Blue Bubble

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What if instead of Bill tossing Dipper aside and telling eight ball and teeth they can eat Dipper. Something else happened.

Watching Ford being used as a back scratcher made Dippers blood boil. That was his mentor and family and Bill was making fun of him.

"That's enough!" Dipper shouts as he jumps onto the melted statue and glares at the triangle. Bill turns around to face Dipper. "Well well well looks like my puppets back for an encore."

Dipper keeps a brave face knowing he was out numbered and out powered as well. He glares harder at Bill. "Come to stop me uh. Come on Pine Tree do something amazing thayd going to stop me in my tracks." (Okay that part in that episode was a little harsh and sorry if these are the exact words but I can't remember exactly how it went)

Dipper pulls out a journal and uses the black light looking for an answer. He stutters and keeps looking. "Come on kid show me what you got!" Dipper gets fed up and clenches his fist and pulls his arm back and goes forward ready to punch him in the eye.

Bill uses magic and stops Dipper a few inches before he could reach his eye and throws the kid back. The journals fall out form his vest and sprawl out in front of Dipper.

Blue magic surrounds the journals and they float up to Bill as Dipper slowly gets back up. "Don't need these." The journals burst into blue flames and the fire quickly eats away at the cover and pages of each journal.

Dipper panics seeing the journals burn to fall to the ground in nothing more then ask and charred pieces of cover. "No!"

Blue magic surrounds Dipper and lifts him off the ground. Dipper struggles glares at the triangle. "Put me down!"

Bill just laughs. "Puppets don't talk back to the master kid."

Teeth moves forward. "Hey boss can I eat him? I haven't eaten a human in a while."

Dipper pales and looks at Bill. Bill waves his hand and the 13 year old finds he can't move anymore. "No you can't eat him i have plans for Pine Tree but help yourself to one of the humans running about. Now let's get weird!"

The other demons cheer and head up to the fearamid. Bill and the human are teleported to the fearamid before the others. "Now look here Pine Tree I have big plans coming up and I wouldn't mind you joining me at my side."

Dipper glares at Bill and tries to struggle. "I'd never join you! Wheres Mabel!"

Bill sighs and turns his arm around making Dipper spin around til he was seeing stars. "Shooting stars happy in a bubble I made for her. It was part of our deal. She gives me the rift and she's gets more summer. In that bubble I designed keeps her happy and let's her control what's inside so long as she doesn't want to leave."

Dipper growls at Bill. "Yeah right you liar!" Bill just shrugs. "Fine don't believe me but its true."

The dream demon floats over to Dipper and grabs his chin. "But if you won't join we'll see what your answer is when you have your own bubble that I control."

Dipper gives Bill a confuses look but turns into a gasp as a blue bubble forms around him with a glowing pine tree on it. Chains form around the bubble and a triangle shaped lock forms on it.

"There all wrapped up like a present!" Bill chirps and puts the bubble by his thrown made up of the stone towns people. "We'll see what you think after you come out of your bubble kid."

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