twenty two- the war begins

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using are my own attacks and/or attacks from other series!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Twenty Two- the war begins

It had only been several days since Naruto had left the Kurosaki going bak to his home dimension in order to train for the upcoming war.  Even though Ichigo hated to admit this out loud but he was starting to miss the blond Jinchuriki.  Ichigo was also training hard within his mindscape.  Ichigo was learning how to perform the Saigo No Getsuga [final moon fang heaven piercer].  The move alone would cost Ichigo his soul reaper powers.  So Ichigo knew only to use it as a last resort.  Ichigo was training hard working on perfecting some of his jutsus and zanpakuto attacks.

"King focus..... Your mind is drifting!" snapped out Shiro.  Ichigo luckily dodged Shiro's attack at the last minute.

"Sorry Shiro.  I guess that I can't seem to focus." replied Ichigo with a sheepish grin across his face.  His eyes darted over to the four different colored buildings that eisted within his mindscape.  There was a blood red building which was Ichigo's link to Naruto and Kyuubi, a tan building which was Ichigo's link to Gaara and Shukaku, a redish-orange building which was Ichigo's link to Sasuke and Hakai, the last one was a darker brown building which was Ichigo's link to Killer Bee and Gyuuki (8 tails host & Biju).  Even though Ichigo had made a mental connection with each inner demon and their human host, Ichigo's connection to Naruto was far stronger.

"You are concerned about Naruto.  I know that possibly Kyuubi and Naruto are training also.  This war will take every inch of power we possess." stated Shiro.  Ichigo let out a long sigh as he went back into an attack stance.

"I know Shiro.  Come on we don't want to lag behind."  Shiro smiled as he lept back into an attack stance.

Meanwhile, Naruto was also training hard.  He was learning better control over the Tailed Beast Mode, summoning Kyuubi from beyond the seal, melding their chakra, and perfecting not only his jutsu's but also zanpakuto attacks.  Naruto was also working on perfecting his father's signature jutsu, The Flying Thunder God.  Naruto was much quicker than even his father thanks because of Kyuubi's abilities.  It didn't take long for Naruto to perfect his father's jutsu.  Now Naruto was working on getting the hang of his mother's ability to produce Jinchuriki Binding Chains.  The chains would enable him to bind either the Jinchuriki and/or Biju.  But since because the Jinchuriki that had their Biju ripped from out of them were now dead, Naruto had hoped to use them against the Biju.  His test subject of course was Kyuubi.

"Come on Kit, I know that you can focus better than that!" growled out Kyuubi whom was in his true beast form.  Naruto paused as he let out a long sigh.  He never realized just how much he was going to miss Ichigo. "Thinking about Ichigo?" asked the fox.

"Yeah..... Sorry!" Naruto replied.

"It is understandable." stated Kyuubi causing the ninja to look at the fox in confusion.  "Ichigo is the first person you had a real close bond with.  Think about how it was like before we leapt and how everyone treated you.  I had no clue at the time that when I allowed you to perform the teleportation jutsu that we would leap to a different dimension."

"But think about all of the good things that came from me landing in Ichigo's world.  I should thank you as my life had changed perhaps for the best." Naruto stated as this caused Kyuubi to smile as he knew that the Jinchuriki spoke the truth.

As the two beings whom played an important part in stopping the two dimensions ultimate destruction trained, both Madara and Aizen begun to make their move.  The two realms slowly began to merge as if becoming one.  Even though Madara still needed the one tail, eight tail, and nine tail's beast charka in order to resurrect the ten tails, Madara hoped that he could syphon off the three Jinchuriki's chakra while in battle to use the ten tails to pull off his "Eye of the Moon Plan."  They would wipe out all of the evil and impure in the world to create the oken.  Once Aizen had become the Soul King, they would use the jutsu to cause the two realms to be reborn.  While the two were making their move, the allies to both the ninja and the Seireitei alerted them to the plans.  Head captain Yamamoto along with the Hokage Tsunade noticed how the realms were beginning to merge.  So steps were made to make sure that no one got hurt in this fight.  A jutsu was casted on all the civilians in both realms putting them to a deep sleep.  The slumbering civilians were then moved to the Seireitei where they were placed under the guard of the Shinigami that were chosen to remain behind.  Yamamoto used special pillars to bring the two realms to the Seireitei making sure that the two realms remained separated.  Using these same pillars, Yamamoto created a mirror image of the two realms.  Those whom were willing to fight, were made to prepare for war.

Meanwhile deep within both Ichigo's and Naruto's mindscape, the two teens had finally perfected their newfound powers and abilities. 

"It seems not a moment too soon.  It seems that we are being summoned." the teens stated before they left their mindscapes.  Both were already in their soul forms when they leapt.  The two found themselves within the mirrored illusion of the two realms completely merged as they had an army of Shinigami, Vizards, and ninja standing before them.  Both teens could see a wall of fire which kept Aizen and Madara trapped along their high ranking lieutenants.  No words were needed to be spoken as it seemed that their enemies weren't aware of the two teen's presence.

"Naruto..... Wait!" called out Sasuke.

"What's up Sasuke?" questioned Naruto.

"I can help you and Ichigo fight Madara.  My Sharningan can quickly analize and counter act his own."

*Take him with us Kit.  I don't wish to fall victim to those eyes again.  Twice was plenty enough.* Kyuubi stated.  Naruto simply nodded his head as he took both Ichigo and Sasuke by the arm using the Flying Thunder God to teleport them elsewhere. After they landed and could see everything that was going on from their vantage point, Naruto got a good look at Ichigo as he seemed much older and even taller than before as his hair was also longer.  Tensa Zangetsu's chain was wrapped around his sword arm as near his wrist, his hand was wrapped tight in bindings.  Usually Naruto could sense Ichigo's spiritual pressure but he was sensing nothing from his adoptive brother/teammate.  Ichigo also took the chance to look at Naruto.  Naruto wore his father's hokage robes over his standard ninja uniform (shippuden clothes).  If Ichigo didn't know any better he would have sworn that Naruto was Minato.  Naruto was the spitting image of the fourth hokage as his hair had gotten a bit longer and had some red highlights in it.  His sapphire blue eyes now had slitted pupils.

The three teens prepared to strike at a moment's notice.  They could see Aizen and Madara break free from the wall of fire as both looked totally different from the first time they had met the two.  Aizen looked almost like a hollow as the Hogyoku sat in the middle of his chest.  Large butterfly wings had emerged from his back.  His eyes where similar to Shiro's except them being gold, they were sky blue.  A purple diamond was imbedded into the middle of his forhead as his brown hair was much longer (Aizen's third form).  Madara on the other hand Kyuubi knew wasn't the true name of the being that they were seeing.

*That's not Madara Uchiha.  He is definitely an Uchiha but his scent is the same as the one who forced me to attack the village.  I don't know who he is.* Kyuubi growled mentally.  The man claiming to be Madara Uchiha looked the same age as some of the jonin captain.  Half of his face where the Sharingan resided looked wrinkled and deformed.  The Sharingan was only in his left eye as his right eye had the Rinnegan.  He had short raven black hair as he was wearing the standard Akatsuki robes (Obito umasked).  The three teens watched as Aizen's and so called Madara's lieutenants fell one by one as soon only Aizen and the one who called himself Madara remained.  At this point Naruto used the Flying Thunder God to move as they appeared before the main two villains.

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