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3rd Person POV

The scene opens to the horizon with the sun over the calm ocean waves. Suddenly, something huge erupts out of the water and roars loudly.

(A/N): Begin Theme Song here.

The theme opens with a view of the sun rising over the horizon of Remnant. A random animal calling rings out in the background and then a ghost image of Snarl's plates appear walking across the screen. The landscape changes to underwater where a ghost image of a Dinobot that looks like a Elasmosaurus swims over the screen. The landscape changes again to a dense forest and a ghost image of Sludge's neck appears as he walks from right to left. The landscape changes again to a open meadow and a ghost image of Slam appears swinging his tail club appears. The scene changes to a backdrop of the open skies and a ghost image of Swoop soars overhead. The scene changes to Slug in his Dinobot form shaking his horns and frill in an intimidating fashion. The scene changes to a desert backdrop and a ghost image of Slash pouncing on something off-screen appears. Finally the scene changes to a thunderstorm over a mountainous landscape and a ghost image of Grimlock appears from off-screen and he roars before he moves off-screen again. Then the title card appears with the Dinobot logo.

(A/N): End Theme Opening Here.

In the bustling village of Menagerie, Faunus are seen going about their day. However, it is quickly evident that there is a food shortage as many food stalls and markets are closed. The scene changes to Blake giving a basket of food to a mom with fins on her forearms, she then says reassuringly.

Blake: Make it last.

The mother nods, trying to hang onto hope. Blake turns to the closed market and grows a worried expression. Just then, a ground bridge portal opens and the rest of Team RWBY come through and greet Blake.

Weiss: We brought the extra food that you requested. Straight from the farms of Atlas.

Yang: *chuckles* Fishing for a compliment, Weiss?

Ruby: *laughes*

Weiss responds in a typical Tsundere way.

Weiss: No! Of course not.

Blake laughes as Sun approaches behind her.

Sun: Thanks guys. This will really help till we get that monster taken care of.

Sludge: What monster?

The group looks at the portal and sees Grimlock, Sludge and Slug, in their robot forms, walk through the portal and into Menagerie, with their little drone cameras behind them. The ground bridge closes behind them. People look and see Grimlock and hurry into their homes, or try to run away. Ruby tried to plead with them

Ruby: Hey, wait! They're here to help!

Grimlock sighs and says.

Grimlock: Told ya. Can't change people's minds about us.

Ruby: But that's what this web series is for.

Weiss: Ruby, we have more important matters to discuss.

Ruby: Right. Sorry.

Blake accepted the apology and explained the situation as Sludge knelt down to her.

Blake: Supplies are brought to Menagerie by cargo ships coming from Mistral. Recently, several ships have been attacked and sunk by a still unknown assailant.

The others tried to give ideas.

Yang: Maybe the White Fang? There's still some pockets of resistance left.

Blake dismissed this idea, explaining.

Blake: We've been monitoring the White Fang since the Salem War ended. None of the pockets are funded or skilled enough to attack large cargo ships and oil tankers.

Weiss came up with the next idea.

Weiss: Maybe Grimm? We've seen some that are easily large enough to take down a ship before?

Blake took to this idea more but still had some doubts.

Blake: Could be. Although there would've been reports of something that big being in the area and ships would've gone a different route.

Grimlock: Only one way to find out what it could be.

Grimlock asked Blake to show him where the attacks have taken place, when Ratchet calls Grimlock over his comm link.

Ratchet: *voice-over* Grimlock, I know you're busy.

Grimlock stands and presses his finger to his comm link.

Grimlock: Go ahead, Ratchet.

Ratchet: *voice-over* I am detecting Decepticon activity near your coordinates. Should I send backup?

Grimlock responds.

Grimlock: No. Keep them training until they can fight as team. Keep near the comms.

Ratchet: *voice-over* Understood. Be careful.

Slug: Well, this just got interesting.

