twenty six- several years later

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using are my own attacks and/or attacks from other series!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Twenty Six- several years later

It has been several years since both Naruto and Ichigo had save their dimensions from total destruction. After the two realms had been restored back to where they rightfully belonged. The two dimension traveling teens had returned to a close to normal life for them. Naruto still did ninja missions even though he had lost all of his soul reaper powers. He still had Kurama as a part of him as he proposed to marry Hinata. Because of his instrumental part of saving the two realms, Naruto was made one of the youngest captain in history. Even after Tsunade had stepped down from being a hokage she had named Kakashi as the sixth hokage. Kakashi's first move was to name Naruto as the seventh.
"Naruto...... you still haven't picked your best man." Hinata stated as the couple was going over their wedding plans.
"The one person I would love to have as my best man can't be here Hina." replied Naruto sadly.
"I am sorry Naru." stated Hinata as she instantly knew the one person that Naruto wanted at his wedding. It was his adoptive brother, teammate, and close friend Ichigo Kurosaki.
"It is alright Hinata. It can't be helped. I wish he could be here for this important moment." stated Naruto. On the wall in his room where both Naruto and Hinata were going through the last minute preparations for their wedding. On a wall within Naruto's room was hanging his father's hokage robe, Ichigo's hollow mask, several photos of his families, friends, and teammates. After the ninja realm returned back to its rightful dimension, the rest of the Akatsuki was killed off. Nagato had moved to Konaha to be with his nephew. Naruto had found what remained of the Uzamaki clan as they now all lived with Naruto in the Namikaze compound along with Haku. A day hasn't gone by where Naruto hasn't thought about Ichigo as he missed the older teen. Naruto stared down at the book that he had been writing telling of the journey that he and Ichigo had been through.
*Naruto...... We have to get going.* Kurama stated in the back of the young man's mind.
*Thanks Kurama.* replied Naruto as he got up from the table. "Sorry I have to go Hina. I have a mission."
"It is alright Naruto. I can take care of the rest of the preparations." Hinata stated as she kissed Naruto on the cheek. Naruto nodded his head as he took off quickly heading towards the hokage towers.

Meanwhile, Ichigo was getting dressed for his graduation. Much like Naruto, he had the memories of his time with Naruto and everyone hanging on the wall of his bedroom. He missed the rowdy blond jinchiriki. Ichigo was made an honorary soul reaper because of the instrumental part he played in saving the Seireitei several times during major crisis's. Ichigo was graduating college today with all of his friends. He had also proposed to his girlfriend Orihime. A part of him wished that Naruto could be here with him.
"Ichigo hurry up or we are going to be late!" yelled out Karin.
"Yeah hold your horses I am coming!" he shouted back. It took the twins the longest to get over the fact that they would no longer have Naruto as a part of their family. Ichigo gently touched the leaf headband with a soft smile on his face. 'I miss you so much Naruto. I hope that your achieving your dream of becoming the hokage.' Ichigo thought to himself before he headed downstairs where his family was waiting for him.

Meanwhile up within the heavens the Reio and Hagoromo got to talking. The two young men who were very instrumental in saving both the Seireitei and Konoha seemed almost miserable.
"So we are at an agreement?" asked Hagoromo.
"Yes.... It will be interesting to see how those two will react." replied the Reio with a wide smile stretched across his face. The Reio allowed his powers along with Hagoromo's to flare out as they knew that the two dimension traveling young men where going to be in for the shock of their lives.

After the graduation ceremony was over with, Ichigo and Orihime were heading to the local bookstore. The book that Orihime was waiting for had finally come in.
" You didn't have to come with me Ichigo." stated the young woman.
"I haven't had the chance to truly gotten a chance to hangout with you because I had been busy with exams." Ichigo replied.
"Among other things." added Orihime as they finally reached the bookstore. As Orihime went off to get her book, Ichigo began to look around as he picked up a random book as he read the title and author, Ichigo's jaw nearly hit the floor.
'I can't believe it. How is it possible?' Ichigo thought to himself.
*King what's the matter? You look like you have seen a ghost.* stated Shiro in the back of Ichigo's mind.
*In some ways I have. See for yourself.* replied Ichigo. Ichigo felt Shiro take over as he looked down at the book Ichigo held in his hands the title read 'Tale of a gutsy shinobi and the duty bound shinigami. By Uzumaki Namikaze.'
*Impossible. How in the world?* Shiro asked before they could feel the same familiar pull when they were able to teleport between dimensions.

