Ancient discovery

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I love the alien vs predator movies! The black aliens are so cool!!! So are the predators hunting them down with their cool weapons and invisibility cloak technology. So I thought you know what? *grins* How about human Dipper and Alien Bill! Don't worry there will be no deaths! know what I make no promises

17 year old Mabel holds on tightly to her brothers hand as they sneak their way through the giant maze like temple. She didn't want anything of this to happen everything had been perfect they had discovered a temple buried in the forest of Gravity falls.

Ford had taken action the moment the twins said anything about it, packing all sorts of things and calling people to meet up with them.

It had all been exciting everyone was there with them as they opened the door to the triangle shaped temple. Wendy was there along with Soos, Stanley, Ford, Candy, Grenda, Mabel and of course Dipper.

They all entered excited at what they could discover and learn. Candy had been taking some pictures when she stepped on a stone that went down, all the walls around them closing in on them.

They all were separated into groups against their will as the walls moved and cut them off. But that was a hour ago and these black giant lizard like things kept coming and trying to kill them. Mabel wasn't having a good time and wished she never found this place with her brother.

Dipper looks back at his sister as she seems a little lost in thought. He sighs and quietly shakes her shoulders. She blinks then looks back at him.

Mabel looks around hoping it wasn't real and almost sobs seeing the dark and spooky walls of the temple. Dipper pulls her into a hug and rubs her back to calm her down.

She sniffs and wipes the slight wetness from her eyes and gives Dipper her a small smile, he smiles back and gives her shoulder a reasurring squeeze.

She stands back up with a new determined look. "Let's go find them." Dipper has a soft smile as he stands beside her. "Let's go."


They walked into a chamber type area with a giant stone triangle shaped table in the middle of the room with stone tables surrounding it. Mabel froze beside Dipper and he turns to see a pool of blood on the floor.

They both slowly move over to look around a stone table and gasp. There laid Wendy with her chest busted open and a weird looking spider thing dead next her. Mabel quietly sobs seeing Wendy's dead pained expression and dead glossy eyes.

Dipper covers her eyes as Mabel whimpers and starts to cry. A hiss reaches both of their ears and they freeze and tense. Dipper whispers to Mabel. "Run." They both take off towards the exit.

They hear a screech and footsteps behind them and they run faster. They floor gives out under Mabel and she falls. Dipper stops and peers over the edge. "Mabel are you okay?!" He asks concerned and scared for her.

She sits up and looks up at him. "Yeah...I think so." Dipper sighs in relief and looks down at her with a small frown. "Its too deep for you to climb out and I can't reach you."

"That's fine I can-" the walls start to pull back up and Dipper sees panic on Mabels face as they slowly close. "Dipper!" He panics and pounds on the floor when they pull back up completly. "Mabel! Can you hear me Mabel!"

Mabel holds onto her arms and looks around the small cramp dark space. She sniffs. "Yeah I'm okay!" She yells so he can hear her.

There's a scraping sound and she turns her head and sees a sleek long black head with no eyes. Its lips curl up and hisses. Labels eyes widen and she screams as it comes at her.

Dippers eyes widen hearing his sisters screams and he pounds on the floor wetness forming behind his eyes fearing the worst. "MABEL! CAN YOU HEAR ME! MABEL!!"

He stops listening for her answer only met with silence. Dipper sits back with a blank expression a stray tear falling down his cheek. His body tenses and he stops and looks around.

The hair on the back of his neck stands up and he has the feeling of being watched. Standing slowly he moves in a slow circle and checks every part of the space around him.

A rock slipping from a ledge makes his head snap up to the ledge. His eyes widen as a alien jumps down infront of him and he stumbles back and lands hard on his ass.

Ignoring the pain he stares up at it and takes in its features. It looked different from the plain black aliens he has seen so far. It was larger, black with a yellow tint to it and blue lines went along its body like veins, it had a extra clawed finger on each hand and it seemed to be after than the others. What scared Dipper was the fanged filled grin it was shooting at him, even with no eyes it felt like it could see through his very soul.

It brought its tail behind the human and kept the pointed end near his neck making tilt his head back to keep it from digging into his skin.

He moved on all fours and put its head near his neck and seems to sniff him. His muscles tense further and he whimpers softly willing himself not to shake in fear. It makes an amused hiss like sound and moves his tail to expose the hard part and slams it against the humans head knocking him out and to the ground.

Others of its kind come to see what he's up to and he screeches at them exposing his fangs and whipping his tail around. They all scatter and leave him.

He picks the human teen up by the back of his shirt and jumps back up the ledge moving toward his territory he claimed as his.


The alien known as Bill as he liked to call himself admires his work on the coccon type goo holding the teen in. It was green and held the human inside curled up in a sleep like state. Bill lays down beside it and waits.

Hahaha cliff hanger!!! Now I have Two cliff hangers! I probably won't update a second part to this but who knows I might.

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