Pilot Episode

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3rd Person POV

The scene opens with Remnant's broken moon high in the night sky. A gentle breeze blows a red maple leaf into view, twisting and swaying as it gently falls. The camera follows the leaf until it lands flat on the ground. Suddenly, a large, dark shadow appears over the leaf. A low metallic growl is heard followed by an deep inhale, then a sharp exhale. The exhale causes the leaf to lift back into the air. The camera then switches to the shadow standing over the ground with noticeable tank tracks. The camera then pans to the left and reveals Grimlock's Dinobot form as he growls again.

As Grimlock starts to walk forward a small floating object follows behind him. The object moves closer and shows that it has a camera on it. A voice is then heard off-screen, as the camera pans to Ruby on her motorcycle.

Ruby: See those floating drone cameras?

The camera shows off the drone camera following Grimlock, then back to Ruby as she follows behind Grimlock.

Ruby: The Anima Military...... Yes, all the Kingdoms have their own militaries now. Anyways, Anima started using these to follow Grimlock's every rampaging moments after the Battle at Haven during the Cybertronian War. They would then show this footage to the media and try to show Grimlock as a monster. We'll, I'm gonna use them to show a whole new side of Grimlock.

Grimlock is then heard off-screen as he says.

Grimlock: This bad idea. Get those knats out of my face!

Grimlock tries to swat one of the cameras away but misses.

Ruby: Come on, Grim. This web series will show everyone that you're not a-.... you know what. Show them that you're a hero, the hero I know and raised.

Grimlock: It won't work. Humans always see Dinobots as monsters.

Old footage of a media coverage of Grimlock on a rampage, the news reporter says.

News Reporter: Footage again of a bigger threat than the Decepticons? My answer, the Dinobots. Especially, the rage fueled leader, Grimlock. We have footage of Grimlock on another rampage-

Ruby mutes the video and does a enthusiastic voice over of the new reporter.

Ruby: A rampage of fun that is! Grimlock is the best! He's the King!

Grimlock, unconvinced with Ruby's voice over, retorts with as he looks around his surroundings.

Grimlock: Yeah right.

Grimlock steps close to Ruby's motorcycle as she passes to get in front of him and she says.

Ruby: Look, Grimlock. Why should you live your life on Amity Satellite high in the atmosphere?

Grimlock: Grimlock not lose control up there. No one gets hurt.

Ruby: That's it! The modest hero bit is just what I need for this. Can you say it into the camera this time though.

Grimlock growled a little, and responded with.

Grimlock: Ruby-

A series of three beeps are heard from Grimlock's comm link. Grimlock transforms into his robot form and presses a finger to his audio receptors, then says.

Grimlock: Ratchet?

Ratchet's voice is heard as Ruby listens in with her own comm link.

Ratchet: Grimlock. Brains and I are tracking a unknown object entering Remnant's atmosphere in a ball of fire.

Grimlock growls as he has to stop his hunt for Shockwave and says.

Grimlock: Send ground bridge.

Ratchet does so and a ground bridge portal opens, Ruby drives through first. Grimlock looks back at the landscape and grows an angry expression as he says to himself.

Grimlock: Me Grimlock will end you, Shockwave. That is a promise.

Grimlock turns and walks through the portal, when he steps into the main room in Amity Satellite, the camera pans around at the large colosseum like structure, which acts as a training area for the Dinobots. There is also a raised balcony where the main computer and ground bridge controls are held. Both Ratchet and Brian's operate the computer and laboratory, while Wheelie stands near the Ground bridge controls. Ruby parks her motorcycle off to the side of the arena while Ratchet says.

Ratchet: Take a look at this.

Brains then pulls up footage of the ship hurtling into Remnant's atmosphere.

Grimlock: What is it?

Brains: It's a spaceship, clearly.

Grimlock growls in slight annoyance as he steps closer to the screen and asks.

Grimlock: Who's ship, wise guy?

Brains gets serious and tries to analyze the ship, but...

Brains: It's unclear who sent it but I am reading several faint life signals.

Ratchet: At it's current trajectory, it'll land right on this village in Vale.

Ruby grew worried as she says.

Ruby: There are people in that village, and they don't even know they're about to be flattened!

Grimlock looks at the ship and tries to think before saying.

Grimlock: Me knock it off course.

Ratchet has seen Grimlock pull off some impressive feats, but he was still skeptical of his meaning and asks

Ratchet: No offense, Grimlock, but how do you plan on doing that?