Meanwhile, Naruto had returned from his mission. He was just outside of the gates to Konoha when he felt it. The same pull from when he was able to teleport between dimensions.
*Kit, do you sense that?* Kurama asked. Naruto allowed himself to go into sage mode as he felt a familiar presence.
*It can't be. He can't be here!* Naruto thought to himself as he quickly ran off to find if what he was sensing. Ichigo was here in Konaha but how and why was beyond him. Naruto was able to track the presence down to find Ichigo unconscious. Naruto felt his knees collapse from underneath him as tears streaked down his face. "Ichigo.... You're back." Naruto stated in a soft whisper. He didn't know how it was possible or even why but he was glad to see the older substitute soul reaper.

As Ichigo slowly regained consciousness he found himself within a hospital but it wasn't one within Karakura. Ichigo turned his head to the side to see a familiar blond jinchuriki sitting by his bedside.
"Oh how the tables have turned. I remembered it was me on the bed and you were sitting by my side." stated Naruto with a wide smile on his face. Ichigo quickly got out of bed hugging Naruto tightly. He didn't know how it was possible or even why but, he was back in Konaha. Naruto returned the hug as he never thought he would see Ichigo again. "How did you get here? I thought that once the realms returned to their natural state that I would never see you again."
"I don't know to tell you the truth. I was in the bookstore with Orihime when it happened. I was holding one of your books. I am guessing that they had something to do with it. Not that I am complaining. You have to tell me everything that has happened since I have been gone." Ichigo replied.
"My book? Have you read it yet?" asked Naruto as Ichigo looked down at his hands to see the book was still in his hands. Ichigo shook his head no. "Perhaps I should autograph it and tell you everything. You have to do the same. And be the best man at my wedding if they will allow you to stay here."
"So you and Hinata are tying the knot. What about the hokage?"
"I am going to be the seventh. Kakashi is hokage now." replied Naruto.
"Of course I will be your best man. Only if you can come to mine and be my best man."
"We should totally have a double wedding and invite everyone!" Naruto exclaimed. Ichigo loved the idea as he grabbed out his cellphone calling home.

While Ichigo was in Konoha he got to see all the friends he had made with the ninja's. He had found out after the war Sasuke had lost his inner demon Hakai as the curse mark had been fully purged from his body. All of the jinchuriki that had died had been reborn along with their respective biju. All of the biju are striving to make their villagers better and to become hokages. Much to Ichigo's and Naruto's surprise when the Reio and Hagoromo had allowed the gates to Naruto's realm to become open from the Seireitei this way the Kurosaki clan could see and visit Naruto's realm. Naruto was in tears when he reunited with the Kurosaki family as they were proud of all the things that he had done when the young man filled them in. The Reio and Hagoromo had allowed also Kurama and Shiro to reunite within their respective mindscapes. Soon the wedding of the century between Ichigo Kurosaki and Orihime Inoue along with Naruto Uzamaki and Hinata Hyuga. All of the soul reapers along with the friends that knew the truth about Naruto had attended. Hell even the Reio and Hagoromo attended. After the wedding was over with and everyone was at the after party, Ichigo and Naruto had tracked down the Reio and Hagoromo finding the two talking.
"Why?" was the first question out of the young men's lips.
"Because you two have developed a bond that we never thought possible. Even after the realms where restored, you were both miserable as you both missed each other. After a long talk we had come to agreement to allow both realms to be reunited this way you two can continue your strong bond that seemed to bring many people together and break down the boundaries. We hope that you will continue to pass this guidance along to your children and your children's children." both the Reio and Hagoromo replied. All Naruto and Ichigo could do was to nod their heads grateful for the gift that the soul king and the sage of the sixth paths was giving them. A way for them to remain a family and continue the bond of friendship the two had strongly formed since the very beginning.

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