Ancient Discovery part 2

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This is gonna be either be the last chapter for it or I might make a part three depends on the feedback and if I'm not lazy. I have a few requests to do also so this should be a lot of work. *groans* But I like you people so enjoy!

Ford walks around tattered and burised next to a predator. They were big aliens with metal masks, their bodies were like humans but bigger built and had wide shoulders, they had armor and many different weapons, they made weird purr like sounds when they commicated with one another.

They were odd but seemed to be skilled in killing the aliens that roamed the maze like temple. Ford was relieved when they didn't kill him and let him join in favor of killing the black alien creatures.

There were two with him and the other 3 went down a different path when they found him. He ccouls see why they had masks seeing as the spider creatures that came out if the eggs attached to your face and laid the alien baby inside you.

He watched them carefully as they made their way down many tunnels and turns. One makes a growl noise and the other leaves and moves down a bigger tunnel.

Ford stays with whom seems to be the leader and follows him up a ledge and through a wide tunnel that looks like gold. Ford hears a switch sound and a small light flick goes over the eye part of the mask.

The scan switches to body heat and follows a trail leading go the open part of the tunnel.

Ford follows and gasps at what he sees. The rooms made entirely of golden with ruins and symbols marking every inch. Picture like writing is on the wall telling the story of how the temple came to be. But what shocked him the most was a green cocoon like pod was on the wall and inside was his nephew Dipper.

The pod like coccon looked like it was attached to the wall with green fluids inside. The thing seemed to glow, it pulsed weakly from time to time.

Dipper seemed to be asleep inside of it and his normal lightly paled skin was turning black in some places and seemed to be growing claws.

The predators gun comes up from his back and points at the pod containing Dipper. Fords eyes widen and he steps infront of him. "Don't shoot that's my newphew are you crazy we need to get him out!"

The predator looks down at him then back at the pod. His scanner switches to a different mode and he scans the human inside. The feedback comes up 11 percent alien and 89 percent human. The gun clicks and goes back to place and Ford sighs in relief.

He moves toward the pod and the predator stays back watching. A pointed tail goes behind him and violencently moves forward and impales the predator in the chest.

A growl of both pain and anger comes from the metal mask and the tail embedds itself further and pops through his chest completely. The tail lifts and bring him face to face with a angry looking alien with slightly yellow tinted hide and blue lines running down its body.

It hisses and opens its mouth showing the second set of smaller jaws that move out and go right through the mask and straight through his skull killing him.

The alien pulls his second set of jaws back into his mouth and let's the body fall to the ground with a bone cracking thud. It turns to the human who stares at him with horror and slight anger.

Bill jumps down from the second ledge that goes to the ceiling and stands on two clawed like feet making him 3 feet taller than the human. It hisses down at him and his tail flicks side to side in a threatening manor and flexes its claws.

Ford does his best to push his fear aside to let his anger show to the thing he knows did this to his nephew. "I know you did this release him at once!" He pulls out his gun and aims it at the creature.

Bill hisses and moves his tail to the left out of the humans line if sight. Ford growls and fires a fee shots at the alien intending to kill it to save Dipper.

The bullets glow blue and stop a few inches from the Aliens face. Fords eyes widen in shock as he drops his now empty gun. The tail rushes forward and impales the human through the chest.

Ford coughs up blood and holds onto the tail as he tries to stay standing. He looks at the pod as a few tears fall down his face. He felt guilt for letting the teens come along to the temple he show have made them stay back at the shack. Now Dipper was in a pod and Mabel was now where to be found.

Ford gasps in pain as the tail moves further til it comes out of his back. His eyes felt heavy and dark spots started to cloud his vision. He hears a hissing sound and something thrusts into his skull releaving him from his suffering.

Bill tosses the dead human to the ground harshly and flicks the blood off his tail. He moves his head toward the pod containing the human and puts a clawed hand to it. The human known as Dipper or Pine Tree in his mind skin was already starting to turn black and his nails were turning into claws.

Soon he would be like his kind and not a human no more. Bill gives a purr at the thought then lays back down beside the pod waiting.

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