Confession and Epilouge

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(Y/N) pov

     It has been a few weeks since I've returned to Beacon and I have been fully integrated as a student after I learned to control myself in my dino form. I've dealt with Cardin's bullying yet again and they don't mess with anyone anymore. Sun has finally been convinced Blake is not worth dealing with me and went back to Haven. Above all else though it is just nice being around Blake and Velvet again, bit they have been acting weird lately. They can't focus, I asked them what's up and they only changed the subject. This is really starting to irritate me, so after classes end one day I finally corner them in the library.

(Y/N): Can I ask you girls something?

Blake: Sure (Y/N), what is it?

(Y/N): Do guys not like me, because I am part monster?

Velvet: Whatever gave you that impression?

(Y/N): It's just lately, you've been avoiding me and when we are together you act all weird and can't focus. When I ask what's going on you dodge the question. Do I scare you?

Blake: No, no of course we're not scared of you.

(Y/N): Then why do you avoid me?

     Velvet and Blake look at eachother and then breath as they can't hide the truth any longer.

Velvet: It's because we-

Blake/Velvet: We love you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): What does is that supposed to mean, cause I'm not quite sure.

     Blake and Velvet expain love to me as best as they can, then I ask them.

(Y/N): How do you know, if you love someone?

     Blake and Velvet simply smile and they lean up and kiss me on the cheek and I turn red. Velvet giggles seeing this and think I get what their saying now. I take their hands and tell them.

(Y/N): I love you both, as well.

    They both giggle and take my hands as they are very happy that I returned their feelings and jumped in my arms.  With that word quickly spread amongst the school, thanks to Yang and Coco. At this point though, I didn't mind because I had everything I needed right here, my little bunny and kitty.

Timeskip 8 years later

     I am coming home after 3 weeks away on a mission to destroy a horde of Grimm. I make my way off the ship and onto Menagerie. I stop and say hi to some of the shop owners then grab some groceries on the way home. I walk up to my house and walk in and call out.

(Y/N): Honey, I'm home!

     Nothing. I call out again and hear some rustling upstairs. I head up and check the kids bedroom, nothing. Now I am getting worried, I look all over the house, and head back to the living room. Suddenly, I get a faint whiff of something deadly, I sniff around and then I hear creaking above me. I quickly turn and look up only to see something fall on me, I am quick to react though and pick up what fell on me and throw it out the still open door.

Velvet pov

      We are walking home with the kids from Blake's parents house after telling them some wonderful news. We were excited to tell (Y/N), when my son, Torin, asked.

Torin: Mommy, when will Daddy be home?

Velvet: *picks him up* Daddy, told me he was going to be home today, so any minute now.

Rachel: Yay, love playing with Daddy!

Blake: Yes you do, don't you my sweet girl. *picks up Rachel and starts tickling her*

     We are walking up to the house, when all of a sudden something flies out of the house and rolls across the ground. Blake and I grab the children, as (Y/N) stands in the doorway.

(Y/N): Now, stay out of my house!

     The thing that gets up is a raptor and when it does it starts making a loud, almost chirping noise. At this point (Y/N) tells Blake and I to get into the house and protect the children. We do as he says as he transforms into his dino form as more raptors show up. We go to the master bedroom and we lock the door and put the children in the closet as  Blake and I guard the door.

(Y/N) pov

     As I transform into dino mode, four figures appear out of the forest, thre of which are raptors as well, but the fourth is the one person I had never wanted to see again, Dr Boone.

(Y/N): Figures you were too stupid for your own good. What do you want this time?

Boone: What I've always wanted from you, the ultimate weapon under my control.

(Y/N): This may come as a shock to you, but I am not a weapon. I am (Y/N) (L/N) and I will defend the weak from scoundrels like you.

Boone: Very well. *Whistles*

     The raptors attack and I react by swinging my tail taking out one right away, another goes around and tries to attack my eyes. I am quick close them and use my sense of smell to locate and hearing to fight. As the raptor goes for my face, I dodge left and grab the raptor's back and bite down hard and toss it away. I open my eyes to see Boone going into my house, probaby to hurt my family. I cannot let him get to them, but the raptors stop me from going after him. Two of the raptors concentrate on my front keeping me distracted, while the leader circled around to where there was no armor, my belly. As I knockout another raptor, I feel a pain in my side, instinctivly I then kick with my back leg and knock the lead raptor away. All of a sudden...


     I get a horrifying thought in my head and just go into blind rage. My Aura shines around me as I rear up and slam down on the ground as hard as I can. When I do a column of rock erupts out of the ground and smacks all four raptors into the sky, never to be heard of again. I then hear from the house...

Torin/Rachel: DADDY!

     My two kids come running out of the house and I calm down and run to them and nuzzle them as they hug me. Just then Menagerie guards come to the house, I then call into the house.

(Y/N): Blake! Velvet!

     Right on queue my two wives come out of the house dragging a beaten and shot Boone. I rush to them and nuzzle them as they hugged me as well. The guards handed Dr Boone over to Weiss for transport to life in prison. Speaking of which, both team RWY and CFY walked to the house. So I head inside and change into some lounging clothes and walk back down to see everyone conversing, Ruby and Coco are playing with the kids and Blake and Velvet are cooking dinner. So, I walk to my lovely wives and kiss them both, then I remembered something.

(Y/N): Hey, I wanted to ask, what was it you wanted to tell me so bad you couldn't say over the phone?

Blake: Hmph, *smirks and turns to the kids* Hey kids, remember what we told grandma and grandpa today.

Torin: Yeah!

Velvet: Can you tell Dad?

Torin/Rachel: Mommy's pregnant!

Yang: Called it! I totally called it!

     The entire house erupts in cheers and praise, I look at Blake and Velvet and they gave me a nod and a smile. I am so excited, I pick them both up at the same time and kiss them. I set them down and we spent the rest of the night finishing dinner and playing games until it was the kids bedtime. I tell the kids a story and tuck them in as everyone else leaves, I head to the master bedroom and get in bed inbetween Velvet and Blake, I kiss them both and tell them.

(Y/N): I love you both so very much.

Blake/Velvet: We love you too, (Y/N).

     With that the pair kiss me again and snuggle close to me and we happily drift to sleep. I do not regret a single moment I spent with these two, and now we have a bright future ahead of us and nothing can stop it.

(A/N): Alright, a new story complete, thank you all for reading. Tell me what you guys thought and until next time. Have a great day, peace out.

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