Burrito Time

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I need something fluffy and cute. I was curled up in my blanket when I got the idea for this fanfic. I know I have alot of unfinished one shot parts but I gotta be the mood to write those so I'm not sure when they'll be finished. Sorry my lovelies.

It was a lazy day at the mystery shack where there was no work to be done. Nobody wanted to do anything anyways. Sundays were lazy days and 'scared' to Stan who insisted it was the most important day of the week. Nobody argued with this rule, especially the twins who were enjoying being able to sleep in.

Dipper himself was enjoying getting a couple extra hours of sleep, happily wrapped up in two large blankets like a large caterpillar. His head only peeking out so he could get fresh air while he enjoyed the warmth and comfort from his blankets.

Nothing could ruin his sleepy Saturday right now, but like always, the universe took that as a challenge and decides to ruin it out of spite.

A loud pop echoed throughout the room followed by a high pitched voice that ruined the peaceful atmosphere of the attic.

"Pine Tree! Stop lazing around! I got something to show you kid!"

A groan was the demons answer as Dipper rolled away to face away from the blonde. "You're human is the same age as mine and I'm too comfy to move right now. Come back later."

The 12 year old demon narrowed his cat slitted eyes and marched towards the bed. "No way Pine Tree! I'm gonna drag you out of bed and outside! I was going to show yo--Hey!" His rant was cut off by two arms emerging from the blankets and dragging him into the warm structure.

"Sssshhh its our one lazy day and I need the extra sleep. Between working in the gift shop, exploring with you, and writing in my journal I get very little sleep. So shut up, and just enjoy being in the burrito." Dipper said with a yawn before wrapping his arms around Bills waist, pressing close to the demon as his eyes closed.

Bill grunted lightly with his cheeks flushing lightly. "Fine..but after your nap we're leaving to go outside! No exceptions!"

Dipper chuckled lightly. "Okay Bill you're the boss. Now shush, nap time."

Bill sighed softly and laid his head back, secretly enjoying being close to his Pine Tree and the warmth from the blankets. He wrapped his own arms around to tug Dipper closer so their buddies were flushed together. "You're lucky I like you."

"Love you too Bill."

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