Jack Hanma Dinosaur Oc

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Name: Shredz

Gender: Male


Age: 17-18

Race/Species: Spinosaurs

Personality: Same as Tyro:Saw Paing's Wild Nature, Wakatsuki's Seriousness, Cosmo's laid backness, Ohma's battle hungriness, Raian's Sadisticness.


Half brother: Tyro Tokita the Tyrannosaur

Shredz Muscle Build:

Fighting styles: Subdoing, The Niko Style, Myanmar Leithwei,MMA, Brute Force,Grappler Style 2.0(taught by Reiji Hanma Kure), Karate, Boxing,grappling, Rokushin Kaikan Karate, Kaiwan Style, he has all the fighting styles of Baki characters and some Kengan Ashura/Omega characters.

Quirks: Same as Tyro


Shield: Shredz puts his left forearm forward as if he were holding a riot shield, then uses his shielding forearm to redirect any blows away from him, taking only minor damage rather than the full brunt of the attack.

Ripper: Similar to Lihito's Razor Edge but has a different function and use. Rather than using inhuman finger strength, Shredz uses his knucklebones and a rapid rotation of his fists against his opponent's skin to cut through, though the resulting cut is shallow.

Razor Claw: Its similar to Lihito's Razor Edge but like the Ripper it has a different function. Rather than using the Finger tips Shredz uses his sharp finger nails the damage capacity is fatal.

Formless: with this Technique he doesn't need a particular fighting stance with this technique Shredz can defeat his opponents at they're own game meaning Shredz can defeat his opponents using they're fighting styles.

Dragon Shot:a variation of the one inch punch this technique allows Shredz to deliver a full powered punch with no particular stance.

Blast Core: a powerful punch that involves compressing all of his muscles to a single point in the centre of his body and then unleashing it; the form of this technique bears a striking resemblance to the no-motion reverse punch of traditional karate.

High Stick Shot: this punch has similar attack power comparable to blast core and dragon shot. This punch can inflict so much damage to Shredz's opponents

Hammer of Burma: this attack is actually a headbutt where Shredz pulls his head back before fully slamming his head into the opponent

Gott-Töter Steinbohrer: also known as  "Godkiller Rock Drills". This was taught by Julius himself. For he thinks the strong have no need for techniques.

Flash: a barrage of quick, sharp flicker jabs, a jab performed with no torque with the arm resting downwards or at a 90° from the waist. Even while being weighed down by a 10oz glove, he is able to fire off 13 of these flicker jabs in a single breath

God Blow: a powerful dominant cross (also known as a straight) able to "surpass light and become the fist of a god. This move is so powerful not even a fast fighter like Hermes and Heimdall can dodge it

Bear Hug: He squeezes and crushes his opponent with a powerful bear hug

Whale Burial: a technique performed taking on a stance resembling that of a person throwing a harpoon, in the form of a vicious punch.

Razor Edge: similar to Lihito. His pinch strength is a godlike ability gifted at human form.

Golden Eight Seconds: a technique that greatly enhances Shredz' abilities for that specified amount of time. After a massive intake of oxygen, Shredz cuts out both breathing and thinking, his movements relying solely on reflex built on years of combat experience. It enhances his brain's processing speed.

Grappler style 2.0: Taught to Shredz by Reiji Hanma Kure. Which involves every other forms of Martial Arts. Which also adds the other techniques of Bang, Garou, Bomb, The Kengan Ashura/Omega characters, Terry Bogard, Kyo Kusunagi, Iori Yagami, Ki based attacks from Goku, Vegeta, and Broly, and Divine Techniques of the Gods from Record of Ragnarok. And all of Gojo and Yuji's techniques from JJK. Which also includes Domain Expansion.

His intense training: combine the training of Baki, Ohma, Bisuit Oliver, Wakatsuki.

