First Day of School

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+Piedmont, California: The Twins House- Morning+

"Good Morning Piedmont." Dipper lazily says, slowly opening his eyes, his vision resisting to the lighting in the room.

He sat up on his bed and looked at his room. Blue painted color walls, posters of video games, some action figures on the shelf next to some books. Two window, one showing the front yard of the house and the second is a skylight over his bed. His backpack on the chair by his desk with all sorts of equipment.

Dipper started to remember the recent memory hours ago when they finally left Gravity Falls.


Dipper and Mabel stood by the bus stop sign waiting for the bus taking them back home. Wendy, Soos, Stan, Ford, Pacifica, Candy, and Grenda stood by them too to make sure the twins got on the bus.

"Hey PineTree. What about the barriers? I can't pass through them." Bill asked Dipper who payed no attention to the others.

'Don't worry Bill, Grunckle Ford took of the barrier for awhile so he can renew them. He thinks you might come back once more to dominate the human race again.' Dipper thought.

"It's not my fault that I enjoy torturing you meatsacks! I mean look at everyone they're just so... Torturable? Or maybe they're just too dumb?" Bill started to ponder on the subject now leaving Dipper to chuckle a bit.

"Kid, Dipper!"

Dipper was brought out of his thoughts when he heard his Grunckle Stan trying to get his attention.

"Y-Yeah Grunckle Stan?" He stuttered a bit.

Stan looked at him suspiciously, but passed it as phase. "Just wanted to say that we can't wait for you to come back next summer. Do good in school, okay kid?"

Dipper nodded with a smile. "Yup, can't wait for next summer already."

Everyone heard the bus coming up their way and it stop by them.

"Bus heading to Piedmon, California." The bus driver said after opening the door.

Mabel hugged everyone while Dipper gave a simple goodbye wave and walked onto the bus. Once Mabel step onto the bus the door closed right behind her.

The twins were now closed off from Gravity Falls until next summer. Including Bill Cipher.

+End of Flashback+

Dipper got out of his bed and started dressing for the first day of school. 'Great, another day of school torture.' He thought. After changing, he checked his things in his backpack and left his room with it.

He could hear the chattering of his parents talking and Mabel excitedly chatting away too.

"Oh Good Morning Dipper!" Mrs. Pines asked cheerfully. Fionna Pines: age 35, long chocolate brown hair, pale skin, brown eyes, height 5'5, loves rabbits, some kind of adventure, and her occupation is a police officer.

Dipper smiled at her with a grin. "Morning mom!" He sat by his twin and started eating his breakfast.

"So Son, ready for your first day of school?" His dad asked. Finn Pines: age 36, short brown hair ruffled hair, pale skin, dark brown eyes, height 5'7, likes dogs, some kind of adventure, and his occupation is a police officer.

Both their parents are partners in their work. The family even had a dog name Jake. A dark yellow and black mix breed German Shepard with black eyes.

"Yeah dad, can wait for another eventful school day." He said in a sarcastic tone. He shoved another spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

His dad laughed and patted him on the back.

"Dipper! Mabel! The bus is here!" Their mom called out from the front door.

The twins rushed out of the kitchen and patted Jake on the head before leaving out the door. Their mom gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and left for the school bus.

Mabel was the first one on and immediately saw her friends. She sat by them, they chatted about their summer and how it felt like it was too fast.

Dipper pulled his signature hat down to cover his eyes and head to the far back of the bus. He stumbled a bit because some of his bullies tried to trip him, but solving the mysteries of the paranormal and fighting against a demon was a lot. This bullying in front of him was nothing anymore.

'This is getting way to old.' He thought to himself. Dipper maneuvered himself rough the sticked out legs and finally got to his seat. He sighed and relax in his seat.

The brunet felt a growing heat near his collar bone. He grazed his finger tips over Bill's little form. 'What's got you so riled up?' He asked mentally to Bill.

"I saw what was happening to you PineTree. Let me at them! I'll give them a whole 5 years worth of horrible nightmares for messing with my property." Bill says angrily at Dipper.

'Calm down Bill, compared against you and them. Your the bigger problem. Plus I'm not yours.' Dipper thought to the demon.

Bill echoey laugh resounded through his head. "You flatter me Kid, but you are technically mine."

Dipper made a confused expression. 'What do you mean?'

"All the symbols on my wheel is a symbol for each specific person. Therefore, who ever is tied to my symbols is considered my property or territory." Bill answered in pride.

Dipper hummed at the answer he was given and looked outside the window. The school bus was now right in front of the school and the students were exiting the bus to go inside the building. At the entrance of the school were tables filled with teachers and handing papers to the kids for their schedule. The brunet was handed his and looked it over.

Dominic 'Dipper' Pines
1st period: Latin
2nd period: free
3rd period: History
4th period: Science
5th period: Lunch
6th period: free
7th period: Cooking
8th period: Geometry

'Why would you fleshbags need to learn how to cook?" Bill asked.

'Cause society is downgrading to fast food instead of cooking their own food.' Dipper replied with a chuckle. He glanced over to his sister to check on her.

Mabel is still chatting with her friends while checking her schedule with curious eyes. She looked up and they made eye contact, she smiled at her brother. Also excitedly waved at him.

Dipper waved back with a smile too. He turned around and entered the school building. It wasn't hard to find his Latin class since it was kinda close to the school entrance. Dipper went inside and saw a few students inside.

The room is small with 10 desks, orangish red painted walls while Latin words and posters were hung, the whiteboard in front of the room, teachers desk, and chairs at each seat. There were currently 6 students in the now including Dipper.

The brunet picked the seat in the corner next to the window and waited for the class to start.

