Don't touch, ever

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This is the squeal to No Touching since so many of you wanted a part two and I found it pretty cute to reread. I made alot of mistakes that made me cringe so one day I'll probably reread a bunch of my one shots and fix them up abit. Sometimes I can believe how many like my stories, but anyway enjoy this my lovelies!

All three demons were in agreement that Gideon trying to romance and steal Dipper away from them just couldn't continue. The piggish looking boy didn't seem to stop with trying to woo Dipper, which disturbed the three little devils at how persistent he was. "Something needs to be done now! I don't want Pine Tree touched with his little pig fingers!" Bill hissed in anger, his little cat slitted eyes narrowing at Gideon in hate and disgust, even the normally shy Will look angry at Gideon.

"I have a plan." Tad said calmly, his face was almost perfectly blank, the child's eyes however, spoke volumes on how much he hated the white haired kid. Bill and Will moved closer to Tad in their eagerness to be rid of the white haired menace who kept stealing Dippers attenrion away from them. "No here, it might hear us." All three toddlers ran as quick as their little feet could carry them to their blanket fort they made behind the couch.

"Now heres the plan." Tad said with a small smirk as the Cipher twins moved closer, all three of them whispering. An occasional cackle coming from Bill or a giggle coming from Will at their devious plan. "Let's get to work."

/Meanwhile with Dipper and Gideon/

Dipper was starting to really get creeped out by Gideon with his various attempts to get him to agree to go on a date with him. It may have been a year or two after Weirdmeggdon but Gideon was still shorter than both twins, his hair made up most of his height and he couldn't decide if it was funny or sad. His hair literally defied gravity and Dipper secretly wondered how much Gideon spent on hair products for his hair.

"Listen Gideon, you're nicer now and I'm okay with us being friends..but I don't think I can date you after all you did is back during our first summer." Dipper admits somewhat awkwardly as he wanted to let him down gently and not invoke his wrath. "You also use to have a crush on my sister and I don't like the thought of being a substitute for her."

"Oh no you aren't a substitute for your sister. She's still lovely and a total peach, but prison made me realize on how much a same sex relationship can be a good thing!" Gideon says in a sweet tone he always use to use when talking to Mabel about dating. "After seeing you come back this summer I realize how beautiful you were in your own way compared to your sister." He says honestly with a hopeful smile. "I'm sorry about my behavior towards you during that summer, I realized how wrong I was after everything went back to normal. Now I'm asking sincerely if you'll dat-" He was cut off by a small cry.

Both turned to see Will on the ground with the last step on the porch with a foot sized hole in it. The little blue haired boy started crying as he sat himself up in the dirt.

Dipper hurried over to Will and gently picked up the toddler with a soft coo. "Oh Will I'm sorry, I forgot to ask Soos to fix that step. Let me see your leg." He carefully examined the cuts on his leg that were quickly healing. All three demons could heal in an instant but that didn't mean Will liked the pain or the sight of his own pain.

The cuts were healed but there was a blood on the little blue haired demons ankle, his outfit was now covered in dirt and did nothing to silent Wills cries.

"Oh Will its okay. Let's get you cleaned up and you can have a cookie afterwards, okay?" Dipper says softly to Will who hid himself against the brunettes chest, nodding lightly as his tears started to stop. Gently petting his blue curls he kissed the top of Wills head and headed inside with the toddler in his arms. These demons were turning him into such a parent and mother hen sometimes, especially with Will but Dipper no longer carded as much.

Gideon was left flabbergasted after the display of Dipper of taking care of a blue haired boy like he was his own child. His admiration and attraction to Dipper only seemed to grow after that at how caring he was and how gently he held the boy while offering comfort.

He was pulled out of his musings and day dream of him and Dipper going on a date and quickly becoming boyfriends soon after by a impatient tug at his pants.

A child with purplish tinted black hair was looking at him with a blank face, but his purple eyes put Gideon off and the dark swirling mirth he could see shining in them. "Bye bye." The child said simply as his vision quickly faded to black.

Tad stared down at Gideon boredly while Bill hurried to his side with an excited grin. "Now time for phase two!" Both children grabbed onto Gideons arms and disappeared with a loud snap, the space where the three just were was now empty.


Will sat in Dippers lap munching on a chocolate chip cookie with a beaming smile, making cute little nomming noises as he enjoyed his treat. Him getting injured wasn't part of the master plan but it had worked so well in their favor, and on top of it he had a bath with Dipper gently washing the dirt from his face and hair. It was peaceful and he even got a cookie out of it! Will laid his back against Dippers chest while they watched Steven Universe together, it was a kids show that Dipper seemed to enjoy watching with the toddlers.

While Will enjoyed his alone time with Dipper it was starting to get late and the teen was starting to get worried. He hadn't seen Tad or Bill anywhere, those two stuck to him like glue and it was honestly concerning that he hadn't seem them since he went outside to talk with Gideon. Dipper didn't control what they did for fun or what they did in their spare time but not having them around made him worry for their safety.

His attention went to Will as the toddler seemed to be having trouble keep his eyes open as he leaned heavily against Dipper. "Okay I think it's time for bed." He scooped Will up into his arms, ignoring the cute little whine the demon made about the show not being over yet. "We have Netflix so we can watch it tomorrow." He explained to Will after turning off the TV and headed up the steps to his room.

Dipper changed into his pajamas after helping Will into bed before he climbded into the bed himself, smiling softly when Will pressed up against him so there wasn't any space between them.

Just as he closed his eyes there was a quiet pop that broke the silence in the room before there were two dips on the bed. Two more small bodies pressing up against him, one in particular taking advantage of an empty spot and laying on his chest.

Dipper smiled and moved lightly to pull the blanket up more and wrap his arms around the two toddlers against his sides while the third tucked their head underneath his chin. A couple weeks ago this would have been awkward and uncomfortable, but he was use to and grew to like having the demons pressing close to him.

Where ever Bill and Tad went eariler it could wait till morning when he would no doubt find out what trouble the little devils caused. But for now, it was time to sleep with his children.

I hope you enjoyed this second part my lovelies!

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