The Niko style: born from Mukaku rearranging the Gaoh Style with some parts of the Kaiwan Style into something more useful in the modern age. Particularly, it was born during the finally years of Mukaku's attempts of unifying The Inside through martial force.

The style is made up of four different katas, or forms, each of which must be fully mastered in order for the Niko Style to be complete. Tyro taught Shredz each styles of the niko style

Adamantine form/Kata: This form focuses on tightening the muscles which makes the user as hard as steel.

Flying Ace Kick: a flying kick which is enhanced with the adamantine form, The resulting force is able to stagger the likes of Takeshi Wakatsuki, Jun Sekibayashi, Raian Kure, Jack Hanma, etc, etc.

Indestructible: this technique allows Tyro to either defend from powerful blows or attack the opponent with immense power, through instantaneously clenching all of their muscles at the moment of impact; tensing and tightening of the muscles increases the solidity and density of the user's body, thus preventing the impact of outside attacks from inflicting much, if any, damage. This gives the technique massive defensive and offensive power.

Iron Breaker: a strike enhancing technique where Tyro tenses and tightens the muscles of his hands or feet. It produces attacks powerful enough to leave an impression of one's fist in their opponent's body

Iron Breaker Chain: as the name implies, is a continuous barrage of Ironbreaker enhanced strikes

Iron Fingers: a technique where Tyro Tightens the muscles of his fingers This is an extremely versatile technique and can be used as a jabbing attack against the opponent's vitals, as a pinching hold or even to enable movement of the fingers even if they are broken.

Bone Binding: the ultimate technique of the adamantine form. Using precise and delicate muscle control, Tyro is able to move body parts where a bone has been broken. This technique appears to be one of the many Kaiwan Style techniques transferred over, as Kuroki Gensai demonstrated the same technique when his entire right fist was broken.

Flame form/Kata: it focuses on speed and agility and reflexes.

Flashfire: a style of movement that allows Tyro to flicker like a flame. This technique is able to confuse the enemy by creating afterimages

Phantom Pace: a technique where Tyro quickly sidesteps at the moment right before their opponent's attack, causing the opponent to think that their attack phased right through them

Raging Fire: a sprinting technique that is performed after digging their toes into the ground, allowing them to accelerate at unthinkable speeds

Earth Shrinking: the ultimate technique of the Flame Kata. Earth Shrinking. with the essence of the technique laying in "standing on one's bones alone" without the use of the muscles. It relies on shifting one's center of gravity to move, with its "interval" visibly different from regular motions. It yields the illusion that the user is backstepping and the distance between the user and the opponent suddenly shrinking

Redirection Kata/form: Tyro is able to distort the flow of power.

The Weeping Willow: alters the trajectory of their opponent's attack by redirecting their flow of power. In this manner, the user can make their opponent's attacks miss as well as make an opponent lose their balance, allowing an opening for an attack.

Change of Scenery: is where Tyro hurls their opponent with a twisting throw.

Chi Blockage: powerful palm strike that was originally created to destroy the nerves. However it can also be used to suppress the autonomic nervous system

Entanglement: a technique that goes one step beyond the Weeping Willow. By not only altering the trajectory of the opponent's attacks but grabbing onto them while doing so, Tyro can redirect the power back into their opponent. This can cause dislocation of the joints.

Flowing Edge: a defensive technique that deflects an attack's trajectory by applying power to its side. It can even be used to deflect projectiles (such as bullets) by calculating the angle of incidence of the projectile and creating an angle to deflect the projectile off of hard bone in order to change the projectile's trajectory

Marionette: amplifies the body's internal power and control their body with minimal useage of energy, enabling them to move and fight when their stamina is extremely limited

Water Kata/form: a grappling-based kata that places emphasis on flexibility and fluidity of motion.

Bind of Pisces: an armbar that involves immobilizing the opponent's arms by pinning one arm by their head with one's legs and the other arm with one's hands

Dancing Serpent: Is where Tyro bends their entire body backwards to disperse the opponent's attack.