'This is weird. Now that I'm back home everything looks really normal. Guess I really got use to the strange things in Gravity Falls.' Dipper though surveying his surroundings.

"Missing home PineTree?" The demon asked followed by a chuckle.

'I am home Bill.'

"Your home is Gravity Falls now. I'm telling you that nothing is gonna be the same anymore because you decided this fate." Bill said in a matter of fact tone.

Dipper smiled and placed his finger tips on Bill. 'I guess your right. Take a rest Bill, it'll be awhile until I can have some time to actually take to you.'

He heard the demon sigh. "Fine PineTree, but if anything comes up, feel free to wake me up."


After Dipper had said that to Bill, the Latin teacher can into the room.

"Bonum mane class! My name is Renatus Tino" He teacher greeted them good morning. A tall man with dark black hair short. Wearing a orange polo, black pants and shoes. He took attendance and everyone was here. 6 people total in this class. "I would like to start of class with getting to know everyone and what they did over the summer. We'll go down the rows.

"Hi! I'm Gina Salfid. I spent the summer at my Family's lake house!" Gina said cheerfully.

"Hey I'm Brennan Jason. Spent the summer playing music for my fans." Brennan says in a carefree tone.

"Hello, I'm Frank Jefferson. During the summer I spend the time with my cousins in some amusement parks." Frank said in amusement.

"Name is Rina Airlorn. What I did over the summer is travel outside the country!" Rina exclaimed happily.

"My name is Alice Kinren. I spent the summer on a cruise in the Bahamas." Alice said in a soft voice.

The teacher nodded with a smile on his face and looked in Dipper's direction. "And last but not least."

Dipper looked at his teacher. "I'm Dipper Pines, nice to meet you. What I did over the summer is nothing you would believe, so I'm not gonna tell you about it." He stated to his classmates and teacher.

His teacher gave him a sad look. "Ah come on Dipper. At least share something you did." Mr. Tino said.

Dipper sighed. "I visited my great Uncle during the summer in Gravity Falls, Oregon. That's it."

The teacher had a feeling the brunet wasn't gonna say anything more, so he decide to start class.

So to say the class went well and Bill often helped Dipper correct his mistakes.

His free period, Dipper spent hit time in the library reading with Bill, who was still hanging around his neck, reading along. Bill would sometimes tell the brunet he wasn't done reading the page yet and he would have to wait for Bill to be done.

History and Science went by like a breeze. Nothing exciting really happened since it was the first day of school.

Then there was lunch, unfortunately two of Dipper's bullies walked right to him and crushed him right between the two.

"Well they'll be having nightmares for 9 years... Or longer." Bill says happily, words coated in poison. He looked up atDipper who had a pained expression. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how's the pain?" He asked.

"6" Dipper replied. Those two bullies were on the football team, so their build was way muscular that Dipper's scrawny body. The teen rubbed his arm now forming a light purple bruise. "Ow..."

Bill's triangle body turned red and Dipper could feel the heat radiating from him. Once again he brought up his fingertips to Bill's little form.

"It's fine Bill, I'm use to it. Please calm down." Dipper calmly whispers.

Bill wanted to be really stubborn at the moment, but he could hear the plead in the teen's, so he dropped it.

Dipper got his lunch and looked around the cafeteria for a seat. He saw his sister waving at him to come over. He went over to his twin's table and settled himself down next to Mabel.

"Hey Mabes. How's your first day of school so far?"

Mabel happily chatted about her first day and how it was going fantastic. "It's really great bro bro! How about you?"

"So far so good." He replied in a neutral tone.

"Dipper, I can tell your brother by something again. Is there someone bullying you again? Because if there is, they're gonna wish they never mess with Mabel Pines's brother." You could see the fires ignited in her eyes while she clenched her fist.

Dipper nervously laughed at her action. "Don't worry Mabel. I'm fine."

Mabel gave him a hesitant look. "Okay Dipper. I'm trusting you on that. If you ever need help, you know who to turn too." Mabel picked up her apple and took a bite out of it.

Dipper ate his sandwich while he head Bill's comment in his head.

"Yeah, that would be me. Don't worry Shooting Star, your brother is in safe hands."

'More like dealing hands.' Dipper thought rolling his eyes in amusement.

Lunch went by and the twins went their separate ways.

Dipper had another free period, so he spent time in the library again, but doing homework instead. It wasn't hard and he was able to get the work done early. Bill fixed his mistakes here and there, but it wasn't much.

Cooking class came and they made cookies.

"Hey PineTree can I have some?"

'You don't even have a mouth you dumb dorito.'

"Then would you make me some if I had a mouth?"

Dipper thought it over for a sec. 'I guess, but if your gonna choke on them on purpose then I'm not gonna make anymore.'

Bill didn't say anything anymore after that and class ended.

Finally the last class of the day, Geometry. Dipper didn't here Bill say anything to him and listened to his Geometry teacher Mr. Wenton ramble on about the subject.

School ended by the sound of the bell and the students were filing out of their classrooms.

Dipper met up with Mabel waiting for their bus home.

You could say it was just another regular school day, but wit a new addition to Dipper's routine.

+Pines Home+

Dipper sat by his desk doing the rest of his homework. His hellhound, Asriel, laying on a pillow on his head sleeping. Bill sleeping, to restore his energy for some reason Dipper didn't really know.

"Finally x equals 8. Done." Dipper placed his pencil down on his desk and stretched his arms. He rotated his body left and right to stretch his back.

He got up and laid down on his bed and thought of the day's events.

'Definitely gonna be a weird year.' He thought amusingly and drifted off to sleep.

IM BACK!!! I AM FINALLY FINISHED WITH MY EXAMS ^^ I'm officially on Christmas break!

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