Grimlock responds with...

Grimlock: Open Ground bridge near falling ship. Me Grimlock jump through and punch it.

Ruby was now worried about Grimlock as she has never seen him try this before.

Ruby: Are you sure about this, Grim?

Grimlock responds in a arrogant tone.

Grimlock: Compared to kicking Predaking's tail pipe? No problem.

Ratchet finally goes along with the plan and inputs the coordinates, while Wheelie uses the controls to open the Ground bridge portal. Brains urges Grimlock to hurry.

Brains: It's now or never, landlubber!

Grimlock readies himself, then tenses up his legs and jumps hard through the portal.

On the other side, high in the sky, the ship catches fire as it enters the lower atmosphere. Ahead of it, the portal opens up and Grimlock comes through fast with one of the drone cameras still following him. Grimlock sees the ship and uses the boosters on his legs to give him a burst of speed. Grimlock yells loudly and braces himself as he slams his entire body into the side of the ship as hard as he can, sending the ship off course. Ratchet is taken by surprise as he sees what just happened.

Ratchet: H-He did it?!

Wheelie: *laughes* That's why he's the King.

Ruby was proud at first, but her smile bent down as she sees Grimlock falling to the planet as well.

Ruby: Uh, he's still falling! Can't you catch him with the Ground bridge?!

Ratchet: He's falling at near re-entry speeds, Ms. Rose. I can't catch him with the ground bridge at those speeds.

All the four can do, is watch as the ship and Grimlock crash in the middle of a forest. The drone camera that was following Grimlock was also destroyed. Ruby was in shock at first, but quickly pushed it aside as she said.

Ruby: We need to investigate the crash and find Grimlock.

Ratchet: Agreed.

Ruby pulls out her scroll and opens an app on it with a dormant Dinobot symbol on the screen.

Ruby then gently presses the symbol and it lights up blinking red, Ruby then proclaims.

Ruby: Calling all Dinobots! Calling all Dinobots!


Around the world, the other Dinobots are living their normal lives with their families. Slug and Yang are destroying a nest of Grimm when Ruby's message comes through their comm links.

Ruby: *voice over* Calling all Dinobots!

Slug and Yang look at each other as a Ground bridge portal opens, they nod to each other and run through.

Sludge is playing with his little brothers and sister, with Blake and Sun watching, when Sludge and Blake both hear Ruby's message as well.

Ruby: *voice-over* Calling all Dinobots!

Sludge steps outside and transforms into his robot form as Blake kisses her family. The Ground bridge portal opens and they quickly go through.

Snarl is hanging out with Weiss and her family, while Swoop tries to be a show off with his aerial acrobatics. Swoop lands when all three get Ruby's message through their comm links.

Ruby: *voice-over* Calling all Dinobots!

Snarl: Must be serious.

Weiss: Let's go!

A portal opens, Weiss grabs her rapier and follows Snarl and Swoop through the portal.

Slash is in the middle of a test in History class, when she too gets Ruby's message through her comm link.

Ruby: *voice-over* Calling all Dinobots!

Slash grows a smile and runs out of the classroom, with Professor Oobleck calling her out.

Oobleck: Slash! You haven't finished your test!

Slash responds with an excited tone as she leaves the room

Slash: Got called to the big leagues!

Oobleck: And what's bigger than history?!

Slash uses her Semblance to run to the courtyard and sees a Ground bridge portal and transforms into her robot form as she runs for it.

Slam is in his Dinobot form acting like a big dog, wagging his tail happily as Nora swings her hammer around. It's their way of playing catch, don't ask. Their comm links also sound with Ruby's message.

Ruby: *voice-over* Calling all Dinobots!

Nora still being pregnant can't follow Slam when the Ground bridge portal opens up.

Nora: Be careful! And break lots of things!

Slam: *grunts*

Back in Amity Satellite, Slam comes through the portal with the others waiting. Sludge greets Slam as Weiss talks to Ruby.

Weiss: Must be pretty serious for you and Grim to need our help, Ruby.

Ruby: I know, but we're short on time.

Everyone then listens carefully, as Ruby explains what's happening.

Ruby: A space ship crashed on Remnant a few minutes ago. Grimlock had to push it off course to avoid it hitting a village, but we've now lost radio contact with him. We need to get to that crashsite quickly and find out where it came from. And, of course, find Grimlock. Any questions?