Grimlock: Sludge, Slug. Search for the Decepticons in the desert. Stick together. Me look into shipwrecks.

Ruby grew confused and asked.

Ruby: What about us?

Grimlock: Safer here. You all staying.

Without another word, Grimlock walks towards the docks. Yang looks at Slug and he simply shrugs his shoulders and says.

Slug: Grimlock's the King. Let's go, Sludge.

Sludge nods and both transform into their Dinobot forms and head out of town.

Grimlock managed to find a speed boat that he fit in and drives it out onto the water, with his drone camera still following him. He heads out towards the spot Blake identified, when he starts to see a ship on the horizon. As Grimlock gets closer he can see that it's leaking oil and slowly sinking.

Grimlock: That not good.

Grimlock is about to jump from his speed boat, when something suddenly hits him from under the water. Grimlock goes flying into the ocean and starts to sink to the bottom since he can't swim.

Grimlock: *groans* Great. Just what me needed.

Grimlock looks around, but suddenly can barely make out a dark shape in the gloom of the ocean and getting closer. Grimlock readies himself as a large figure almost as big as himself comes charging out of the darkness. The figure looks a little like Sludge's Dinobot form, but with four flippers instead of feet.

Grimlock: *growls* Bring it on!

The Decepticon charges fast and slams into Grimlock's body, but swims away before he can react. Grimlock recovers but is suddenly hit from his back.

Grimlock: It's fast.

Grimlock recovers and looks around, he sees the Con charging at him again, but pulls his leg up and kicks it in the head, sending it reeling. Grimlock then touched the ocean floor, he positioned himself under the Con and jumped with all his might. He tackles the Con and launches them both out of the water and onto the deck of the sinking ship. The Con crashes and rolls on the deck as Grimlock on his feet and readied his sword.

Grimlock: What Con think? Easy way, or hard way?

The Con gets up, looks at Grimlock and transforms into it's robot form, wielding a dual bladed sword.

Grimlock: Hard way it is.

The two charge each other, Grimlock leaps into the air with his sword above his head. The Con spins it's blade and then brings it up to block Grimlock's attack. The two blades clash in a blinding flash.

The scene changes to Slug and Sludge wandering through the desert, with the native wildlife steering clear of them.

Slug: Ugh, I'm so bored.

Sludge didn't respond and kept looking around their surroundings. The pair come to a forked canyon, Sludge was quick to say.

Sludge: We go this way.

Sludge starts down the path on the right, but Slug isn't as eager to follow.

Slug: Why not the other way?

Sludge: Sludge fight here. Me know safe.

Slug remained unconvinced and started down the other path.

Slug: Oh, scrap to that!

Sludge turned around and reminded Slug.

Sludge: Wait! Grimlock say stick together.

Slug: I work better alone!

Sludge: But-

Slug: I was in the military. You couldn't lead your way out of a paper bag.

Sludge: Why is Sludge in paper bag?

Slug: *sighs* Nevermind!

Sludge groaned and kept walking down the path he was originally on. Slug kept going down his own path. When both had disappeared, a Cybertronian figure approached their tracks and picked up dirt from their footprints and brings it to his face. The Cybertronian in question looks a bit like a two legged wolf, he sniffs the dirt and comes to a conclusion.

????: Dinobots?

Back on the oil tanker, Grimlock and the Con are still clashing blades. Grimlock blocks the Con's sword strike and pushes it off, the Con tries again, but Grimlock, again, blocks and parries the sword away. Grimlock went on offense and slashed down at the Con's blade, knocking it out of the way, but left himself open to the Con's punch to his face. Grimlock recovered but couldn't react as the Con side kicked Grimlock in the stomach, sending him skidding back several feet. Grimlock put away his sword and roared as he transformed into his Dinobot form and charged the Con.

