twenty five- restoration

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using are my own attacks and/or attacks from other series!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Twenty Five- restoration

Obito pelted the two time and dimension traveling with Biju Bombs. Kyuubi moved protecting both Ichigo and Naruto with its body.
"Kyuubi!" yelled out both Ichigo and Naruto in unison.
"I can't maintain my form and stop him from pelting you with these Biju Bombs." Kyuubi replied as it looked like the blasts were truly starting to hurt the Biju King. This was giving time for Aizen to perform a high level Bakudo spell.
"Seethe, deny, paralyze, flicker and disturb sleep. Crawling princess of iron. Constantly disintegrating doll of mud. Unite. Repel. Come back down to earth and know your own powerlessness. Bakudo spell level 90 - Kuro Hitsugi [black coffin]!" snapped out Aizen as black energy circled around them causing Kyuubi to loose his physical summoned form. The black energy began to close in and trap both Ichigo and Naruto. "This is the end Kurosaki and Uzamaki. This is the highest level spell performed by a being that transcends both the soul reapers and hollows. With its full incantation spoken means that you will never again see the light of day. Goodbye and good riddance!" Aizen snarled as the energy closed both Ichigo and Naruto into a black coffin.

While inside the black coffin, it seemed as if time and space had slowed down.
"Ichigo Kurosaki.... Naruto Namikaze Uzamaki...." called out two distinct voices. A bright light enveloped the two as they soon found themselves within a bright golden temple as two beings stood before them. Both Ichigo and Naruto could hear their other halves gasp in shock as they clearly recognized the two beings before them. One looked like an older man with long reddish hair. He wore a sage cloak that was similar to the one that covered Obito complete with the black beads around his neck and cloak. Many whisker marks caressed his face as he had the Rinnegan as in the center of his forehead say the Sharningan.
*My master, my creator, my lord sage.* Kyuubi whispered in the back of Naruto's mind.
"Hello and welcome my ancestor Naruto Namikaze Uzamaki. It is nice to see you as well Kyuubi no Yohko, Kurama." stated the great sage as he waved his hand causing Kyuubi to materialize in his human form next to Naruto.
"Kurama?" Naruto questioned.
"Didn't he tell you that is his true name?" asked the great sage as Naruto shook his head no.
"I have been known as Kyuubi for so long that I actually honestly forgot my own name." replied Kurama.

The other being was dressed in simple robes. He had long thin black hair that he wore tied back in a ponytail. His complexion was pale almost like a hollows as he had a small pin-like hole just below his throat. His eyes were similar to Shiro's except they were slanted hourglass instead of normal eyes.
*The Reio, the soul king.* Shiro whispered in the back of Ichigo's mind.
"Welcome Ichigo Kurosaki and hollow Zangetsu." replied the Reio as he waved his hand causing Shiro to manifest next to Ichigo.
"Zangetsu?" Ichigo questioned as Shiro glared at the Reio.
"I have no rights to that name as he knows the other one by that name. My name is Shirosaki Ogichi and shall remain that way." growled Shiro.
"I see. And they are fine with that decision?" asked the Reio. Shiro just simply nodded his head.
"Would someone mind telling us what the hell is going on!?" both teens yelled out in unison.

The great sage introduced himself as Hagoromo Otsutsuki as Naruto was his great ancestor. This kind of shocked both Kurama and Naruto.
"Come now Kurama, didn't find it odd at how well he could perform sage mode or how much his mannerisms and appearance looks a bit like me?" asked Hagoromo. Kurama bowed his head as he said nothing as he knew that  Hagoromo was right.
"The being you know as Zangetsu and Tensa Zangetsu is a part of your Quincy powers. The one you know as Shirosaki is the true form of your zanpakuto. Shirosaki is the end product of a failed vasto lorde that had attacked both your parents. Your mother became infected by the hollow when it bit her. Your father kept it in check but, the hollow then transferred to you Ichigo." stated the Reio.
"And you didn't tell me?" Ichigo shouted at Shiro.
"Granted, I wasn't made aware of my past until Zangetsu came about but by then you have given me a true name. So I allowed Zangetsu to be known as your sword spirit." replied Shiro.
"All that aside, we had not called you here to have you punish and yell at your other halves. We are part of the reason to why you both can teleport between the two dimensions." Hagoromo stated.
"When we became aware of the threat to both realms we had to choose two warriors whom could restore the balance." added the Reio.
"And the ones that you chose was us." the two teens stated earning a nod from Hagoromo and the Reio.

