Chapter 1

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Kilian woke up on the beach, chills running through him. He had a dream that he and Emilee were separated after getting sucked into a swirling vortex, and they never saw each other again. He carefully looked around, slowly moving his head. He saw Emilee, his Espeon sweetheart, who he had loved even in a past life, resting on him.

He put his head on the sand, the sight of his girlfriend comforting to him, as was her soft purring. But as he was about to close his eyes, he saw two faint flashes of light on the horizon, one blue, one pink. He gently shook his body, trying to wake Emilee up. "Oh, hey Kilian, why did you wake me up," Emilee yawned.

"Emilee, I saw two flashes over on the horizon. I think we should check them out." "Well, alright then. Lead the way, oh mighty Salamence," Emilee said with a giggle. She mounted the green Salamence that she cared for so much, and they took off for the south.

While they were flying, they saw a Ralts, laying down next to Keeton, their Shiny Gallade friend, and his girlfriend, Haylee Raichu. "Wait, who the heck is that," Kilian asked. "I'm not sure, but it looks like it knows Keeton. Hang on, I'll try talking to it," Emilee said, before using her powers to telepathically contact the Ralts.

Because she was standing on him, Kilian could hear what Emilee got back in the connection, and what she was saying. "H-hello? Who is this," the Ralts asked. "That's what I'm asking! Who are you, and why are you next to Keeton," Emilee asked. "Wait, who's Keeton? Isn't the Shiny Gallade's name Gary?"

Hearing Gary's name sent chills down Kilian's spine. "No, his name is Keeton! Where did you even come from," Kilian asked. "I just hatched in one of the nearby buildings. I'm looking for my parents. I know that my dad is named Gary, and my mom is named Raven. Do you know where they are?"

"Umm, about that..." Emilee said, before an explosion came from the spot of the light flashes. "Look, kid, we have to do something, but we have to say, Gary isn't the Shiny Gallade, he was a Gengar, and a conqueror, before I killed him to save the whole region." Kilian and Emilee cut the transmission, leaving the Ralts to her dreams, before speeding off to the flashes of light.

They stopped near Dewford Town, where they saw the sources of light. Behind the island, by Granite Cave, was Dialga and Palkia, locked in a fierce battle. "Dialga! Palkia! Why are you doing this," Emilee yelled at them. "Because, Emilee, our rivalry is as old and as fierce as time and space itself," the Palkia said.

"But why here? There are many Pokémon that you could hurt or kill by doing this,"Kilian told them. "You're right, Kilian, we should move this battle, but I will try and end it before that," the Dialga said, before launching a fearsome Roar of Time at the Palkia. The Palkia countered the attack by slashing the attack out of the air with it's now glowing claws, so hard that the attack became a Spatial Rend.

The resulting combination created a swirling vortex of energy, that attempted to suck in the Salamence and Espeon duo. Kilian tried to fly away, but the vortex pulled harder. Desperate, Kilian Mega Evolved to escape, and almost did, but as he was about to break free from the vortex, he felt something calling to him.

A presence, one that had something he had always desired, but could never have. A child's voice, beckoning the Shiny Dragon/Flying-type Pokémon into the hole, saying, "Aren't you going to take me with you?"

"Emilee, I don't know why, but I think we should go inside the vortex!" "Oh, you hear it too? That child's voice?" "Yes, I do! It might be worth the shot!" "Let's do it then!" Kilian turned around, and flew deep into the void, ready for whatever would come next.

(Dimension shift to human world)

Alex, the human boy turned Gallade, was walking back to his house. He had a large amount of wood in his arms, to be used for firewood. He set the wood down in the stockpile, and went inside. Melanie, his Gardevoir girlfriend, was sitting inside, her legs wrapped around their new egg.

It had been a week or so since it first appeared, and Melanie cared for it greatly. She even spent the first day after it appeared in a sort of vegetative state, just listening to and watchIng it, only moving to eat and sleep. "So, how's our child doing," Alex asked, shaking Melanie from her trance-like state. "Pretty good. Mostly silent, but every now and then, I feel like I hear a noise from it."

"Well, you've been just sitting there for a few hours now. How about you go do something and I watch our new family member?" "Well, I have been sitting here all day, what's the harm in walking around a bit?" Melanie stood up, picked up the egg, and handed it to Alex.

"Now, I don't think that this is something that I need to tell you, but..." "Be careful, don't be reckless, I know. Go on, have fun!" "Alright then. I'll be back soon," Melanie said, sharing a kiss with Alex before she left.

