Chapter 2

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(Across the region)

Alex woke up in an unknown place, his face in a pile of sand. There was a sandstorm raging all around him, and his egg was laying on the ground next to him. He attempted to speak, but all that came out was "Lade! Gallade!" "Why can I not speak? I'm not a real Pokémon," he thought. His throat was remarkably dry, and he didn't know if he could go on. He held his egg tight, ready to face death, and just watched the mirages go by, before passing out from thirst.

A group of three trainers and an Omanyte was walking by, seemingly unaffected by the sandstorm, when they saw Alex. "Ross, look! A Gallade! And it's holding an egg," said a black haired boy. "I see, Anthony, but what is a Gallade doing all the way out here? Jackson, go check on him," the brown haired boy said. The blonde trainer walked up to Alex, carefully moved the egg he was holding, and started feeling his chest and throat. "Ross, this Gallade is drastically dehydrated. I think you know what to do." "Yeah, but is he passed out?" "Yes, he's out cold. Give him some water, already!" "Fine, I will." He walked over to Alex, opened his mouth, and concentrated.

His hand started to glow in a pale light, and Ross felt a small amount of water form in his hand, but had to keep going. "Nytalie, Water Gun," he said. The Omanyte sent a stream of water at Ross' hand. He used this to make the drop bigger, and bigger, until he couldn't anymore, and put the drop in Alex's mouth, before Anthony came, bringing his sandstorm free zone with him.

Alex woke up, his mouth and throat feeling refreshed, and being surrounded by three trainers, one concentrating with all his might, and an Omanyte. "Lade? Gallade," Alex said, forgetting about his inability to speak. "Hey, you're awake now! Though I don't think that you know how to speak," Ross said. "Oh, I know how to speak, just not using my mouth apparently," Alex told him telepathically. "Well, that's interesting. What's your name?" "Alex, my name is Alex."

"Well, that's an odd name for a Gallade. Are you sure you weren't named Arthur or Percival?," Jackson asked, inspecting Alex's egg. "No, I'm not a trainer's Pokémon, I know my name is Alex." "Well, then, how did you get all the way to the Desert Resort? Did you just teleport here," Ross asked. "Wait, the Desert Resort, as in the one in the Unova Region?" "Yes, that Desert Resort. So, did you teleport here," Jackson asked. "Well, about that. I would be able to tell you where I come from, but I need some time to tell it all." "Anthony, how long we got?", Ross asked. "I'd say about 10 minutes left before I can't keep it up anymore."

"That should be enough. So, where to start? I'll start at my world. You see, I come from a world where Pokémon don't truly exist, but are instead works of fiction. And that's all you need to know about my world, now about me. I used to be a human, like you three. I went to school with my girlfriend, Melanie, until one fateful day. We felt strange things happening to our bodies throughout the day, and by 1:30 PM, she and I had become a Gardevoir and Gallade, our favorite Pokémon, respectively. We were run out of town and made a home in the woods for ourselves, later including our first child, which is being held by that blonde kid. Things were going well, until one night, when a Houndoom almost took it. However, we saved it, but afterwards, Dialga and Palkia ripped a hole in space-time, bringing me here. And now, only one question haunts my thoughts: Where's Melanie?"

"Ouch, Alex, I'm so sorry. We're looking for some of our friends too. You wanna come along?", Ross asked. "Yeah, sure. I assume that they're psychokinetic too, correct?" Ross had an embarrassed look on his face. "Oh yeah, I noticed that you don't have a canteen on you, and that the sand isn't blowing in my eyes anymore. So if you're hydrokinetic, Ross, and you're geokinetic, Anthony, what are you, Jackson?" "I'm vitakinetic, which means I have healing powers. So if you get a gash in your arm, I can heal it." "Guys, we need to move. I can't keep this up much longer."

"Alright, guys, we're going back to camp. Alex, I don't know that you'd be safe walking around, so, I may have to catch you.", Ross said. "Hey, as long as you release me when I find Melanie, I'm fine with it." "Well, alright then. Here goes nothing!" He grabbed a Great Ball and threw it at Alex. The ball opened, enveloping Alex in a white light, before sucking him inside, and closing. The ball fell on the ground, shook three times, and clicked.

Inside the ball was a space of pure white color, and Alex was trying to find something in it. "Hello? Anything here? Man, my legs are tired. I could really use a chair to sit on." Instantly, a large chair, like one you would find in a study. "Woah, that's odd. Can I do that with anything else?" He looked over to his left. "Let's put a bed there." A bed, like the one he slept in before his transformation, materialized. "Well, I could get used to this."

"Now, I just need one more object, something I now can't go one day without seeing." He made a nightstand appear, and on it, inside a red frame, was a picture of Melanie as a Gardevoir. "Melanie, I know you're somewhere in this region, and I will never stop looking for you. Both for me, and for our child, I won't forget about you, and will always be on alert for your presence. Melanie, sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I never knew you, and I know that I don't want that to exist."