"Ichigo no doubt both your zanpakuto's and hollow have told you what will happen if you perform Saigo no Getsuga [final moon fang]." stated the Reio.
"Yes I know as I am willing to risk everything that I have to put an end to Aizen." Ichigo replied.
'Stubborn and strong willed much like both of his parents.' the Reio thought to himself.
"Naruto, if you had remained within Konaha and still lived through the pain and torture, would you still be so willing to place your life on the line for them?" asked Hagoromo. Naruto looked at Ichigo and Kurama.
"We can't allow ourselves be judged by the way that other people see us. It was Kurama and Ichigo that taught me that. If I am to strive to become hokage one day then I should be more than willing to place my life on the line just as my parents did for me." Naruto replied. Both the Reio and Hagoromo looked at each other nodding their heads.
"Then allow us to aid you in your quest. Naruto as my ancestor I am giving you the power of the sage of six paths. It shall give you the necessary power to take down Obito." Hagoromo stated.
"Ichigo, usually by performing the Saigo no Getsuga [final moon fang] would cost you all of your powers, I am giving you a bit of my own power this way the attack won't have you lose your own powers but, it may leave you weakened until you can regain your full power." stated the Reio. Both Ichigo and Naruto nodded their heads that the understood what they were being given as they both were only going to get one shot at this.

Ichigo's  and Naruto's consciousness returned as they still found themselves trapped within the black coffin.
"Ready to do this Ichigo?" asked the jinchiriki as he opened his eyes to reveal what seemed to be a combination of the Rinnegan and Sharningan in his eyes. Ichigo said nothing as he moved his arm causing the black coffin to break. Both Aizen and Obito stared at the two teens in shock. Without saying a word, Naruto allowed Kurama's power lose as he transformed into a sage form of the Biju cloak as the golden chakra that almost looked like flames covered Naruto. Ichigo held out Tensa Zangetsu as black reishi began to cover his entire body as he became Getsuga itself. Ichigo's hair became much longer like it did when he was in vasto lorde form except it was all black. Dark grey wrapped bandages covered most of his body from the nose down only leaving one arm exposed as it had black tribal tattoo on it. Ichigo's normal chocolate brown eyes had become a golden reddish brown color. The two teens turned to one another as they shook hands. It was a silent farewell as they knew that the two realms needed to be returned to how they once was. The two teens stood side by side as black energy in the form of a sword was created in Ichigo's hand.
"Mugetsu [moonless sky]!" called out Ichigo as he swung the black energy sword. Naruto took out one of his father's special kunai as energy vibrated around the blade having it become a sword.
"Kyuu Tenma Sai [nine demon cut]!" snarled Naruto as he swung the kunai.

Black and golden energy shot out straight across from the two teens as it hit both Aizen and Obito cutting the two completely in half. The energy released by both Ichigo and Naruto became pure white as it separated the two realms restoring the balance. The ninjas and their Akatsuki allies vanished along with any traces of Konoha as the ninja world returned going back to where it rightfully belonged. Meanwhile up in the heavens the Reio and Hagoromo smiled.
"They did it. Too bad that they will all have to forget it ever happened." stated Hagoromo sadly. This caused the Reio to laugh.
"No my friend. Everyone of them shall remember what happened. The bonds that they have forged between the two realms shall be forever remembered by both sides." stated the Reio. Hagoromo looked at the soul king smiling as the a large smile was also stretched across the Reio's face.

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