Bipper fusion

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I love Steven Universe so I just have to make a gem one shot with Bill and Dipper as gems and then fusing. I promise I will make the next part for Sirens aren't that bad after!

Dipper quietly stacks the dishes from together breakfast Steven instisted Bill and him try. It wasn't that bad but Bill just had to take the whipped cream and spray it everywhere making Pearl and Dipper clean it up.

The younger gem just finishes putting away the last plate and cleaning up the last of the whipped cream when Bill and Steven walk back in. Bill has his ears covered and his eye shut tightly as Steven follows him repeating please over and over again.

"Please please please please! I have seen all the other gems fuse please I must see or I'll die!" Steven begs and shouting out why they should fuse. Bill sits next to Garnet on the couch. "How do you make him stop!" Bill whines as he shoves pillows over his ears while Steven continues begging.

Pearl and Amethyst walk out from their rooms and stop seeing Bill turn slightly red while Steven continues to beg Bill to see them fuse. "Please I promise to stop begging you!"

"No means no kid and stop your whinning!"

"Steven maybe you should'-"

"Please Bill!"

"No I refuse!"


"No buts and stop your whining before I stitch your mouth shut!"

He threatens and stands up as Steven screams and hides behind Dipper. "Dipper Bills going to sew my mouth shut!" He panics as Bill comes closer. Dipper shakes his head and pushes Bill away from Steven. "Bill it wouldn't hurt to form Bipper and you know Steven won't stop."

Bill sighs and rubs his hands over his face then nods. "Alright we'll fuse." Steven cheers and runs outside with all the other gems following after him. Garnet, Pearl, amethsyt stand to the side as Dipper and Bill stand 10 feet away from each other.

Steven happily sits on the beach and pull outs his new phone to take a video of their fusion. "Okay I'm ready." He cheers out with a big smile. "This is going to be so cool." Bill just rolls his eye and faces toward Dipper. "I better get something out of this." He grumbled while Dipper just smiles. "Of course but we can discuss that later ready?" "Ready." His partner replies.

The younger gem and pulls off his trucker hat and sets it down as he starts to dance with Bill following soon after. Bill takes the lead and gently grabs Dippers wrist and dips him down while Dipper wraps one leg around the others waist while he pulls them back up. Dipper smiles lightly and leans his head against Bills forehead as Bills eye gem gloves while Dippers gem on his forehead with his birthmark embedded into it glows. Bills lips meet Dipper as he wraps his arms around the older gems neck.

Their bodies fade into a bright light only letting their gems show as they fuse together. A popping noise sounds as their form finishes fusing. Theres a small thud as its feet back with the ground and standing before is a being with four arms, black skin with golden brick patterns woven into its skin, two eyes with cat like pupils but with a blue glow and an extra eye on its forehead with Dippers gem acting as the eye, Bills gem molded into its right eye as its black hair glows blue slighty as a top hat floats a few inches above his head. On its finger tips are sharp long nails with golden tips, there are two bat like wings on Bippers back, and to top off its look with a black suit.

Steven gasps as stars fill his eyes. "Wow that's Bipper you guys look like you belong in a horror movie!" Bipper laughs that sounds like a mixture of Bills high pitched voice along with Dippers soft calm one. "Thank you rose star! We haven't fuse in a while it feels so good too!" Amethsyt stands next to Steven and pumps his shoulder. "Hey Steven I want to go to the big doughnut let's go and Bipper can come if he wants." Steven glances back at Bills and Dippers fusion and notices how it towers over them. "I don't think they can their forms too big." Bipper looks down then a small lights takes over them again as they shrink and take on other form.

This one has the same cat like pupils but less noticable with blue surruonding them making them pop, a black tux on them with a golden chain on the front and the top hair now resting on there head, there third eye is gone leaving just Dippers gem sitting there while Bills gem is now hiding as Bipper ties an eye patch over his eye. "There problem solved."

Steven gasps again as his star eyes are back but bigger. "You can change the form!" He exclaims with a huge smile. "Of course we can if we could only be that giant fusion then we wouldn't be much help if we were indoors." Bipper says in a much more normal voice seeing as it doesn't echo anymore. "Let's go to the big doughnut then!" Steven shouts out as Amethsyt and Bipper follow him. Steven smiles as they aprouch the Big Douchnut. He couldn't wait to show everyone Bipper!

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