Grimlock: *Roars loudly*

The Con shoots it's blaster at Grimlock, but he tanks the blasters with his Aura. Grimlock then used his head like a battering ram and slammed into the Con, sending it stumbling back a few feet. The Con recovered only to be hit with Grimlock's sledgehammer of a tail, sending the Con crashing into the ship's mast. Grimlock was about to pursue when the ship shook abruptly and violently. Grimlock didn't lose his footing but transformed back into his robot form and asked himself out loud.

Grimlock: Now what?

Suddenly, a large figure jumps out of the water and over the ship. The shape looks a bit like a great white shark, but it then transformed into it's robot form and lands in front of Grimlock.

The scene switches back to Slug as he travels down his path that has now opened up back into the desert. Slug says to himself.

Slug: Who does Sludge think he is? Ordering me around like- Huh?

Slug had spotted two ruined stasis pods and transforms into his robot form, before approaching them.

Slug: Definitely stasis pods all right.

Slug then heard sand rustling and dried brush crackling, and draws his axe and shield. He walks around the stasis pods and looks to see the wolf-like Decepticon looking over another stasis pod. The wolf says as he raises his right claws into the air.

????: Prepare for freedom, brother.

Slug says off-screen.

Slug: Only gonna ask once....

The Decepticon turns around and looks up at Slug as he towers over him and says.

Slug: Surrender, now.

The Decepticon immediately recognizes the situation and tries to reason with Slug.

????: Why hello, brother. Did you fall out of the sky too? I'm so glad we found each other.

Slug responds with.

Slug: I ain't your brother, Con. You've landed on my home planet. Last chance-

The Decepticon keeps trying to reason with him.

???: I see you're confused. I was a guard on the ship, The Alchemor.

Slug wasn't buying this.

Slug: *snorts* Nice try, Con. I'm taking you down.

Slug raised his axe and swung it down at the Con. The Con easily dodged it, Slug kept up the attacks until the Con leapt into the air and landed behind Slug. Slug swung his axe in a backhand motion as he turned around. The Con jumped back slightly, and tried to slam his fists onto Slug's shoulders. Slug was unfazed and wrapped his arms around the Con and rammed them both into the cliff face. The Con grunted and pushed Slug off with all his might, he then drop kicked Slug in the face, sending him stumbling back a few feet. Slug transformed into his Dinobot form and activated his Semblance, covering his body in electricity.

Slug: Mess with me and you get the horns!

Slug roars as he charges at the Con at full force, the Decepticon waited for Slug to get closer, then jumped out of the way and let Slug charge past and slam straight into the cliff face. Slug tried to pull himself free but found his horns were stuck, he was about to try harder, but the Con said.

???: I wouldn't do that, unless you want a million tons of rock to collapse on top of you.

Slug managed to look up and see that the Con was right, now he was stuck and says to himself.

Slug: Scrap.

Back in the village of Kuo Kuana, Team RWBY are waiting until Blake feels heavy footsteps and looks up to see only Sludge returning. She stands and approaches as the others take notice and ask.

Blake: Did you find anything?

Sludge sadly shook his no, which caused Blake to place a reassuring hand on Sludge's face as he lowered his head to her. Yang then looks behind Sludge and asks.

Yang: Where's Slug?

Sludge grew annoyed and snorted as he shrugged his shoulders.

Sludge: Don't know.

Weiss: Don't tell me, you split up didn't you?

Sludge: Slug no listen. Oh well.

Blake: *astonished* Whoa, whether Slug is a jerk or not, he's still your brother and Grimlock told you guys to stay together.

Sludge: Slug call Sludge dumb. He no respect Sludge.

Blake: Remember what I told you, sweetie. You want respect, you've got to give respect first.

Ruby then added.

Ruby: What do you think Grimlock would do?

Sludge tried to think, but does manage to come up with an answer and sighs.

Sludge: He would help Slug.

Ruby smiled and nodded at Sludge, Yang then activated her gauntlets and said.

Yang: We'll go with you.

The others agree and climb onto Sludge's head.

Back at the ship Grimlock is staring down a Sharkticon and growls as the Con states.

