twenty one- the calm before the storm

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using are my own attacks and/or attacks from other series!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Twenty One - calm before the storm

After changing Nagato's mind about attacking the leaf village, both Ichigo and Naruto headed back with the three Akatsuki members. They had told both Sasuke and Gaara mentally to alert everyone in the village that these members of the Akatsuki were on their side. Shukaku was worried as he has never seen Kyuubi loose his cool before.

*Nope..... That was all Naruto. Seeing someone that you love and care for killed before your eyes is bound to bring out the worst within you.*

*Yeah in more ways than one. We were almost barely able to snap him out of it.* stated Shiro.

*I am just glad that while I was enraged that I didn't hurt anyone or destroy the village.* Naruto stated mentally as he shuttered to think about how bad it could have been.

*Don't worry Kit. No matter how close you come to lose control, you will always have people to pull you back.* stated Kyuubi.

*He's right Naru. Even though your parents' chakra isn't within you any more, you still have me here to pull you back from the brink of insanity. Because I know that you would do the same for me.* stated Ichigo.

When Ichigo and Naruto entered into the village, they were given a hero's welcome. It brought tears of joy to Naruto's face as he knew how some of these people viewed him as. Naruto could could see Hinata running up to him. Naruto caught her as she wrapped her arms around the Jinchuriki hugging him close.

"Hinata are you all right? Have your wounds been fully healed? Did I hurt you while I was.....?" Hinata stopped Naruto's questions by giving him a full on aggressive kiss to the lips. Naruto moaned softly melting into Hinata's kiss. The two broke apart when the need for air grew.

"I am fine Naruto. But you had me worried especially when I saw you go into a six tails state because of Kyuubi." Naruto rested his forehead against Hinata's as his lips quivered almost afraid to ask her if she thought that he was a monster. Hinata could almost sense Naruto's distress as she hugged him tighter. "You are not a monster Naruto. It is thanks to you and Kyuubi that everyone is safe." she whispered softly into Naruto's ear. Hinata's words caused Naruto to break down into tears.

After everything was said and over with, the three Arrancars decided to head back to Hueco Mundo to prepare for the upcoming war. Before they left Urahara gave them a soul pager in order to contact the group for when Aizen and Madara decided to make their move. The Shinigami also were going to head back to prepare as well. Isshin offered to bring their human allies home to Karakura.

"Thanks dad. Naruto and I may stay a while here before we leap back. This maybe the last time that I get to spend with him and the people here in the leaf village." stated Ichigo. Isshin nodded his head that he understood. Ichigo kissed his girlfriend whispering into her ear that he would see her later. Sanji opened up a senkaimon leading the Shinigami and humans from Karakura back home. Once the senkaimon closed, Ichigo proceeded to start taking off his leaf headband that was tied around his arm but, he was stopped by Tsunade.

"Keep it Kurosaki, as a memory of everything that you have done here. You will always be ninja of the leaf despite that you will no longer be within this realm. In honor of it possibly being your last time here, I think a celebration shall be held!" stated the fifth hokage. A resounding cheer echoed through the leaf. Naruto smiled at Ichigo as he knew that no matter what laid before them, the Jinchuriki wasn't going to ever forget Ichigo and everything that he has done to help Naruto to become a better person.

Both Naruto and Ichigo headed back to the Namikaze estates. Ichigo proceeded to pack several of his belongings that he had within the leaf village. Ichigo couldn't help but to smile at the photos of him, Naruto, Haku and Captain Yamato when they first truly became Special Squad One. There was another photo of the team all grown up as Naruto and Ichigo were wearing their sage robes along with Jiriaya. The last and final picture that he packed was off all the squads, their captains, and the two hokages in front of the hokage monument. Ichigo placed his sage robes along with leaf headband into the bag. A knock disturbed him as he turned his head to see Naruto standing by the doorway wearing his usual shinobi attire (the shippuden jumpsuit with sage robes).

"Hey Naruto, I was just finishing packing up." Ichigo stated. He was going to hate to say goodbye but he knew that once they had stopped Aizen and Madara, the balance between the two realms will be restored forcing the two to live apart. But neither one of them was going to forget the other one as they became such close friends and comrades. Urahara's shop was already closed as he had returned back to the human world.

"I know. Both Kyuubi and I wanted you to have this." stated Naruto as he gave Ichigo a fox Anbu mask that looked a lot like Kyuubi's face with red marking on the white mask. "Both Kyuubi and I found it as I think it belonged to my parents at one point in time. Both Kyuubi and I altered it using our chakra and reishi as it looks similar to your hollow mask." stated Naruto. Ichigo smiled as he took the mask placing it with the rest of his belongings.