Alex took the egg back to the chair he had made the other day. He was certain that this time, it wouldn't break almost immediately. He was correct, as the chair didn't break this time, and he set the egg between his legs. "Well, it's just you and me now. I'm Alex, and I'm your daddy. Your mommy has gone for a walk, and now I'm watching you." A few minutes passed, and nothing happened. "Man, watching an egg isn't nearly as exciting as I thought it would be. Hmm, maybe I could teach its contents something," Alex thought. "So, future child of mine, can you say Daddy? Don't be shy, just say Daddy." Then, Alex heard an unknown voice, a voice that said, "Dad...dy."

"Wait, was that you, egg?" "Dad...dy. Daddy," the egg continued. "Wow! This is amazing! Hey, can you say mommy?" " Mommy." "Great! Now say 'I love you, mommy!' Can you do that?" "I...I love m-mommy. I love you, mommy." "Oh, man, Melanie will love this," he thought. "Melanie? Where are you," he asked Melanie telepathically. "I'm close by, Alex. What's wrong?" "Our child is doing something that I think you should see." Instantly, Melanie teleported to their hut at the words 'our child.' "Alex, I'm here! What's wrong!" "Okay, egg, like we practiced." "I love you, mommy," the egg said.

Melanie covered her mouth with her hands and gasped. "Oh my god. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Melanie ran up to Alex and wrapped her arms around him. "Oh, this is amazing! It's actually talking to us! How did you do this?" "Well, I was just sort of bored, so I jokingly asked it, 'Can you say daddy,' and sure enough, they can." "Oh, this great! Thank you, Alex!" They spent the rest of the day teaching their egg words, before eating dinner and going to sleep.

Melanie woke up, a feeling of unease rushing through her. She shook Alex awake. "Alex, something's wrong. I think our child is in danger!" Alex sprung up, rushing into the front room, with Melanie following him. They stopped when they saw the weirdest thing since their transformation. A Houndoom, tall, black, and menacing. Not a dog dressed like a Houndoom, a real-life Houndoom, standing next to their egg, which was wrapped in a blanket.

The Houndoom looked over at them, grabbed the bundle in it's mouth, and took off. "Get back here, you mangy mutt," Alex said, running after the Houndoom. He and Melanie chased the Houndoom to the area with the view of the waterfall. There, the Houndoom met up with a strange man dressed like a member of Team Rocket. "Good job, Lucifer! This egg will make a great ally when it hatches." "Mommy? Daddy," the egg asked. "Wait, did this egg just talk?" "Yeah, and it's ours," Melanie said.

She used her telekinesis to take the egg from the grunts hands, while Alex threw the Houndoom into a tree, before knocking it out with a powerful punch. "Wait, what's happening? Why are these Pokémon speaking?" His questions were cut short by two loud roars from the falls.

They looked over to see a Dialga and a Palkia, dueling like always. "Dialga, and Palkia? Why are they here," the grunt asked. The Dialga roared so hard, it launched a wave of energy at the Palkia. The Palkia countered by slashing the attack with it's claws so hard, a trail of broken space followed it.

"No! Roar of Time and Spatial Rend! This isn't good," the grunt said. The resulting combination caused a swirling black vortex to form. It started out small, but rapidly expanded. "Melanie," Alex yelled. He rushed towards Melanie and held her and their egg tight. "Even when we're facing imminent death, I'll never let you go." They shared a heartfelt kiss, before the pull of the vortex overcame them, sucking them into the infinite blackness of the void.

(In the Pokémon world, our story begins)

Jacob and Natalie Daines were resting after their victory against Team Sutilis. Their mother was back on their side, Josh and Megan were safe, and they had all day to have fun and rest. Jacob was resting in the field behind their house, while Natalie was talking with Josh.

He was almost asleep, but was shaken out of it when Megan came over, her golden hair and green eyes shining in the sun. "Hey there, sleepyhead! Why are you going to sleep on such a beautiful day," she asked.

"Well, our day has been busy. I mean, Natalie fought a full fledged battle before she ate breakfast, and I had to watch my dad fight who was technically my uncle. At this point, I don't want to do anything. I'm so exhausted, I barely want to talk to you right now. So if you could leave me be, that would be nice."

"Well, alright then, if that's what you wanna do," Megan replied, before plopping down next to him. He just playfully rolled his eyes and smiled. "So, what's the route across Unova that we'll be taking," Megan asked. Jacob sat up and looked at Megan.

"Well, we have Aspertia, Flocessy, and Virbank to get through, then from Castelia, we have the option of going through Pinwheel Forest to Nacrene, then Straiton, Accumula, and Nuvema, or straight to Nimbasa. After that, we'll go to Driftveil and Mistralton, then either Icirrus or Lentimas and Undella, then to Opelucid, then to Humilau, over to and past Victory Road, and then we'll be at the Pokémon League."

"Wow, you and Natalie weren't kidding when you said that you had been planning for years. You planned out the freaking detours!" "Yeah, I know, but we might not have to take them. We all already have Pokémon, so we don't need to go to Nuvema Town for starter Pokémon, and it's faster to go to Opelucid through Icirrus rather than Lentimas and Undella."