????: You have made me walk on two legs, like some foul land-dweller. How dare you?!

The Sharkticon charges at Grimlock. Grimlock then grabs the Con by his head, picks him up and spins around, throwing the Con into a bunch of crates.

Grimlock: All the easier for Grimlock to smash you!

The Sharkticon pulls himself out of the crates and roars. Grimlock activated his blaster arm and fires three shots at the Con. The Con blocks it with a shipping container then threw it at Grimlock. Grimlock easily caught it with one hand and lifted it above his head before saying..

Grimlock: Listen up, Con-

Hammerstrike: My name is Hammersrike. Cybertron's most feared pirate and soon the ruler of all this planet's seas.

Grimlock: *growls* Not on Grimlock's watch! Lay down your arms and surrender!

Grimlock throws the container at Hammerstrike. The Con dodge rolls to the left and retorts.

Hammerstrike: Surrender to the likes of you? I'd never be able to show my fins in the Gorgian depths again!

Hammerstrike charges at Grimlock again. Grimlock clenches his fists and blocks the Con's first Slash, then moves his body right to avoid another. Grimlock then came back with a left uppercut to Hammerstrike's nose, sending the Con backwards into some pipes on the ship.

Grimlock: You have no chance against me, Con! Give up!

Hammerstrike tries a tail swipe, but Grimlock simply grabs it and holds Hammerstrike in place.

Hammerstrike: Release me! You are not fit to touch my tail!

Grimlock smirks under his faceplate and lifts Hammerstrike in the air and then slams him onto his back and steps a foot onto the Con's chest. Grimlock then states arrogantly.

Grimlock: Sharkticons, not as tough as you look.

Suddenly, there is a crash as the first Decepticon from earlier pulls itself out of the hole in the wall. Hammerstrike uses the distraction to sweep his tail and knock Grimlock onto his back. Hammerstrike uses the opportunity to mock Grimlock...

Hammerstrike: *sniffs his arm in disgust* Ugh, your ground stench will be all over me for a week. Stay out of my way.

...before he transforms as he leaps into the water and swims away. Grimlock got back onto his feet, but knew he wouldn't catch Hammerstrike. He then looks back at the other Con as it falls to the ground still dizzy.

Grimlock: At least me got one Con.

Grimlock soon returns to shore and radios Ratchet as he drops the Decepticon he caught on the ground.

Grimlock: Doc Bot?

Ratchet: *voice-over* Go ahead, Grimlock.

Grimlock: Caught one Con. One still out in ocean. Me need info on Sharkticons.

Ratchet: *voice-over* Just a moment. Searching..... Here we go. Sharkticons live in highly viscous fluid environments, like oil, can swim at high speeds, and have rows of sharp teeth.

Grimlock: Noticed. Hammerstrike wants to rule this world's oceans, so why attack an oil tanker ship?

A few seconds of silent thinking and Ratchet responds.

Ratchet: By the All Spark!

Grimlock: What?

Ratchet: He wants to recreate his oil covered home in Remnant's oceans! He wants to cause a massive oil spill!

Grimlock: And we just got in the way.

Grimlock turns to his still knocked out prisoner and approaches it before kicking the Con in the side.

Grimlock: Wake up!

The Con rouses itself and looks up at Grimlock as he towers over it.

Grimlock: Why you at ship today?

The Con responds with feminine but tough girl tone.

????: Me try to stop Sharkticon. Hitting ship was accident. Me thought you help Con.

Grimlock realizes what's going on and offers a hand up. The Bot hesitates for a moment, as she can only see Grimlock's penetrative stare, but takes his hand. Grimlock pulls the Bot to her feet, he then asks.

Grimlock: What your name?

Paddles: Me called Paddles.

Grimlock: Grimlock. You work for me now.

Paddles was about to protest, but remembers their fight and stood there quietly. Grimlock then contacted Ratchet again.

