Way to Give Up My Secret Ya Dumb Cult!

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Half of the school year had passed now and the twins were drifting apart little by little. Mabel ended up spend more time with her girl friends just for fun or for projects. Dipper on the other hand had been left alone and spent more time talking with Bill and Asriel (even thought the dog can't talk he could understand Dipper). He even learned lots of magic from the yellow demon too. Still they both had a caring bond that held them together.

Bill had manage to store a lot of energy to retain his normal form, but he decided it was better to hide by being Dipper's necklace. He didn't mind it since he usually transform back when he was back in Dipper's room. Bill found teaching PineTree Magic was easy, the boy was like a prodigy apprentice that was hard to find.

But you know, secrets can't last long.

+Constellation Middle School: Dipper's Latin Class+

Dipper sat in his seat next to Mabel, who was snickering her binder again.

Mabel hadn't been in his Latin class before because she took French during the beginning of school. She found it a little too hard for her, so she transferred her launguage to learning Latin with her twin brother.

"I wonder what we're gonna learn today bro bro! Do think Mr. Retanus would let us watch a romantic movie in Latin?" She asks in a hopeful voice.

Dipper laughed at her in amusement. "You should ask him Mabel, maybe he'll let the class if he's in a good mood." The brunet suggested.

Mabel giggled and slammed her last sticker on the binder.

The teacher came in as usual and started class.

'Hey PineTree.'

'Bill?' Dipper thought. 'I thought you were gonna sleep in today.'

'I got bored of sleeping. Plus I'm a demon I don't need sleep! Bill replied.

'Says the demon who needs sleep to restore his lost every after Weirdmeggddon.' The brunet mentally thought, and he could picture the demon rolling his eye at him.

'Hm~' Bill hummed.

Dipper turned his attention back to the teacher talking about changes for verbs and some of their vocab. "Now-"

The door was forcefully slammed open, stopping the the teacher from speaking. Everyone in the class screamed when the saw a large group of people dressed you bright yellow robes by the door. Their hoods concealed their faces, on hit was a large sewn eye. On the front of their robe is a triangle.

"W-What's going o-on here?!" Mr. Retanus stutteredly exclaimed to the group bravely.

Two people of the group came into the classroom, while the rest waited by the door. Seemingly the leader in the middle of the three talked.

"We have come here today to retrieve our Master, who has been trapped away by a certain person." It was definatlily a male voice and a little deep too.

"But everyone in this room are children! I'm the only adult here. Who ever your master is, isn't here." The teacher replied.

The cult leader nodded his head to the person in his left. The person next to him nodded back and looked at the class.

"Dipper Pines." A feminine voice called the boy.

Dipper and Mabel got out of their seats and glared at the group.

"Are you guys from Gravity Falls?" Mabel asked, glaring at them.

The female in the robes nodded. "We are, young Mabel Pines, but we did not call your name. Your brother has our Master and we must take him back."

"Dipper what is she taking about?" Mabel turned to her twin.

"They're talking about Bill, Mabel." Dipper answered her. He looked at the group in gold and narrowed his eyes at them. "Bill was sucked back to his dimension where he belongs! What makes you think he's here?"

The head of the group laughed. "We know he's not here this very moment physically, but your going to summon him back for us. You either cooperate with us or we use force." The male said in a serious tone.

"He'll never get him back for you guys! Oh no Dipper! What if they got Grunkle Stan and Ford?!" Mabel angry tone turned into worry.

"Your uncles are fine for now, but if you don't help us then something bad might happen to them." The female said to the two.

Dipper looked at them a little confused, "Why don't you just summon him then? Why me?" He asked them.

"We have searched for our Master's summoning circle and incantations, but have been either been erased or secretly locked away. You know it by heart and the picture of what his summoning should look like. That is why we need you to call him for us." The female worshipper explained to him.

The head of the group walked over to Dipper and picked him up by the front coller of his shirt. "What do you say boy?"

Dipper struggled in the man's hold while Mabel, the teacher, and the class panic.



Bright blue flamed busted in front of the male's face startling him, causing him to let go of Dipper.

Mabel rushed to her twin and hugged him around the neck.

Everyone in the room watched the flame die down to reveal a yellow triangle narrowing his eye at the cult members.

"Master!" The cult worshippers rejoiced and bowed in Bill's presence before them.

Mabel leaned over to Dipper and whispered to him. "Why is Bill still here in physical form no less?!"

Dipper didn't answer and continued to watch the scene play out before him. He knew Bill had two choices, one being to start ruling again or two stay with Dipper and not hurt anyone.

The head of the cult did not look Bill in the eye, but started talking. "Master, we are the Golden Society. We are here to serve you as you command."

"You hurt PineTree." Bill bluntly stated, his tone not pleased.

The cult member stood straight to look at the demon again with confusion.

"What-" The head member was cut off by Bill.

His body turned red. "Way to give up my secret ya dumb cult! Not mention you hurt my PineTree!" Bill says angrily. He glared at them while the worshippers trembled before him.

Before Bill could do something extreme or unnecessary, he called out for his dog. "Asriel. A little help would be nice right now." Dipper says out loud.

His dog tag glowed and transformed into it's normal form. The black hellhound snarled at the cult with a fierce look. Asriel barked at them loudly causing them, plus the students and teacher to wince at the sound.

Bill stared at Asriel for a minute and looked back at the group. Snapping his fingers he tied the worshippers up with rope. "Be glad that I'm sparing you stupid meatsacks." The triangle says annoyed.

"Bill the memory erase gun." Dipper said to the other calmly. He got out his shocked sister's hold and stood up, walking next to Bill's side.

With another snap, the familiar memory gun was in the brunet's hands. He set the dial 'Golden Society' and aimed it at the group.

"Forget everything about the Golden Society, and never bother PineTree or myself again." Bill says.

The worshippers were yelling no, but Dipper pulled the trigger without any hesitation. Bright light emitted from the memory gun taking away the group's knowledge of the cult they had been welcome into.

Once the flash gone and the memory had been wiped. The use to be cult laid unconscious in front of the classroom.

Bill use his powers to teleport the group back to Gravity Falls.

"Where did you put them?" Dipper asked Bill.

"Not in the forest if your wondering. They're close to the town where people will find them." Bill told the boy.

"Dipper?" Mabel asked scared and confused at the same time.

Dipper reset the memory gun.

Bill pulled Mabel next to Dipper and pulled the teacher next to the other students.

Asriel returning to his second form hanging around the boy's neck again.

Dipper pulled the trigger on the memory gun erasing the memory of the teacher and student of the what happened. "I explain to you about this later Mabel." He quietly told his sister.

Then he made up a quick lie to the teacher about why he was holding a triangle with one eye in his arms.

+Pines' House+

Dipper and Mabel went upstairs to Dipper's room to talk.

Bill and Asriel released themselves from their disguised form and returned to their regular form. Asriel going to his Master's bed to sleep and Bill floating by Dipper's side.

"Dipper you better have a good explanation on why Bill is still here and not in his dimension." Mabel says sternly.

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Sit down Mabel, this explanation will take awhile."

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