Sirens aren't all that bad

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I like siren Bill he is so cool! So hey I'm going to try and make a one shot out of it.

Dipper and Mabel Pines were the niece and nephew of one if the most hated and slightly feared captain of the Mystery Shack. The Mystery Shack was a ship that their grunkle and grandpa owned. But their grunkle was more of the leader than Stanley was he was more of a researcher than a captain.

"Dipper get out here and swab the deck with you sister!" Stan yells. Dipper sighs then climbs out of his hammock toward the door that leads to the deck of the ship. He and his sister shared a small cabin but they didn't mind it was better than sleeping with the crew they were always a handful and almost always seemed to be drunk.

He walks out and grabs one of the mops sitting by the bucket of water then starts to swab the deck next to his sister. Mabel was happily mopping and humming soflty while her bother just did his job as fast as he could. "Hey bro bro I heard were almost to Treasure bay! You ecxited?!" She smiles and knudges her brothers arm. "Mabel you do know that there are suppose to be sirens surrounding that island right?" Asks worriedky while looking out to the sea. "Pfft I'm sure its just a legend to keep pirates from going there to find the buried treasure."

"I hope so." He mumbles and goes back to mopping the deck. After he finishes mopping then goes to the railing and looks over the wide open sea with a smile on his face. He always loved the sea it always felt like home. Its rich deep blue color, the salty sent, and he always loved the way the stars looked in the reflection of the water.

He was pulled out if his little world when one of the men in the eagles nest shouted down. "Land ho captain! Tressure bay spotted!" Stan walks out from his cabin and grabs a his telescope. "What are you salty dogs waiting for get the boats ready and man the sail!" Barks out his orders as the crew quickly run to obey his orders. Mabel is smiling like crazy and jumping around in excitement. "Oh my gosh were finally here!" She yells then goes to help the crew host the sail.

Dipper stands next to his grandpa as he writes in his third journal updating it. "Hey Stanly? Are their really sirens surrounding the island?" His grandpa looks down then sighs. "I heard its only a few that live their now since no one goes there anymore most of the sirens have fled the island."

He let's out a sigh of relief hearing those words. 'Good now I don't have to worry as much....but he did say most..oh man! There could still be sirens by the island!' He's pulled from his small panic attack when Mabel grand his arm and pulls him into a boat with her. "Calm down Dipper there are no sirens and if there are we'll kick there butts!" She exlcaims with a big small and pulls out her harpoon gun. "I promise you that bro bro." Dipper gives her a small smile. "Thanks Mabel."

As the boats are lowered into the water a few crew members are to wait by the boat to help pull it in. Well Dippers boat was the one who had to wait by the ship to tell the crew members on the ship when to hoist the ancker and bring it to shore.

Dipper pulls out his own journal he decided to make when he found out about the mysteries the seas could hold. Stan always said he took after Stanley but he didn't see anything wrong with that. There was nothing wrong with being curious and wanting to know of the unknown.

Mabel was slowly falling asleep waiting for the captains signal to help the ship get closer to shore. But after about 10 minutes Mabel is fast asleep laying on floor of the small row boat. As the sky darkens Dipper gets slightly worried that there were no signs of the captain or the crew on shore and in Dippers opinion the water was too calm and quiet.

Dipper starts to panic a bit but keeps his gaze on shore to make sure he doesn't miss the signal. It was starting to get dark very quickly to where Dipper couldn't read the passages of his journal without squinting. Reaching down he picks up a lantern and quickly lights it making the area around the boat brighten a bit.

Dipper sets his journal down and carefully sets down the lantern away from edge of the boat when he hears a splash a few feet away from the boat. The brunette stiffens and looks out further to the water as a huge part of a fish tail disappears back into the water. 'Okay that is way too big to be a fish!' He quickly moves away from the edge of the boat and carefully looks around for anymore signs of a disturbance on the water. Dippers breathing starts to get a little faster as he looks around for any sign of the fish tail again.

Dipper quickly sits up as another splash sounds right next to boat and it rocks slightly. "Whoa whoa!" Grabs the side of the boat as it slowly stops rocking. Dipper sits still for a few minuted with no more splashes, rocking boats, or giant fish tails.

Dipper sits back with a sigh. "There's nothing there there's nothing there." keeps telling himself until his breathing is back to normal then freezes hearing a voice next to his ear. "You sure about that Pine Tree." The voice whispers in his ear.

Dipper screams and falls back away from the voice and pales seeing a blonde with sun kissed skin, a eyepatch around hid neck, and piercing golden eyes. But what scared Dipper the most was the big golden tail behind the blonde. "What's wrong kid." It smirks down at him. "Your looking quite pale." Dippers breathing starts to quicken as he backs away as far as he can while the siren moves closer.

CLIFFHANGER!!! HAHAHAHAH!! Yeah I know I'm a jerk but ha it feels good to do it.

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