Grimlock: Ratchet. Where biggest supply of oil?

Ratchet: *voice-over* Searching.... there is an oil rig onto far offshore.

Grimlock: Evacuate all humans now.

Ratchet: Consider it done, my friend.

Grimlock turns back to Paddles and says.

Grimlock: You swim us there.

Paddles agrees. Then the scene changes back to Sludge and Team RWBY coming to an abandoned cabin.

Ruby: What's that?

Blake: People have tried clearing the predators of the desert before, but with no success.

Sludge: No Mr. Stubborn though.

Blake then notices something on the ground and taps Sludge's head. Sludge lowers his head to the ground and Blake jumps off with Yang.

Blake: Check this out.

Blake approaches a rusty car that has a broken heavy chain attached to it.

Blake: Someone's been here recently. This chain is snapped clean.

Yang then points out marks on the ground.

Yang: And look here. The car must've been yanked around, by something big.

Blake and Yang quickly climb back onto Sludge's head. He then raises it and starts walking back towards the canyon. Sludge was still not thrilled about helping Slug.

Sludge: Won't matter. Slug still treat Sludge like scrap.

Blake reassures him by saying.

Blake: If you didn't do this, and something happened to Slug, you'd never forgive yourself. Slug may be a bit of a jerk, but he's still your brother.

Sludge doesn't admit it, yet, but he knows what Blake said is the truth, he and Slug would do anything to help each other.

Speaking of Slug, the scene switches to him still stuck in the side of a cliff. Surprisingly, the Decepticon is still trying to reason with Slug.

????: You still don't understand. I want to help you. I'm sorry I lied to you. I wasn't sure I could trust you. Yes, I am a Decepticon, but I've changed.

Slug: Me fight in Cybertronian War!

The Decepticon seems genuinely surprised by this revelation, but keeps his composure and explains further.

????: I apologize for the things I've done, but I can never return to Cybertron. I'll be imprisoned again without explaining myself.

Slug groans as the cliff starts to crumble, and he now has to hold up the cliff side. The Decepticon continues monologuing.

????: But here. I can start anew, with fellow prisoners who feel the same. In peace, is that so wrong?

Slug gets the rocks under control and and retorts angrily.

Slug: Never trust a Decepticon!

The scene zooms out to Sludge and Team RWBY spying on the two.

Yang: Slug is stuck and that cliff face could give at any moment and crush him.

Ruby: What can we do?

Before anyone can spout off ideas, Sludge stands up and walks towards the two.

Blake: We'll plan as we go.

Weiss: I can get behind that.

The scene switches to the oil rig. The camera zooms in, then fades to a wall inside. Suddenly, a crack forms as metal creaks and bends. Grimlock then grunts as he rips the hole in the wall big enough for him and Paddles to fit through. The two walk in and look around at the seemingly empty room.

Grimlock: Remember, follow my orders and I let you live.

Paddles: Okie dokie.

The two then hear a metallic knocking sound and Grimlock tries to sneak to a corner. He then peeks around a corner and sees Hammerstrike using one of the oil pipes as a punching bag.

Hammerstrike: Forced to walk the land twice in one day. How humiliating.

Grimlock: Get him!

The two Bots charge for Hammerstrike as he turns around too late, the two tackle him hard against a pipe. The pipe bursts from the impact and spills oil onto the floor. The pool of oil spreads across the floor and reaches the struggling Bots. Grimlock notices his feet loses traction and both he and Paddles start sliding away from Hammerstrike. The Sharkticon starts skating on the oil easily and charges at the two Bots and because the two are off balance, Hammerstrike easily hits the two off their feet. Grimlock crashes into a large pile of oil drums, while Paddles slides to a stop in the middle of the room.

The scene switches back to Slug and the Con.

Slug: Me just here to follow King Grimlock's orders! You'll get nothing outta me!