Suddenly, an ear piercing sound split the air, and a strange wind formed behind the two kids. They got up and turned around, and saw a vortex opening in the sky, with a large green dragon with orange wings falling out of it towards the field.

Megan and Jacob stepped back, careful not to get crushed, until the dragon hit the ground. Everyone came rushing to see what it was. The dragon was a Shiny Salamence, with a wristband around its front right arm carrying a Mega Stone. He had a look of concern and anguish on his face. "Whoa, a Shiny Salamence! What happened to it," Malus asked. Megan pressed her hand on the Salamence's forehead, reading into it's thoughts.

"Guys, this thing is weird. It's from another region, was pulled here by a vortex that formed when Dialga and Palkia were fighting, and he needs someone named Emilee." The Salamence awoke at the mention of Emilee. "Where is she? Tell me where she is," the drake roared.

"We don't know where she is! We don't even know who she is," Josh yelled. The Salamence swatted them all away with its tail, causing our heroes to slide across the ground. Jacob and Natalie took a small beating from the slide, landing on their backs, while everyone else slid back onto their feet.

Jacob grabbed the Pokéball of his trusty Electivire, Voltaire, while Natalie grabbed the Pokéball of her Shiny Togepi, Mardi. "Voltaire, show this Salamence who gets to do what," Jacob said, sending out his Pokémon. "You too, Mardi, make a wall for Voltaire with your Fairy-typing," Natalie said, sending out her orange Togepi. The two Pokémon rushed the raging green dragon, ready to protect their trainers.

"Voltaire, Ice Punch!" Voltaire's fist began freezing over, before he struck the Salamence. He seemed to strike it so hard that a trail of white light and broken air followed the attack, and Voltaire got flung as well. Unfortunately, the Salamence saw the attack from a mile away, and used a Quick Attack to counter, which produced the trail of light. Voltaire was sent flying across the field, not fainted, but certainly out of the fight for a bit.

"Alright, Mardi, go for a Metronome," Natalie said. Mardi wagged his finger and jumped into the air, crashing into the ground to cause tremors. Mardi had rolled Earthquake, but it didn't affect the part Flying-type Pokémon. The Salamence began to glow and change, before being enveloped in the usual ball of light. When it cracked and broke, the off-colored drake had Mega Evolved, and wasted no time resuming the fight.

The Mega Salamence flew into the air, before crashing down on Mardi in a cone of light and air. When the dust settled, Mardi was surrounded in a blue bubble of energy, having used Protect to block the hit. "Alright, Mardi, use Metronome again!" Mardi wagged his finger, before a large purple claw of energy appeared in front of him. Mardi rushed towards the Salamence, who was preparing its own Dragon Claw to counter Mardi's.

But, as the Salamence prepared to counter, Mardi rolled under the dragon, doing a wide slash with his Dragon Claw. Mardi struck the Salamence in many spots, but his front-right arm was the most painful. Mardi's attack cut off the wristband holding the Mega Stone, causing the Salamence to revert out of its Mega Form. While it was turning back, Megan leapt onto the Salamence, calming it down by hitting the back of its neck. It fell to the ground, barely able to move, while the others came back to it.

"No, how did you strike there? That spot is so small, only other Pokémon should be able to hit it!" "Well, you aren't wrong about that," Megan said, transforming her arm into her Latias arm, before turning it back. "Wait, how are you doing that? Are you a Pokémon?" "Yes, I am, but I choose to stay in a human form. It's kept me safe for most of my life." "Well, this is truly a strange world I've landed in." "Oh yeah, who are you? Why did you come here," Natalie asked

"Well, alright, I'll talk. Now I know what it's like to be Elijah. So, my name is Kilian Salamence, and I'm from the Hoenn Region." "Oh yeah, that place. Let me guess, you lived in Meteor Falls," Jacob said. "Yes, that would be correct, but now that I've graduated school, I started an adventure with my friends, and we were in Rustboro City when I got pulled here, or what's left of it at least."

"Wait, what do you mean what's left of it? It's still a heavily populated city," Josh said. "Yes, that may be true for you, but I have come from a different universe. You see, around 1,500 years before I was born, a large meteor wiped out most humans on my planet. Since then, Pokémon have evolved further, and now live mostly like humans. As such, I lived in a house, and went to school, and had a-a girlfriend," Kilian said, a tear coming into his eye.

"Oh, I see, she left you," Megan asked. "No, we were separated when we went through the portal. But, because of that meteor crash, I've never even seen a human, at least, until now." "So, you mentioned a fellow named Elijah, did you not," Mr. Daines asked.