Weiss: Yeah, do we know anything about the ship?

Ratchet steps forward and says.

Ratchet: We saw no identifying features on the ship as it entered the atmosphere, or even after it crashed. So, we'll be going in blind.

Yang: Seems pretty risky.

Ruby reassures everyone by saying.

Ruby: I know it's not ideal, but we need to investigate before the media gets wind of this.

Slug then exclaims.

Slug: Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go break something!

Slam: *grunts as laughter*

Blake: We're with you Ruby.

Ruby smiles and nods before telling Ratchet.

Ruby: Ratchet, bring your medical kit. Just in case.

Brains and Wheelie open the Ground bridge, and the Bots, with Team RWBY, go through the portal. On the other side, the group sees the just how bad the crashsite is. The ship is in various pieces, lots of them are on fire and there are lots of destroyed tube looking capsules.

Blake: *astonished* Whoa.

Yang: Ruby? You said Grimlock knocked this thing off-course?

Ruby: Yup. I admit, I'm still shocked he did it.

Sludge: Grimlock is strongest! That how!

Blake giggles at her son's enthusiasm. Slug then quickly took point.

Slug: Until we find Grimlock, Swoop keep an on things from the sky.

Swoop: Wait, why is Slug suddenly in charge. I think I-

Snarl: Swoop?

Swoop looked at the others and groaned to himself.

Swoop: Oh fine.

Swoop transformed into his Dinobot form and flew into the sky.

Slug then turned to the others and said.

Slug: Search for survivors.

Slug walked forward in his Dinobot form and used his horns to lift and toss a large piece of the ship's hull. The rest of the Dinobots followed suit and spread out to various areas of the crashsite. A question soon arose.

Blake: Brains? You said you detected faint life signals on the ship right?

Brains responds over Blake's comm link.

Brains: Yeah, why?

Blake looked around and asked.

Blake: Then where are the bodies?

A bit further ahead, Sludge moves a huge piece of the ship and looks under it, he sees a object and calls for Ratchet.

Sludge: Doc Bot?

Ratchet starts approaching and says.

Ratchet: Yes, Sludge.

Sludge responds with.

Sludge: What that?

Ratchet approaches next to Sludge and looks at the object in question. Ratchet's face grows somewhat worrysome.

Ratchet: By the All Spark!

Weiss: Ratchet? What is it?

Weiss approaches what looks like a very large cylinder with a window on the front of it, and it's dirty, bent and broken.

Ratchet: It looks like a Cybertronian Stasis Pod.

Snarl: Uh, less geek speak, please?

Ratchet: Uh, it's a pod that holds Cybertronians into a kind of sleep mode. Usually, these are used for long distance travel.

Weiss looks over the wrecked pod and says.

Weiss: And whoever was in here, forced their way out.

Yang then asks.

Yang: So what would a Cybertronian stasis pod be doing on a ship all the way out here?

Slug: *off-screen* This might explain something.

Team RWBY and Ratchet approach Slug's position as he scraps ash and dirt off a piece of the hull and reveals a familiar symbol.

Ratchet: That's an Autobot sigil.

Blake: So, why would Autobots be all the way here, away from Cybertron?

The group look at each other with more questions than answers at the moment.

Not too far from the crashsite, Grimlock's body lies in a smoldering crater. The scene zooms in on Grimlock's face until a faint voice is heard.

????: Grimlock.

The scene then flashes into Grimlock's mind as Grimlock looks around for the faint voice.

Grimlock: Hmm?

????: Grimlock.

Grimlock: Who's there?!

He looks around doesn't see anyone, he then calls out again.

Grimlock: Show yourself, so Grimlock can smash you quicker!

An astral figure starts to appear in front of Grimlock. Soon it is revealed to be Optimus Prime. Grimlock grows annoyed at the sight of Optimus.

Grimlock: Prime! You supposed to be dead!

Grimlock slashes his sword at Optimus several times but to no avail.

Grimlock: Get out of my head, Prime!

Optimus: I am not haunting you and I do not have much time.

Optimus simply waves his hand and Grimlock suddenly stops in midair. Grimlock struggles at first, but Optimus does not hurt him.

Optimus: I cannot stay long. I have come to warn you. The ship that has landed on Remnant contains extreme danger for all on your homeworld. You must rise up and meet these dangers the only way you know how. The future of Remnant is in your mighty hands, Grimlock.