Guillotine: a technique that is performed while the opponent is off balance, Tyro then grabs the front of their opponent's neck with both hands (while facing in the opposite direction to them) and then violently pulls and lifts their opponent's body up off the ground using their neck as a lever, heavily damaging the opponent's neck.

Jellyfish Clutch:is where Tyro runs at the opponent and catches them in a headlock, leaning down using the momentum of their run. This movement is used to viciously snap the opponent's neck back

Screw Cutter Jizo: a technique that, while the opponent is off balance in a supine position, Tyro grabs his opponent's arm with both hands, before flipping them over into a prone position and then tightly holding that arm in a manner similar to an armlock that also involves sitting on the opponent's shoulder.

Seagrass Hold: a technique used to evade and then lock a thrusting movement; Tyro quickly dodges a thrusting weapon (such as a spear) or thrusting attack (such as a punch or nukite) and grabs and locks the offending weapon/limb under their armpit in one fluid motion.

Water Dragon's Vein: Tyro lies on his back with their arms clutching his opponent's neck and knees, and his legs pushing up on their opponent's back. This causes loss of consciousness within seven seconds, due to the carotid sinus reflex, though it has been surmised that the true purpose of this technique is to snap the opponent's spine

Water Mirror: can be used when Tyro cannot can't use their normal locks and holds, such as if he had broken their arm. This technique involves using a part of his opponent's body to place their opponent in a lock or a hold. Because there is no specific form for Water Mirror, it allows Reiji to be flexible and change the way they use it in a fight situation.

Other forms:

Nil Kata/form: is not one of the four katas of the Niko Style per se, but rather a compilation of breathing exercises

Void: breathing exercise similar to Ibuki breathing and neigong, which involves deep exhalations through increasing the abdominal pressure, focusing awareness towards the body's meridian. This is used as a means of concentration and internal regulation.

Combined forms:

Absolute Destruction: a technique that appears to use the principles of fa jin to deliver a powerful impact.

Binding Demon: A combination of the Redirection and Water Katas. consists of utilizing one's arms & legs to restrain the targets arms against their torso from behind, seemingly using their own force to bind them.

Bone Consumption: combination of Redirection and Water forms. involves loosening the joints to increase the range of motion before resetting them back.

Fire Water: a rapid transition from a forward dash to a low tackle, evading any incoming attacks while aiming to tackle the opponent to the ground at the same time

Flashing Steel: the fastest attack of the niko style it involves charging the opponent at a high speed and delivering a blow with tightened muscles. The momentum and hardness interact to make for a devastating blow; it's best used as a counter, utilizing both the opponent's and the Tyro's momentum to maximize inflicted damage

And every other fused forms of the niko style.

Secret Techniques:

The Advanced: where Tyro forces his heart to accelerate at a very fast pace. While his heart accelerates, his skin goes red and his eyes go black.

Fallen Demon: using this technique. Tyro enters a state of tachypsychia, an altered perception of time, allowing him to see everything around him in slow motion. While this does not increase the speed of Reiji's physical actions, it allows him to identify and react more effectively.

And every other Secret Technique.

Divine Demon: a technique that only Fei Wangfang and Tyro is capable of using, which surpasses the Possessing Spirit in sheer power. A combination of Possessing Spirit and Fallen Demon, Divine Devil utilizes both techniques at an even higher level than a normal user would be capable of. Wangfang's and Tyro's heartbeat is so rapid only those close to the user can hear it clearly. Said acceleration can also be used to fling the user's blood at an opponent at high speeds with mild piercing force, which Wangfang and Tyro uses to disrupt Takeshi's use of Blast Core. Takeshi notes that Wangfang and Reiji also lacks any signs of the drawbacks that Possessing Spirit has.