Alex could feel tears welling up behind his eyes. "Melanie, don't forget about me, because of you do, I don't know if I'll ever be the same." He set the picture down, sat down next to his bed, and started to cry. He intended on crying until he couldn't anymore, but his fatigue was catching up to him. As such, he cried himself to sleep quite quickly, the thought of Melanie filling his mind as he dreamed.

(Meanwhile, in another part of the region)

Melanie woke up inside a mountain, her lungs starving for air. "Gar? Devoir," she said, trying to speak. "I'm speaking like a Gardevoir. What's happening here," Melanie thought. She tried to get up, but her every muscle ached as she tried to do so. She could hear someone coming, and a Heatran's haunting cry echoing throughout the cave. "This must be the end. No oxygen, no energy, and not even Alex or my child to tell me goodbye. Oh, how cruel life can be," she said, before she lost consciousness.

Two trainers were coming, with an Altaria close behind. One's long dark red hair was being blown around by the flapping of the Altaria's wings. "Wait, what the hell? Sophia! Do you see that?", the redhead asked. The other trainer moved her white hair out of her eyes to see. "A Gardevoir? What's one of those doing down here? You should check on it, Anne!" The redhead ran over and checked Melanie's vitals. "Shit, it's dying! Its brain is starved of oxygen, and it's gone into cardiac arrest! Alt, give me a Tailwind!"

The Altaria nodded and flapped his wings towards the redhead, creating a turbulence. The redhead proceeded to ball up the air in her hand, now glowing a faint white color, and push it into Melanie's mouth. "Alright, I know what to do," the white haired girl said. Her hands started glowing a soft, yellow color. She rubbed her hands together, like a child pretending to use a defibrillator, electricity crackling between them, before pushing them onto Melanie's chest, in an attempt to jump start her heart. She had to do this multiple times, before Melanie's heart started working again.

Melanie sat straight up, energy surging through her body. "Oh, thank Arceus, we were able to wake you up," Anne said. "Gar, devoir," Melanie said. The Altaria looked visibly disgusted. "Hey, we just met you, don't you be talking about Alt over there badly yet." "I-I'm sorry, what did I say," Melanie asked telepathically. "Wait, how do you not know what you said? Don't you know how to speak," Sophia asked. "No, I don't, I'm not used to speaking like a Pokémon, I'm used to speaking like a human." "Okay, this isn't making a lick of damn sense. Could you please explain," Anne asked.

Melanie concentrated, before being unable to focus on her exact memories. "No, I unfortunately can't. All I know is that my name's Melanie, and that I came here with someone important to me. Only problem is, I don't know who they are, or what their name is anymore," Melanie said, tearing up. She started to weep into her hands, before being comforted by Sophia. "Hey there, it's okay. I know we'll find who you're looking for. You just need some time to remember them. Let's get you back to camp, we may have someone who can help you. Alt, help her back." The Altairia grabbed Melanie and slung her on his back, before going back to their camp.

Winding their way through the cave's corridors, they made it back out and to their campsite. There, a brown-haired girl was waiting, crushing and reforming an empty can in her gray-lit hand. "Alice, we're back," Anne said. "Hey, it's about time! Have you found Heatran yet?" "No, we had to pull out early. Melanie needed our help," Sophia said, pointing to the Gardevoir on the Alt's back. "Whoa, a Gardevoir! Is it okay?" "Well, it has amnesia, but other than that, it's fit as a Floette," Anne said.

"W-where am I," Melanie asked. "You're outside Reversal Mountain," Alice said. "Wait, you mean in the Unova Region?" "Yes, I do. You seem surprised by that." "Well, I am. From what I remember, I'm not from here." "Well, then where are you from," Sophia asked. "Sinnoh, Hoenn, Kalos?" "None of them, I remember that I came from a different dimension." The three trainers had a look of unparalleled shock on their faces. "Another dimension? What the hell?" "You can't be serious!" "Now, now, let's hear her out. Now, Melanie, is it? Please tell us everything you can remember," Alice said.

"Well, I know I used to be a human, and that one day, I transformed into this. I know that I lived in the woods with my friend, who might have also turned into a Pokémon, and my egg, which I don't know the whereabouts of. One night, a Houndoom tried to steal the egg, which we rescued, but immediately afterwards, I think Dialga and Palkia brought me here, and that's all I know. I wish that I could tell you more, but my memories haven't fully come back yet."

"Well, I think that I may be able to help you. Come here, Melanie." Melanie walked over to Alice, both of them the same height. "Now, can you please turn around and sit on your knees?" Melanie nodded and did so. "Now, Melanie, I want you to take a deep breath and concentrate on your memories." "Okay then." Melanie did so, and Alice placed her fingers on her temples. Her fingertips started glowing a pink color, and she began to reform some of Melanie's memories. She began looking around for anything she could piece together.

