Dino Fight & Return

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(Y/N) pov

     I am locked in battle in the underground labratory with a formidable foe. Tyrannus, the eggheads called him, I am getting beat pretty badly, until I see that unlike yours truly, he has let the monster take control. Making him predictable and clumsy. He roars at me, but I hold my nerve as he charges again, I let him bite my armoured head. As he grips his bite, he tries to push me as well, but I hold my ground. I then get an idea and stomp on his foot, he let's out a roar of pain as he stumbles back. I then body check him into stumbling back even more, I then swing my tail and smash into his leg. He roars as he topples to the ground as I broke his femur. He lands on his side roaring in pain, until I slam my tail down on his skull, crushing it and killing him. I take a second to catch my breath and then I get a faint whiff of fresh air and start following it out. I finally make it outside and see a snow covered forest next to the side of a mountain. I don't dare transform back to a human, since I'm basically nude right now, so I suck it up and start trying to find civilization. As I move through I see a bear approach me, while I eat a berry bush I found. He growling loudly, like I'm invading his space, until he tries to charge at me. I turn to him and roar loud and the bear stops in his tracks and runs away.

(Y/N): Overgrown furball.

     I continue eating the bush and see a crow with red eyes watching me. I just shrug it off and move on, the snow starts coming down harder. I see a cave just large enough for me to lay down and wait it out. Unbeknownst to me, the crow I saw earlier was still watching me.

Qrow pov

     I am watching this unusual creature and it occurs to me that this might be the guy that Oz is having me find. I transform and take a snapshot of the monster and head back to Beacon.

Timeskip 2 days later Ozpin's office

     After what Blake and Velvet told me about their friend, I showed them the picture I took.

Qrow: Is this him?

     Blake is quick to take my scroll and shows it Velvet as well. They look it over and nod at eachother then hand me my scroll.

Velvet: Where is he?

Qrow: Northern Anima. He's trying to survive a snowstorm up there. If we are going to rescue him we need to move now.

Blake: We'll get our teams together and meet on the helipad in 20 minutes.

Qrow: I'll be waiting.

Velvet pov

     I get my team together and head to the helipad where ream RWBY is already waiting. We get on and I am anxious to see (Y/N) and how he will react to seeing us. I then feel a hand on my shoulder, I look over to see Blake smiling at me.

Blake: It's going to be ok, he'll be happy to see us.

Velvet: I hope so. What if he thinks we abandoned him and doesn't trust us.

Blake: He will because, we love him.

     I look at her in surprise that she would say something like that, I am about to deny but can't.

Blake: Lately, I've realized that everything we went through with him to help him, I fell in love with him. Which is why I just know he will trust us again.

     I smile and try to hide a blush, I guess I never really realized it till now, I love him too.

Timeskip 10 hours later

(Y/N) pov

     I wake up in my cave and see the snow has stopped and the sun is shining, now is a good time to find water before moving on. I walk out and look around and smell a pack of wolves have been by, I use caution when heading to the pond. I reach the pond and break through the ice with my dinosaurian beak, I look around before taking a few sips and then checking again and again. Then I smell something that immediatly puts me on edge, Grimm. I turn around and my hunch was right a big pack of Beowolves was surrounding me and cornering me against the freezing pond. I get into a defensive position and bellow as well as swing my tail to threaten the Grimm. They're not buying it, the Alpha growls and the rest of the pack rush at me. Big mistake, I swing my tail club and clobber two of them and the went flying. One tries to hold my tail as it recoils while two more jump on my head and neck, but my armor absorbs the bites and claws. The Alpha then goes for one of my back legs, it hurts and I collpase to the ground. As more and more jump on my back, I faintly hear an engine approaching, I then muster up the strength and get the Alpha off my leg and then erupt out of the dog pile and then swing my tail and hit multiple Grimm, killing them on impact. The ones still on my neck I then run and slam them into the side of the mountian. The Alpha charges at me so as it gets closer, I jump and body slam with all my weight and kill it while also making a small crater in the ground.

(A/N): Just in case your wondering, ankylosaurus is estimated to weigh about 6 to 8 tons.

     As I stand and see if any Grimm are left standing, I then feel a presence and then hear.

Velvet: (Y/N)?

     I turn around and see both Velvet and Blake standing there looking at me. Then I remember all the times we spent together, I get happy and rush to them. They seem scared at first then I stop in front of them and lick their faces and nuzzle my haed against them. They pair lost their fear and hugged me, I then realize something.

(Y/N): Does anyone have a blanket?

     Velvet giggles and rushes to get me one as I go behind a stand of trees and transform back into my human form. I come out wrapped in many blankets and return to the bullhead with Blake and Velvet once again.

(A/N): Awesome, the team is returning to Beacon, but how will (Y/N) react to Blake and Velvet both loving him. Find out next time. Have a great day everyone and don't forget, never judge a person by how they look by how they act. Peace out.

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