Boys can wear dresses too!

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Yellow my fellow Billdip fans! I got the idea from a friend CloseTheDamnDoor when we were taking about an anime we like called Maid Osama and thought hey Dippper in a maid uniform would be cute! So this is set where Dipper has to take over for Mabel as shes sick so let's have some fun with this!

Dipper sighed as he looked over himself in the mirror in his honest opinion...he looked horrible! The black and whit dress looked ridiculous. The maid uniform showed all his curves that Dipper will not admit he has, it only went to his knees and made him want to pull it down more, it showed off some of his shoulders.

Its was even laced with a small apron on the front and it even came with one of these weird headband things. Dipper sighs and looks at himself in the mirror again 'curse my self for having a womanly figure!' He did have slim girly figured with a thin waist, his waist stuck out abit, and he even had girlish slim shoulders! They weren't brod like most boys no they were thin. His mother and father always said he was shaped like an hour glass. He started to remember how he got into this mess when his sister called in sick that morning right as he arrived to work.


"Mabel were already short on hands today and your a favorite we can't lose anymore help!" Pleaded the manger as she runs a hand through her hair at the thought have only two maids work today. "I'm sorry but I can't I don't want to get everyone sick..//sneezes// have my brother do it were twins and he basically looks like a girl!"

The redhead manager looks over to Dipper as he helps chop ingredients for the dishes they would be making once they opened. She bites her lip and nods to herself. "Alright we'll have him do it but if he quits this is on you Mabel he's one of the best help we have!" Mabel just coughs and smiles behind the phone. "Put him on the phone."

He sighs again running a hand through his hair. After a brief two minute chat Mabel somehow got him agree to wear a maids uniform and taker her shift. A knock pull him out of his thoughts. "Dipper we need you now were opening!" The manager yells through the door and walks away from the door to help the cooks.

He slowly opens the door and steps out pulling the front of the maid dress down again and he looks down remembering he was wearing the stockings and even a pair of flats. If Dipper Pines had long hair he could easily pass as a girl and even a few boys mistaken him for a girl with his figure.

Some of the staff and other workers comment on how he looks in it and even blush saying he should fill in more often saying he looked absolutely daring. He just crosses his arms and says how he's not cute and its only tempary. Some of the staff even took pictures of him and a couple sent them to Mabel on their breaks while Dipper worked.

It was a surprisingly easy job all he did was take orders, bring back their orders, and clean off tables when the costumers left. Even all the people didn't mind a bit he was a guy wearing a maid uniform a few girls commented on how cute he looked and asked for a picture which he had to do for paying customers as a cafe policy. Dipper was actually getting use to the job take orders bring those to the kitchen, bring back their orders and clean tables. But he did have to smack a few grabby hands that tried to lift his skirt in order to see if her really was a guy or just pretending or they just really wanted to see him.

All was fine until a blonde came into the cafe with an expencive looking suit, top hat, bow tie, and even a cane. He sits in one of the small booths made for two people. When Dipper walks over to the man with a smile he was about to ask if he needed anything when he was interrupted by the blonde. "Hey kid are you a boy or girl its hard to tell with that girly figure of yours!" He laughs a but while Dipper flushes in both angry and embarrassment.

"Hey Boys can wear dresses too and I'm filling in form my sister so be nice or get out." He says with a fake smile while slightly gritting his teeth. The blonde holds up his hands in surrender. "Didn't mean to offend you in such a way but I just saying you look pretty nice in that uniform you got there." He smirks folding his hands together and resting his chin on his folded hands. "I'll take a decafe latte and thats all." Dipper wrists it down and gives back into the kitchen waiting for the cooks to make his order.

When a pair of maids look st Dipper and giggle. "Ooo Dipper caught Bills eye." They tease with little smirks. "What's that suppose to mean?" He questions watching them giggle again. "He comes in twice a week and never looks at any of us for a second and when he does he has this blank face but with you he was actually looking at your butt as you walked away we saw him do it!" They chirp and laugh at how his favce turns a few shades of red. "T-that can't be true and I bet its not!" He huffs and takes Bills order back out to him.

Bill smiles when Dipper comes back with his order. "I see you couldn't stay away from me I see." Teases with a small grin watching a small blush tint Dippers cheeks. "I-i did not and here your order." He sets the coffee down and walks away tending to other customers as Bill watches him from afar.

Bill gets up and leaves the cafe with a small wave as he left the money on the table. Dipper walks over and picks up the mineys for his coffee and pauses seeing a 20 on the table next to a piece of paper.

Dipper was about to throw the paper but stops seeing writing on it in neat elegant handwriting. 'Hey hour glass I'll be back tomorrow but if you want to see me sooner call me~' Dipper blushes a bit looks over the phone number before seeing more writing near the bottom. 'P.S the 20s for you I think it might brighten your mood a little but don't get me wrong your ass looks nice in a shirt~' Picks the 20 up again trying hard to forgot the comment Bill made and walks back into the kitchen as the other staff members stare at him with smiles. Yeah he would be seeing Bill again and apparently he would be working as a  maid for a while. 'Well thats just peachy!' He frowns a bit going to take off his uniform but couldn't help the small smile that forms on his lips thinking of Bill.

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