"Ah, yes, that poor son of a Muk. He was a friend of mine. You see, I had learned that an old rival of mine, Gary Gengar, was still around after me and 4 other friends blew him to kingdom come. He conquered the Hoenn Region in only 6 months, before being defeated by me and my friends at Meteor Falls. We were able to prepare, with the help of a former scout for Gary, a Ninjask named Elijah. He was orphaned at a young age, went to school with us for the 6 months between his turning and Gary's invasion of Meteor Falls, and even had to kill his own brother, who had fallen to darkness. But, Gary killed him, and he was one of many casualties." "So, who else were your friends," Malus asked.

"Well, there's Joey, a Zweilous and all round super nerd; Haylee, a Raichu, and the youngest of the group, at only 10, but definitely the smartest; Josh, a Forretress and stonewall kind of guy; there's Keeton, a Gallade that is duty bound like nothing else, both to Haylee, who is his girlfriend, and to his friends. He's also a Shiny Pokémon, so he and I had each other's company. There's also Samantha Scizor and Valerie Vullaby, who I don't know quite well, all I know about them is that they're Josh's and Joey's girlfriends respectively, and Ellie, a Sceptile and Elijah's former girlfriend, before he died." "Ouch, that must have been hard. You sound like you fought quite valiantly," Jacob said.

"Yes, we did, but we did lose some friends in the Siege of Meteor Falls. We lost the aforementioned Elijah, as well as Bode Blaziken and Logan Swampert, two of Ellie's best friends, and Raven, Keeton's twin sister and a Shiny Gardevoir, who fell to evil after temporarily killing Haylee and outright killing another student. She left Meteor Falls after accidentally killing a student named Olivia, who was a Dewott who evolved while trying to push against Raven's Hyper Beam, but lost. Raven fled, and sometime afterwards, she was caught and brainwashed onto evil's side." Josh and Megan had a look that showed that they knew what that felt like. "In the end, she was killed by her twin brother, and he hasn't been the same since." "Wait, there was one more person, Emilee. Who was she," Natalie asked.

"Ah, yes, Emilee. She's an Espeon, and someone that I care for very much. We met on the first day of 7th grade, back when I was still a Bagon, and she was still an Eevee, and were inseparable after that. We've fought our way through bullies, evolution, and even the fact that we're in different Egg Groups, and could never have children together, all to be with each other. We were inspecting two flashes of light when we saw Dialga and Palkia fighting. They opened a vortex on space-time with their attacks, and we tried to escape. We almost did, but there was a child's voice beckoning us, and we took the bait. Now I'm here, in a new region in a new universe with the love of my life missing, and now, I just want something to occupy my time until I find Emilee," Kilian said, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Hey, it'll be alright, Kilian," Megan said, stroking his head. "You'll find Emilee, I know it, but until then, maybe one of us could catch you." "Hah! One of you amateurs catching me! Don't make me laugh!" Jacob just took a Quick Ball and threw it at Kilian. The ball was thrown quite fast, making up for the loss in catch strength from not throwing it immediately.

The ball opened and released a white light that absorbed Kilian. The ball fell on the ground, shook three times, and broke, with Kilian coming back out. "Well, I'm surprised that you were able to get me in there for three shakes. Points for participation," Kilian said with a smug expression.

"Fine, Kilian, just leave, leave and go find Emilee on your own. We'll be doing what we want on our adventure, and you can do what you want. Come on, Voltaire, we still need to teach you Earthquake," Natalie said, sending out her Magmortar, Corona, and returning Mardi. Voltaire nodded and followed Natalie, and Corona, who walked past Kilian and over to the fields where they met Josh and Megan for the first time. Jacob followed behind them, stopping and looking at the green Salamence, before pulling his head away and continuing to follow his twin sister.

"Kilian, I can tell that you're going through a lot, but I also know that Jacob is most certainly worthy of training you. I've seen what it takes to even dent his resolve to help someone in need, and you just broke it. I can tell that you're incredibly strong, but I know that Jacob is just as strong as you are," Megan said, before going over to watch the training.

"Hmph, as if. A child like him could never train a Pokémon as strong as I am." He looked over to where the kids had gathered, and saw Jacob, standing tall as Earthquake after Earthquake rocked the ground around him, not giving up when his Pokémon's earthquakes weren't nearly as strong. "Maybe she's right, maybe that kid is strong enough. He'll have to prove himself, though," Kilian thought.


Word Count: 3716 Words

And thus, the adventure begins. Welcome to Dimensions of Adventure, the newest story from your friendly Wattpad SSGSSJ2. 

So, this is by far the longest chapter I've ever made. I apologize for the large amount of exposition, but the next chapter should be better. And, in an unexpected twist, I'll be adding a character from the Pokémon games. Try and guess, I think you won't be surprised.

Well, enjoy the double feature of stories on this profile! I have to get back to writing, so until next time, Happy Reading!

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