????: Mmm, I would very much like to meet this King of yours. Where might I-

Suddenly, the ground starts shaking, the sound of loud and heavy footsteps are heard. The Con looks around frantically and turns to the opposite canyon wall. Sludge is then seen leaping from the top of the canyon and yells out.


Slug closes his eyes and braces for impact, while the Con tries to make a run for it. Sludge lands hard on the ground making a crater and a large dust cloud. This force of the resulting shockwave, blows the Con off his feet, but he recovers and skids to a stop on his feet. The Con growls as he sees Sludge emerge from the dust cloud.

Sludge: Me save Slug!

Sludge charges forward with his fists raised, the Con dodges backwards as Sludge slams his fists on the ground.

????: Wait, I-

Sludge: RAGH!

Sludge kept up his attacks and slammed his fists down again only for the Con to dodge again. Sludge continues to try and punch down at the Decepticon, with the Con continuing to dodge his attacks.

Back with Slug, Team RWBY shows up and looks over the situation, while Slug tries his best to hold back the crumbling rocks.

Yang: Really got yourself in a heap of scrap this time, Slug.

Slug: *strained speech* Stay back. Cliff side unstable.

Weiss looks up and confirms for everyone.

Weiss: He's right. If he tries to move back, the while cliff could come down in a rock slide.

The scene switches back to Paddles looking at Hammerstrike charging. She looks down at the oil and grows a smirk, she then transforms into her Dinobot form and slides to the side and dodges to the right.

Hammerstrike: *growls* You are not better than me! I am the king of the seas.

Paddles uses her flippers to effortlessly slide across the floor with Hammerstrike in pursuit. Grimlock recovers and regains his footing before he sees the chase. Grimlock looks around and sees a huge empty oil barrel and grabs it. Paddles continues the chase dodging Hammerstrike's attacks, she then looks and sees Grimlock ready with the huge oil barrel. Paddles then slides across the floor towards Grimlock's trap. Suddenly, a purple Aura flashes across her body and she dives into the oil as if she was going underwater. Hammerstrike slides to a stop and looks around, Grimlock's eyes widen in surprise, bit remains quiet and hidden.

Hammerstrike: Where are you coward!

A few seconds go by, until Paddles silently rises from the oil back to ground level.

Paddles: Hey ugly!

Hammerstrike turns around too late, to see Paddles swiping with her long neck and hitting the Con in the stomach, sending him flying back. Grimlock lunges out and catches Hammerstrike in the oil barrel and pins the lid on the top to prevent his escape. Paddles transforms back into her robot form and approaches Grimlock. Grimlock though has a cross expression under his faceplate.

Grimlock: Paddles... one of Shockwave's lab rats?

Paddles grows a nervous expression and takes a step back, thinking about what Grimlock might do if she says yes. Eventually, she looked up into Grimlock's eyes and saw a hint of empathy, before nodding her head at him.

Grimlock: Paddles know where he is?

Paddles quickly shakes her head no, Grimlock sighs but places a hand on her shoulders and says.

Grimlock: You angry at Shockwave?

Paddles' eyes grew sharp with anger and nodded at Grimlock, he nodded back. Hammerstrike is then heard from inside the barrel.

Hammerstrike: Cheaters! You could never beat a champion of the seas in a fair fight-

Grimlock delivers one punch to the side of the barrel and knocks the Decepticon out.

Back with Team RWBY, they're still trying to figure out how to free Slug, while Sludge continues distracting the Decepticon.

Sludge: Come on, Fido! Can't run forever!

Steeljaw: Name's Steeljaw, Primitive.

Ruby looks up at the cliffside as it continues to crumble, and Slug struggling to hold it place. She then gets an idea.

Ruby: Weiss, can you cast enough ice to freeze the cliffside long enough for Slug to free himself?

Weiss was initially skeptical but takes a good look at the crumbling cliffs.

Weiss: I'll try. Step back.

The other girls get a distance away and Weiss replaces all her dust cartridges in her Myrtinastor with ice Dust. She then concentrates and summons a very large white glyph.