Optimus Prime let's Grimlock go and releases his mind. The camera flashes back to the real world as Grimlock stirs.

Grimlock: *groans* Oh my head gasket.

He remembers what Prime told him and was initially angry, but then he remembered the ship he knocked out of the sky.

Grimlock: Well, Prime didn't make that ship up. Guess me need to check it out.

Back at the crashsite, the rest of the Dinobots are moving rubble out of the way, when Slam hears a noise at the far edge of the wreck. The noise appears to be chomping and metal crunching sounds. Slam rounds a piece of debris and sees a large, four-legged robot with a huge mouth, eating bits of the wrecked ship.

Slam: *attention getting grunts*

The large robot, that stands taller than Slam's Dinobot form, turns around and looks at Slam.

????: Huh? Are you another prisoner?

Slam then notices the Decepticon symbol on this robot's chest.

Slam: *series of grunts*

????: Ever been to Nuon City?

Slam looks puzzled and shakes his head no. The Decepticon then says enthusiastically..

????: Because I ate Nuon City!

The Decepticon then lunges at Slam, who reacts just in time to activate his Semblance and brace for impact. The Decepticon tackles Slam, but Slam holds his ground. The Decepticon then tries to bite him, causing Slam to groan slightly, but he still manages to hold his ground. Slam then winds up his tail club, then swings it up and smashes it on top of the Con's head. The Decepticon groans in pain and let's go of Slam. Slam then spun around and his tail club struck the Con across his face.

Slam: *Roars*

The others hear the commotion and the Dinobots came running to Slam's aid. As Underbite regains his footing, he hears off-screen.

Slug: Hey, Con!

The Con looks at Slug's incoming charge.

Slug: Smile!

Slug rams into the Decepticon like a freight train and then drags him across the ground for several feet. The Con manages to get onto his feet and digs in, slowly grinding Slug's charge to a halt. The Con then sees and grabs some metal scrap and eats it, this somehow boosted his overall strength.

????: Oh yeah. Juiced and ready to rumble.

The Con grabs Slug by his head, lifts him up and throws Slug into Snarl and Slam.

Yang: Slug!

Slash looks at the pile up and back at the Con, as he eats more metal. She looks at Sludge and Swoop and says.

Slash: Take him down!

Swoop fires his blasters midair while Slash uses her Semblance to rush The Con. Unfortunately, Swoop's blasters only seem to bounce off the Con's armor.

Underbite: I, Underbite, will remind the galaxy that I'm back!

Underbite grabs a large boulder and throws it at Swoop, Swoop was quick to react and did a midair back flip to avoid the rock. Slash races around Underbite's feet at super speed. Underbite tried to catch her but she was too fast and dodged out of the way. Underbite then simply stood there seemingly just tanking hit after hit.

Ruby wanted to help, but she knew that only the Dinobots stood a solid chance. She then noticed a sparking from under a piece of shipwreck next to her. She then pressed her finger to her ear and called Ratchet.

Ruby: Ratchet! I found something.

Back at the fight, Slash is running circles around Underbite as he eats even more metal and boosts his strength further.

Slash: Ready to give up, scrap heap!

Slash runs to pounce on Underbite's back, but Underbite manages to catch her in his paw.

Underbite: You'll make for a good appetizer.

Underbite opens his mouth ready to eat Slash, when an enormous figure shadows Underbite. He looks and reacts too late to Sludge's foot stomping down on him, letting Slash go in the process.

Sludge: *laughs* Sludge smash.

Slash let's out a sigh of relief and says.

Slash: Thanks Sludge. I did not want to be Decepticon food.

Slug: You should've been more careful. You not as strong as us.

Slash recoils a little from the abrasive comment, Yang comes onto the scene with a freaked out look on her face as she yells.

Yang: This fight isn't over!

Slug: What are you talking about? The Con's been squashed.

Ruby then comes up and tries to explain quickly.

Ruby: This is a Chompozoid! The more metal he consumes, the stronger he-

The ground rumbles and Sludge feels movement under his foot. Underbite is then seen grunting as he lifts Sludge's foot off the ground.

Slug: Get him!

The Dinobot's charge for Underbite, the Decepticon responds by grabbing Sludge's leg and pulling as hard as he can. Underbite pulls and throws Sludge into all of the other Dinobots. Ruby reacts and uses her Semblance and appears behind Underbite's head. She than launched herself by firing her rifle behind herself, Ruby readied her Crescent Rose and managed to stab her blade in between Underbite's armor plates and causing pain.

