Even Forever means never

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Hey my amazing readers. I have this idea in my head for a one shot and I am going to write it. It will be in Dippers POV and it might make you cry cause I feel like writing something sad. So enjoy this or not.

Dippers POV

I hum as I turn off the engine to the old red car Stan owns which looks it would fall apart any minute.

I grab the cups of coffee I grabbed for everyone after my trip to the only electronic store in town. It usually takes me like 2 hours when I go there but they already had my replacement charger for my laptop ready for me.

It saved me a lot of time and I decided to get coffee for everyone besides Stan because he doesn't like the coffee star bucks makes. I walk up the old creaky steps to the door and open the screen door to the gift shop.

It was quiet down stairs so i figured Bill and Mabel were probably making a art project they loved to do from time to time.

I walk up the old steps and avoid the spots I knew that would creak. I wanted to surprise them with the coffee.

I stop when I hear a squeeking noise and soft quiet moans. I freeze with my hand on the door handle. What was that noise? Where they watching a movie? No there was no other noise in the room.

I gulp and turn the handle and quickly throw open the door. What I see brings a wetness to my eyes. There on the bed were my boyfriend and sister totally naked and having sex right in front of me.

Anger replaces the sadness and I throw the scolding hot coffee on them. Mabel and Bill give a small screams as the hot coffee hits them. They both look at me and I stand others with my fists curled into balls with angry tears falling down my face.

Mabel and Bill stares at me in slight horror and panic. "Dipper its not what it looks like!" "Yeah Pine Tree its not what it looks like."

I curl my fists tighter and my nails bite into the palms of my skin. "Its not what it looks like?" I give a dry choked chuckle. "It looks like my boyfriend who said he loved me and my own twin sister." I spat out twin sister like poison on my tongue and feel a small bit of satisfaction watching her flinch. "Are having sex in my room and even making out!!!!"

Tears stream down my face watching them not even explain themselves. It hit me hard and it took all my effect not to break down crying and scream at them. The two people I thought loved me and I thought I could trust were fucking behind my back while i went out.

I send a weak glare at them as they try to finally explain. I take my own coffee and throw it at them. "If you want to fuck then go ahead!!! You apparently hate me or something to be doing this! Mabel I can't believe you! I thought you wanted me to be happy!" I watch Mabel start to cry herself but i didn't care she deserved to feel guilty.

"Bill why?!" I start to sob. "Was everything you said a lie?!" "No Pine-" I wipe my eyes and send a hateful glare to him. "I shouldn't have let you stay here I shoukd have thrown your ass out and not have stood up for you against Stan!" I feel sick watching him flinch. He didn't deserve just this.

I run out of the room and ignore their cries to come back. I ran all the way to Pacifica's and when she opened the door I feel into her arms crying.

She let me stay as long as I needed and I told her everything. She and Mabel had been dating for 6 weeks and she started to cry as well. I stop my own self pity and pat her back as she cries.

After that i went to a guest room and curled up under the blankets. I thought Bill loved me. I thought he actually cared for me. All those nights spent together cuddling in each others arms whispering sweet nothingness into each others ears. I choke back a sob and curl up tighter. I should have never trusted him.

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