensions?

*Why did we leap to Suna?* Naruto asked mentally.

*Beats me Kit.  If I didn’t know any better I would say that someone is going after my little brother.* growled Kyuubi.

*Do you think it could be the Akatsuki?* asked Shiro.

*No doubt.  We have to find Gaara and warn him.* Ichigo stated.

*I think he is aware that we are here.* Naruto stated as they could both see the one tail Jinchuriki approach them.

“What is going on here?” asked Gaara in a monotone voice.

“Lord Kazekage….. These two strangers appeared out of nowhere.  They won’t tell us who they are and where they came from.” stated one of the ninja.

“Gaara……. You are the Kazekage?!” Naruto asked in complete shock.

“That’s Lord Gaara to you.” snapped out one of the ninja guards as he moved to attack Naruto.  Suddenly sand arose protecting Naruto from the ninja.

“Don’t even think about it.  These two are very special friends of mine as they are my guests.  And they are to be treated as such.” growled Gaara darkly as his voice combined with Shukaku’s.  The ninja bowed their heads as Gaara sent them away as the sand returned to his gourd.  “What in the world are you two doing here?” Gaara asked.

“Sorry Gaara but it seems that maybe a member of the Akatsuki may be coming for you and Shukaku.” replied Ichigo.

*Damn them.  Do they honestly think that we won’t go down without a fight?* questioned Shukaku.

*I think that is what they are counting on little brother.* replied Kyuubi.

Gaara brought the two dimension traveling soul reaper/ninjas to the building that was his office.  It was far different from the hokage building within the leaf village.

“You don’t know how envious I am of you right now.  I can’t believe that you are Kazekage.” Naruot stated.

“It only made sense that I should take over after my father’s death.  And no one is stronger than a Jinchuriki.  I should actually thank you two as you have changed my life.” stated Gaara.

“You don’t have to thank us Gaara as we know full well what it is like to be considered a monster because of what we hold within us.” replied Ichigo.  That’s when the three of them could hear small explosions rock the sand village.  The three teens left Gaara’s office to see a large bird flying around the village.

“That’s no bird that I recognize as it seems someone is ridding it.  Let me go and deal with this alone as this village is my home and it’s my duty to protect my people as Kazekage.” stated Gaara.

“Not alone.  We are in this together as they are after me and Kyuubi as well.  We know that these guys don’t play fair.” Naruto stated as Gaara nodded his head as he used his sand to levitate both himself and Naruto up into the air.  Ichigo stated in the wings just in case that this Akatsuki member was not alone.  He knew that the two Jinchuriki could handle themselves.

*I have a bad feeling about this King.* hissed Shiro.

*You and me both Shiro.* replied Ichigo.

Both Naruto and Gaara floated up towards the Akatsuki.  The Akatsuki was grinning like crazy.

“I must have struck gold.  I get two Jinchuriki at once.  Too bad my man Sasori couldn’t be here.” stated the Akatsuki.

*It is just as you thought Ichigo.  They work in teams.* Kyuubi stated.

“So how did you two know that I was here?”

“The bird that you are riding on.  No bird like that exists out here in the desert.” Gaara replied crossing his arms before his chest.

“Not to mention the explosions that could wake the dead.  Who in the world are you anyway?” asked Naruto.

“Deidara.  Hopefully you two will find my unique jutsu a blast!”

*Naruto…… Behind you!* Ichigo yelled out mentally as he could see two birds flying behind both teens.  Deidara held up one finger causing the birds to explode.  Deidara laughed as he thought that he had gotten the two of them.  But when the blast cleared he could see sand had protected both Jinchuriki.

*Thanks for the warning Ichigo.  That was a little too close for comfort.* Shukaku stated.

“So it seems that your chakra allows you to detonate clay that you are carrying within your hip sack.  But I highly doubt that you have enough within that pouch to take us both on.” Narut stated as his eyes had transformed into sage mode.

“Oh I have heard about you and all of your interesting abilities Naruto Uzamaki.  I may have something that may keep you busy this way I can fight the one tail without you backing him up.” stated Deidara as he let out a sharp whistle.  Suddenly a crack began to form in the sky as a hand shot out opening the sky like a curtain.  Gaara’s eyes widened when he saw the Menos Grande along with other hollows.

“Getsuga Tensho [moon fang heaven piercer]!” snapped out Ichigo as he managed to destroy some of the weaker hollows.  “You guys handle the Akatsuki member.  Leave the hollows to me.” Ichigo stated as he flash stepped to deal with some of the hollows.

No one had noticed that Naruto had created a clone to attack Deidara while his focus was on Gaara and Naruto.