Weiss: Hah!

Weiss then stabs her rapier into the ground and a huge column of ice covers almost the entire cliff face.

Yang: Now Slug!

Slug rips his horns out of the cliff face and smashes out of the ice, turns and charges at Steeljaw. Sludge moves out of the way, Steeljaw turns around too late and is hit like freight train and sent flying several meters away.

Slug: Ha! Choke on that, Con!

Ruby is happy at first but then she hears a cracking noise, she turns around and sees the ice holding the cliff together breaking apart in the heat of the desert.

Ruby: Run for it!

Sludge grabs Team RWBY, then picks up Slug under his left and runs away from the tumbling rockslide. When Sludge gets far enough away, he sets Slug down and everyone looks at the rocks like.

Ruby: Whew. Talk about cutting it close.

Blake: No kidding.

Yang: Slug, you good?

Slug: Yup.

The group then turns as they hear a wolf like howl in the distance.

Sludge: See Fido again?

Slug: Hope so.

Weiss: Now can we please get out of here, I'm sick of getting sand in my hair.

Team RWBY chuckles and the group ground bridges back to base, where Grimlock is waiting for them.

Grimlock: Everyone okay?

Sludge: Yeah, boss.

Slug: We found three empty stasis pods and a Decepticon. Calls himself Steeljaw.

Sludge: Little guy fast. Me couldn't pin him down.

Slug: He tried to convince me that he's trying to go straight and wants peace. But he got unpeaceful real quick when we showed up.

Ruby: If Steeljaw was lying about going straight, then we could be looking at the makings of a Decepticon army on our hands.

Grimlock: Why we need to round up prisoners fast. Ratchet will make profile for Steeljaw.

Slug then notices Paddles behind Grimlock and asks.

Slug: Who's that?

Grimlock steps aside and says.

Grimlock: Paddles one of Shockwave's lab rats like us.

Ruby's eyes lit up and grew very excited and asked a series of questions in quick succession.

Ruby: Ohhh! What's your story? What kind of weapons you packing? What's your Dinobot mode?!

Paddles looked at Grimlock, unsure, but he quickly nodded saying she could trust her. Paddles then transforms into her Dinobot mode and shows off her Semblance.

A little while later, Grimlock is near the top of the arena and says to himself as he sees his little drone camera following him.

Grimlock: Maybe.... this web series wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. If me can give these outcasts a place to call home, that's good, I guess.

Grimlock then smells Paddles' scent away from everyone else and follows it, as he rounds a corner he hears a familiar voice and peeks to see Paddles talking to a hologram of, Shockwave?!

Shockwave: Do they suspect that it was I who caused The Alchemor to crash on Remnant?

Paddles: No.

Shockwave: Good. I don't want to show my hand just yet. Go back and learn all you can about Grimlock and his Dinobots. Befriend them and gain their trust.

What Paddles said next, surprised Grimlock.

Paddles: But they take men. They nice to me.

Shockwave: Remember, Paddles, only I hold the secrets to your origin. Betray me, and you will never know who you are or where you come from. Return to them, with no memory of this encounter. So says, Shockwave.

Grimlock wants nothing more than to pummel Paddles and get Shockwave's location, but because Paddles is in the same boat he was when he was a kid, Grimlock holds himself back and decides to keep quiet. The camera then switches to Grimlock in what looks like an office for a Dinobot and talks into his drone camera.

Grimlock: Most families stick together through thick and thin. But this one, might be torn apart faster than we think. Grimlock out.

The camera shuts off and the credits start rolling.

(A/N): Whew, uh, CUT! Great work everyone! Take the weekend and I'll see you all Monday.

Hey! All you really wild readers out there! Paddles, a mole working for Shockwave?! That could complicate things. Let's hope the Dinobots aren't torn apart by this. Hope you all liked this chapter, and I'll see y'all in the next one. PEACE OUT!!!

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