"Thanks you two as I will treasure it always." Ichigo replied as he brought his hand before his face. Naruto could feel Ichigo's reishi spike.

*Go for it King. Even if we vanish from this world, our mask shall remain with them as our memento.* stated Shiro. A full hollow mask appeared on Ichigo's face. When it was fully in place, Ichigo reached up carefully taking off the mask as it remained in one piece.

"Shiro and I want you to have this one in replace for the mask that you are giving us. If you become an Anbu use it." stated Ichigo. Naruto took the mask with a bright smile on his face. He promised Ichigo that he would use it as he knew no other Anbu would have that kind of face mask.

After spending time within Naruto's realm, both teens leapt back to Karakura Town. It was time for Naruto to pack some of his belongings that he had at the Kurosaki house. Also Naruto needed to say goodbye to the only family that he has ever known. Naruto would be eternally grateful to the Kuroskai family. They have given him things that he would normally never have if he had lived within Konohakagure. The Kurosaki family was possibly the first people who ever treated Naruto like a human being even after they had learned the truth about what Naruto truly was. Both teens arrived at the Kurosaki clinic to find the mod souls Kon and Kurama inhabiting their bodies.

"Hey you two are you back for good now?" asked Kon.

"I am but, Naruto isn't going to be here any longer. We all knew that this day would come eventually." replied Ichigo.

"Naru..... Even though you won't be a shinigami any longer, would it be alright if I continue to be with you?" asked Kurama.

"The Seireitei has no problem with that." answered the voice of Isshin. "Most mod souls like you and Kon have been destroyed in the past. But, since because you two play a huge part in saving the realms. They feel that you should keep your mod soul along with the substitute badge Naruto." Tears streaked down Naruto's face as he took Kurama's mod soul from out of his body and placed it into the fox plush. "Come on you two. Karin and Yuzu are waiting for us. Get dressed into suits as we are going out to eat at a restaurant." stated Isshin. The two teens nodded their heads as Ichigo went back into his gigai along with Naruto. Naruto had packed up the two family photos of him with the Kurosaki family from when he first arrived within this realm and another one with all of their friends, mod souls, and Kurosaki family. Ichigo was dressed within a black suit set with a red dress shirt and black tie. Naruto was dressed in a white suit set with a black dress shirt. He struggled to place on his orange tie. Ichigo laughed as he helped Naruto with the tie.

"Still having troubles with it even after all of this time? I would have thought that by now you have learned how to tie a damn tie."

"Sure laugh it up Ichigo. I can't help it if I will never wear things like this if I had lived in my world. I don't want to say goodbye to you guys as you are a big part of my life. I know that I will forever treasure the memories that I have." Naruto stated as he began to break down into tears. Ichigo grabbed Naruto hugging him close.

"I know Naruto. I feel the same way. But this is what has to be." Ichigo stated trying to fight his own tears. Neither one of them wanted to break the inseparable bond that they had formed from the very first time they have meet up until the present. But each of them had to prepare in their own ways for what was going to happen. Naruto was going back to his realm to learn from his parents scroll how to perform his father's signature technique the Flying Thunder God and his mother's Jinchuriki Chains. While Ichigo was going to learn from his father the Saigo no Getsuga Tensho [Final Moon Fang Heaven Piercer]. Both teens knew that they had to give this war their all or else the two realms would be forever destroyed.

After his last dinner with the Kurosaki family, Naruto said his goodbyes. Both Karin and Yuzu had broken down into tears as they didn't want to say goodbye to Naruto. But they knew that he didn't belong in their world.

"You have to become hokage Naruto. I won't forgive you if you don't!" Karin snarled. Naruto laughed as he messed up her hair.

"You know that I will become a hokage one day. You better believe it!" Naruto stated with a bright smile.

"Naruto..... I want you to have this. It's a cook book with some of your favorite recipes. I don't know if your world has some of the same items but you can try to make some of the items while you think about us."

"Thanks Yuzu-chan. I am sure Haku and I will put them to good use." replied Naruto as his body began to vanish once they had gotten back home. Ichigo handed Naruto his stuff as the two teens made a silent vow that they will see each other on the battlefield to stop Aizen and Madara.

"Take care of yourself Naruto Uzamaki. We will never forget you as you will always be a member of this family." stated Isshin.

"Thanks for everything guys. I will forever be within your debt for everything that you have done for me. You made me feel welcomed and loved even despite where I came from and what I hold within me. It means the world to me as you guys will always be a part of my heart forever!" Naruto stated as his body leapt back to Konaha. All traces of Naruto's presence had left Karakura.

'We will stop Aizen and Madara no matter what!' both teens stated as they began their intense training.

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