Underbite: Ah! Who's doing that?!

Underbite starts bouncing around like a rodeo bull, with Ruby desperately trying to hang on.

Weiss: Ruby!

Ruby's Crescent Rose finally comes loose and the force of Underbite's bucking  sends Ruby flying to the ground, breaking her Aura. Yang, Weiss and Blake rush to Ruby's aid as Underbite approaches them.

Underbite: Tiny, weak, worthless parasites!

Underbite opens his mouth ready to chomp Team RWBY down. Suddenly, heavy footsteps are heard along with trees snapping and crunching. Everyone looks to the forest as the trees are seen being knocked over. Finally, Grimlock's Dinobot form smashes through the trees, looks at Underbite and roars loudly at him.

Underbite turns to face his new attacker and readies to charge at him. Grimlock charges at Underbite and lowers his head like a battering ram. The two behemoths collide causing a shockwave between them. Grimlock raises his head, opens his jaws and clamps them down on Underbite's neck. Underbite tries to shake Grimlock off, but his bite is now crushing Underbite's armor. Grimlock then notices the other Dinobots are on their feet and ready to rumble. He pulls on Underbite in a circle before throwing him across the ground. Underbite tries to get back to his feet and says.

Underbite: Impossible! No one is stronger than me!

Slash suddenly rushes at Underbite's feet forcing him backwards by biting and slashing at his feet. Slug charges in from the left and hits Underbite hard, sending the Con flying several feet away. Swoop flies at Underbite and fires two rockets at Underbite, when they hit, sending him crashing to the ground. Snarl then hits Underbite in the face with his tail spikes, sending him stumbling to the left, Slam is there waiting and hits Underbite's face with his tail club. Snarl and Slam exchange hitting Underbite like a ping pong ball. Finally, Sludge executes a huge tail swipe, hitting Underbite hard enough to send him flying several meter. Grimlock is ready and catches Underbite in his jaws, he then slams the Decepticon on the ground hard enough to create a large crater.

Everyone had to cover their faces as the dirt cloud was kicked up from the impact. They only looked again when the dust cleared and saw Grimlock standing over Underbite's body as he says to him.

Grimlock: Who's strongest now?

Underbite finally passes out with Grimlock letting out a final roar, the rest of the Dinobots join in and roar to the sky. Ruby's drone camera floats into view and shows off the Dinobots. Ruby then proudly says.

Ruby: And that's how Dinobots take care of buisness and keep our planet safe! Boo yah!

Yang: *sigh* We've really got to work on your one liners.

In the aftermath of the battle, Ratchet managed to rebuild one of the stasis pods and Grimlock locks Underbite inside it.

Slug: That was a battle! Whoo!

Snarl: I was hoping to beat him some more.

Slam: *series of grunts*

Grimlock: Yeah. We did good.

Slash then asks.

Slash: One thing still doesn't make sense, how did a Decepticon manage to crash land here on Remnant.

Sludge: Sludge no understand nothing.

Ratchet: This might explain why.

Ratchet shows off a Cybertronian flash drive, before the scene fades to Amity Satellite. Ratchet then explains his discoveries.

Ratchet: I managed to download the ship's logs while it's computers were still working. The ship was an Autobot prison vessel, called 'The Alchemor.'

Swoop: Why keep a prison in space?

Ratchet: To keep the prisoners from escaping back onto Cybertron, I'd wager. But something set the ship off course, causing it to crash land here on Remnant.

Weiss steps towards the screen then asks.

Weiss: So, how many prisoners are we talking?

Ratchet: Over 200, and now they could be anywhere on the planet.

Grimlock doesn't need to think to know the consequences.

Grimlock: Worse still, if Shockwave manages to make alliance with them...

Ratchet: The War for Remnant could start all over again.

This is it, the start of a new mission to keep the peace in the galaxy. 7 Dinobots vs 200 and something escaped Decepticons, plus Shockwave? This could be the Dinobots toughest assignment yet.

(A/N): And CUT! Great work everyone! Take an hour for lunch!

Hey! All you really wild readers out there! Ready for the actual sequel to the original story? I sure am, I know I have been gone for too long. Just lost all motivation to write, but now I'm starting to get it back. So let's see how this goes. See y'all in the next one. PEACE OUT!!!

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