Loving can hurt but love can heal

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I got a request for Dipper and Bill meeting at a gay bar so let's do this!

Dipper walks down the street hood over his head and his phone off. There was a faint red mark on his cheek shaped like a hand.

His phone didn't stop going off until he turned it off. Dipper couldn't deal with his ex girl friend Gem. She was a bitch and thought the world went around her. She was sweet at time mostly to him but she has stabbed his back and heart enough.

He dumped her last week and she kept blowing up his phone with apologies and threats. Mostly threats. Dipper knew she would move on to some other unlucky guy and suck him dry of his hard earned cash.

That's what she did. Find a hot guy with a good job and take his money. That's why she always had the best clothes, shoes, jewelry, and other things. Dipper learned her habits and dumped her after a week. He did like her a little but not enough to have her stay.

Walking along the side walk he notices a bar. 'That's just what I need right now.' He runs across the street and enters the bar.

It looked like any other bar. Booths and tables taking up some room along with the bar. A dance floor with bodies dancing to the music. One thing seemed off he couldn't tell at this moment so be just pulled down his hood and sits at the bar.

A man with dark skin and blue eyes is cleaning a up when he orders. "One white island please." The guy nods and turns around mixing a few drinks together.

Dipper glances around the bar he is at when his brown eyes meet golden ones.

The person sitting a few stools from him seemed almost god like. His lightly tanned skin was flawless, against his black jeans, yellow shirt and black jacket. He had on black wrist gloves and in one hand he was holding a drink. His eyes were a golden gold, with black eyeliner around his eyes making them look even more god like. He hand piercings in his ears and angel bites on his lower lip.

He was grinning and Dipper realized he had been staring at him. Blushing in embarrassment he turns back just as his drink is handed to him.

He takes a sip and goes to grab his phone when he notices someone sitting beside him. Turning his head and jumps lightly in surprise seeing the man now sitting next to him in all his glory.

He's still grinning and his eyes are half lidded. "Never seen you here before you new?" Dipper nods and stays quiet. The blonde stranger leans back from him and sits normally. "So having boyfriend troubles? There's a red mark on your cheek."

Dipper shakes his head then his eyes widen. He's in a gay bar! That's what was wrong there were no girls in here! "I-uh no actually...ex..girlfriend..I came in here not knowing this was a gay bar.."

Theres a hand on his shoulder and he looks at those beautiful golden orbs. "That's fine but I think you'll find guys are much better than girls anyday." Dipper blushes lightly at the contact and gets off the stool then leave money for the drink. "No I think I'll leave. I'm not gay."

He walks out of the bar after quickly finishing his drink not seeing the blondes slightly hurt expression. Dipper walks down the sidewalk again and leans against a wall. He would admit the guy was gorgeous and probably had a boyfriend already, plus Dipper wasn't gay...or was he?

Thinking back to the blonde his cheeks turn red and he shakes the thoughts away. No he was straight end of story. As if hearing his thoughts the blonde shows up and taps Dippers shoulder.

Dipper looks at him confused. "Uh hi?" The blonde chuckles and hands him a card. "Heres my cell in case you change your mind on being gay. Names Bill by the way." Bill leans down and kisses the brunettes cheek making him flush. "I can rock your world if you call." He winks. "Call me!" He says before he disappears down a corner.

Dippers face is still red as he looks down at the card with Bills phone number on it. A small smile forms on his lips. Maybe he should call him.

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