After awhile, all Alice could do was restore Melanie's knowledge of what Alex looked like, but not even his name could be found. "I'm sorry, Melanie, but your memories are in too broken a state currently to repair. They will have to heal more over time. I was, however, able to restore the memory of what your friend looked like." "Well, at least I know what to look for. Thank you, Alice," Melanie said as she stood up. "Well, I should be going on my way. Thank you for your help." "Wait! What do you think you're doing," Sophia asked. "If you go alone, you'll most likely get captured, and you'll never find who you're looking for," Anne said.

"Melanie, we're looking for our friends, and we came here to find people who have special abilities. And if you're exploring too, I should really capture you. That way, you can be safe until we find that Gallade you're looking for." "Ok, if you insist." Alice took a Great Ball, and threw it at Melanie, with such speed and technique that it whistled as it was thrown. The ball hit Melanie in the head, opened up, and absorbed her into it. The ball shook in midair, landed on the ground, shook once, and clicked, signaling Melanie's capture.

Inside the ball was a blank room, which stretched as far as the eye could see. "Well, I had no idea that this is what it's like inside a Pokéball." Melanie laid down on the ground, exhausted. "I really wish I had a bed to rest on." When she finished saying that, a bed, eerily similar to the one that she had at her house, back when she was still a human, started to form under her, pushing her up as it fully formed.

"Wait, did I just make that? Umm, I could really use a rocking chair?" An ornate rocking chair formed behind her. "Well, this seems quite useful. Only one more thing. A nightstand appeared next to her bed, holding a black-framed picture of Alex as a Gallade, taken from her memories. She held the picture of Alex in front of her face, looking longingly at it.

"I wish that I remembered who you were, and I truly hope that you know who I am. When I see your face, I feel like I haven't a care in the world. I feel like...I feel like I love you. So if we do ever meet, I hope that you and I know it, because I don't want you to slip by me." One of her memories came flooding back, and she heard herself saying something.

Melanie heard herself say, "----X, what's wrong," and, "Thank you, ---X!" "Well, it's all I have about him, so for now, I guess his name is X." Her eyes were starting to flood with tears at this point. "X, please know me if we pass by each other in our journey, because our love is true, and I know it to be so." She set the picture down, and began to cry into her pillow, before her fatigue overtook her, and she cried herself to sleep.

(Meanwhile, in an unknown part of the region)

"Klinklang, return," a young trainer said, returning his fainted Steel-type. He was down to his last Pokémon, and knew he had to make it count. "Go, Vanilluxe," he said, sending out his Ice-type. "Ha ha ha! Face it, boy! You're going to lose here, and there's nothing you can do about it," his opponent said, his Hydreigon ready to attack. His Brutal Pokémon was fierce, and has wiped out his entire team, but he knew that the combined offense of his team had weakened it. He prepared to set up a Hail, but then, unexpectedly, a Pokémon came crashing through the roof, landing on the battlefield.

"Hello, gentlemen, I'm incredibly sorry to interrupt, but I will be taking over this team," the black haired woman on the Pokémon's back said. The young trainer took a good look at the Pokémon, with it's freezing presence and it's icy wings. "No, a Kyurem," he yelled out. "Yes, that would be correct, my good fellow." He could hear it's pain, it's lamentation of being captured.

"Let the Kyurem go! You are treating it like a tool!" "Well, my son, that's just what Pokémon are. They may have feelings and emotions, but those don't matter in the heat of battle," the older trainer said. "Well, I see we are on the same page. Would you be mad if I launched the young man out of this?"

"Not at all, my dear. Not at all," the young trainer's 'father' said. She made a whirlwind of ice to pick the young man up. "Wait, and you're a cryokinetic," the trainer asked the mystery woman. "My my, do you ever stop asking questions? You bore me so. Goodbye, boy."

She prepared to fling him into the distance, but he was able to give them a message before being sent off. "Ghetsis, and you, woman, I'll find someone to stop you, and you'll regret it!" "That'll be the day, Natural," Ghetsis said. "Launch him." He was flung through the hole in the ceiling and into open skies. The trainer passed out for a few seconds, before coming back to consciousness. He frantically searched for a Max Revive, and upon finding one, gave it to his Archeops. The Archeops came out of it's ball, which plummeted uselessly into the ground below.

The Archeops grabbed the trainer and put him on it's back. "Archeops, we need to find someone to help us, and I think I know just the two. Fly towards Aspertia City, but go further. There should be a house against the woods, so look for it and land there." The Archeops nodded and began to change course, while Natural thought. "Those two were my friends in my old dimension, hopefully they still will be in this one. Jacob, Natalie, I need your help."


Word Count: 2962 Words


And thus, the plot thickens. So, how many of you think you know who the young trainer is? All of you? Good, but you won't officially know until the next chapter.

Note that these won't be updated this frequently, I just had this chapter started in advance. Expect around, at most, 2 a week for this story.

Also, I would like to give a shout out to one @RainyFantasy. If you have not read their story, Ability, please go read Ability. It's a phenomenal story, and it inspired one of the aspects of this story. Which one will be obvious as soon as you read it, so go and read it!

Well, I have to go write the next chapter, so until next time, Happy Reading of Ability! Go read it! Right now! Bye!

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