“Kaze no Kizu [wind scar]!” the clone of Naruot snapped out as he swung his zanpakuto at Deidara.  Deidara cursed out violently as he was forced to dodge the attack.  Gaara’s sand moved wildly trying to limit Deidara’s movement.  Both Naruto’s came together gathering together their chakra.  Deidara created several more of his explosive artwork to attack either Naruto and/or Gaara.

‘I don’t have enough explosive clay to deal with two Jinchuriki.  If this keeps up my man Sasori is going to be upset and mad at me for having to make him wait.’ Deidara thought to himself.  Then again he didn’t account for the two Jinchuriki to be together in one place.  His main target was Gaara and the one tail he held within.  That’s when Gaara’s sand managed to catch one of Deidara’s arms.  The sand crawled up his arm heading towards his shoulders.  “Damn it all!” Deidara hissed low and deep as he forced his claw bird to fly faster but the sand proved to be much faster.

“Desert Coffin!” Gaara snapped out as he crushed Deidara’s arm ripping it out of its socket.  Deidara bit back the scream as he noticed Naruto charging at him while in midair.

‘How in the world is he able to do that?!’ Deidara thought to himself in shock.

“Wind Release: Rasenshuriken!” the two Naruto’s snapped out as they threw what looked like a resengan crossed with a shuriken.  This caused Deidara to curse out even more as the rasenshuriken followed him regardless where he moved.  Deidara leapt off his bird causing it to explode the second Naruto’s jutsu hit it.  Out of his hand popped out another clay creation.

‘This is taking too long.  Where in the world is my man Sasori?’ Deidara thought to himself as he then noticed the puppet user being held by Ichigo.  The look of pure shock crossed Deidara’s face.

Ichigo held the puppet master’s true body which was a seal ripped out of the chest in his hands as the puppet itself was bound by a kido spell.

“Sorry but I don’t think that he is going to be much help.  Not with this part missing from his chest.  And especially since he’s not strong enough to break the kido spell that he’s under.” Ichgio stated as he tossed Sasori’s core up into the air as his hands clasped around his zanpakuto as he quickly slashed the core up to bits as he undid the kido spell.  Blinded by rage and hatred Deidara charged at Ichigo.  Sand blocked his path in the form of a giant raccoon.

“There is no chance that you can escape my Extremely Hard Ultimate Defence: Shield of Shukaku.” snarled Gaara.  Deidara turned around finding Naruto in full Biju mode next to a chakra Kyuubi.

“Go ahead and try it!” snapped Kyuubi.  Naruto had a clone next to him as they held a Rasengan in their combined hands.

“Sorry this is the end of the road for you.” stated the two Naruto’s in unison.  A wicked smile crossed Deidara’s face as he ripped open his jacket exposing a face on his chest.

“If I am going to go, then I am going to take you with me!” Deidara stated.  The face on his chest winked at the three teens.

“Boom…… Boom…… Baby!” it stated before it started to glow.

*Shit!* Shiro, Kyuubi, and Shukaku all cursed out in unison.  Shukaku took control of Gaara causing the sand to move to protect the three teens and the villagers from the blast.  When the blast cleared it revealed Gaara in full Shukaku form as a dome of sand protected everyone within the village. 

“Is everyone all right?” Shukaku questioned.

“We’re fine Shukaku.  Can you move the sand safely away?” Ichigo asked.  The one tail nodded his head as he willed the sand to move.

*You’re doing fine little brother a bit more and then you can drop it.* Kyuubi stated mentally as Naruto released his Biju mode causing the chakra form of Kyuubi to disappear.  Shukaku nodded his head as he continued to move the sand clear from the village.  Once it was far enough away, the sand villagers erupted into loud cheers that brought tears to Shukaku’s eyes as he dropped the sand and transformed back into Gaara.  Gaara stumbled backwards a bit weakened from Shukaku using his body.  Ichigo had caught Gaara in his arms steadying the young Kazekage.

“It’s all right Gaara it’s over for now.” Ichigo stated as it looked like his body was becoming transparent.  Gaara looked over at Naruto to see that the other teen was the same way.

“I guess that our job here is done as we have to head back.” Naruto stated.  Kankuro, Gaara’s teammate and brother had come over to notice that the young sand user looked transparent.  Both Ichigo and Naruto noticed it as well.

“Gaara?” questioned Kankuro wondering what was going on.

*What’s happening?* Gaara questioned mentally.

*It seems that you are leaping with us Gaara.  I suggest that you tell Kankuro to contact Tsunade as she can explain what’s happening and where you went.* Naruto stated.  Gaara quickly relayed the message before the three of them leapt dimensions.  Ichigo and Naruto wondered why Gaara was leaping with them?

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