Water moves:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Overall Powers/Abilities/Hax: Dinosaur physiology, Megalosauroid Physiology,Superior Dino Physiology, Dino Lord Physiology, Dino Dragon Physiology, Endorphin Activation, 100% Muscle Usage, Archetype: Genius Bruiser, Maximum Concentration Capacity, Auto Reflexes, Neurochemistry Manipulation, Sensorimotor Synchrony, Somatic Pain Immunity, Endorphin Manipulation, Archetype: Martial Artist, Strength Based Invulnerability, Impact Absorption, Impact Manipulation, Protected Senses, Foreign Chemical Protection, Unfixed movement, Accelerated development, Flowmotion, Muscle Manipulation, Self Muscle Manipulation, Muscle Mass Enhancement, Powers and abilities.

Artificially enhanced physiology

Superhuman Condition

One-man Army; He's a one-man army.

Enviromental manipulation: he can manipulate the environment itself.

Dinosaur soul: Has a soul of a prehistoric dinosaur

100% Muscle usage/nonrelative strength

Vibration manipulation

Fossil manipulation

Supernatural survivability; he's capable of surviving anything at a supernatural level.

Enhanced Roar; He has an enhanced Roar that can make anyone feel fear.
Decelerated Aging; he ages slowly.
Extrasensory Perception
Body manipulation
Fear masking: he can mask his own fear.
Impact manipulation
temperature regulation: he can control his own body temperature.
Force Field Generation: he can generate force fields for defense and can even use it to crush someone.
Rock manipulation
Invisibility: he can become invisible to sca
Natural Weaponry: he has natural claws for combat.
Regenerative Healing Factor
Self-muscle manipulation: he can control his own muscle strength and use them for wrestling.
Telekinesis: he can use telekinesis to lift things from a far distance if he can't lift anything with his small arms.
Teleportation: he can teleport in different areas.
Muscle Armor: his muscles are like armor.
Dermal armor: He has skin that works like dense armor.

Shockwave manipulation

Pressure manipulation
Plasma manipulation
Fang Retraction: he can retract his own fangs.
Large Size; he's naturally large.
Resistance to poison Diseases and viruses
Impact absorption
Size manipulation: he can either grow in size for intimidation and if he freaks out he'll shrink in size.
Damage empowerment; he gains power from any form of damage he suffers.
Powerful Bite
Predator Instinct: he has the predator instinct of a Spinosaurus
Thick Skull: his skull is thicker than human bone.
Element manipulation
Vibration manipulation
Acid Manipulation
Acidic fire manipulation: he can breathe out acidic fire.
Aquatic Life Adaptation
Godly Strength, Godly Speed and Agility and Reflexes, Claw Retraction
Godly Durability and Endurance
Large Size(type 1-2)
Powerful Bite
Tail Manifestation
Crocodile Manipulation
Water Deity Physiology: Divinity/Nature Divinity
Deity Soul/Water Soul
Divine/Water Aura
Divine Force Manipulation
Lake/River Manipulation (Lake/River Deities)
Ocean Embodiment (Ocean/Sea Deities)
Ocean Lordship
Ocean Manipulation
Aquatic Life Manipulation
Disaster Manipulation
Sea Monster Manipulation
Water Embodiment
All Water-Based Powers
Water Boundary
Water Generation
Esoteric Water Generation
Tidal Wave Generation
Water Imprisonment
Water Manipulation
Esoteric Water Manipulation
Healing Water/Resurrection
Spiritual Water/Pure Water Manipulation
Water Energy Manipulation
Water Purification
Ice Manipulation
Scald Generation
Water Defense
Water Form Manipulation
Water Transformation/Water Transmutation
Water Mimicry
Water Walking
Weather Manipulation
Divine Weather Manipulation
Drought Creation
Precipitation Manipulation
Rain Manipulation
Rain Creation
Flood Creation
Storm Manipulation
Air Manipulation
Wet Season Manipulation
Wetland Manipulation
Archetype: Hydrokinetic Metal

Looks:(Human form)


Primary/Base form:

Mutated form:

Mad form:

Thunder form:

Cyber form:


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