Corpse Party rewritten

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Okay I know I already wrote one of these but I just can't get this idea out of my head! I hate the anime corpse party with a passion it made me cry! Geez you do not kill a little girl and have her die in her brothers arms! Gosh it was horrible! I cried for like 1 hour it was not pretty.  I know I said I would write the one that had the most votes for it which is part three for the watery depths but I need to write this first the ideas stuck in my head and I must write it. In this idea the haunted fucked up school is a called Cipher high and middle school because Bills great great grandfather built the school. 40 years before the new school was built Bill killed his class mates and the blame went to a home room teacher who couldn't speak because their tongue was cut out. 

Bill turned crazy when he was in school and went on a murder killing spree after school on a Frieday. The school was shut down. Any ways Bill is a soul eating insane demon in this and he only keeps the souls he thinks that are worthy enough to join him in his fun. If they aren't up to his standards he kills them like a crazy person or the lost tainted souls will kill them also. Dipper, Mabel, Gideon, Wendy, Robbie, Nate, Lee, Tambry, and Thompson will be in this. Oh and Dipper and Mabel are 14 almost 15 in this and the others are 16 besides Gideon he's 13. Let's begin yay! 

"The bodies were never found and the teacher was sent to a asylum....and the school was said to be torn down and ours is Buick right on top of it!" Nate laughs as he got Gideon to jump and a small scream from Mabel and Tambry. Wendy punches his arm with a small chuckle. "Dude no way that happened and tone down abit on the ghost and horror stories." 

Nate rubs his arm and Lee laughs. "Yeah alright fine but we still need to do the cipher doll." Mabel raises her hand and jumps up and down. Robbie rolls his eyes. "What squirt?" She puts her hand down and sits back down again. "What's the cipher doll?" 

Wendy pulls out a piece of paper shaped like a person. "The cipher doll is a paper doll and everyone takes a part and rips it off the doll. Your suppose to say cipher doll for how many people are in the group in your head and keep the piece you ripped off. You keep it with you all the time and it's suppose to keep you close to your friends me help you keep your sanity."

Everyone stands and grabs a part of the doll. "Okay say the chant in your head 9 times in your head no more no less." They all close their eyes for a few seconds then open them. "Okay on the count of three we all rip it. 1....2...3!" They all rip off a piece of the paper doll. Thompson looks at his piece. "I hope this works I don't know what I would do without you all as friends."

Tambry pulls out her phone and puts her piece on the inside of her phone case. "Probably be all alone this school year." Thompson looks down and Dipper pats his arm. Wendy stretches and stands up. "Well I think we should all head home it's late and clean up from the school fair has been done hours ago." Everyone nods in agreement. "Yeah we'I'll see you all on Monday come on Mabel." Dipper grabs his bag and hands Mabek hers. 

Mabel smiles at her brother and takes her bag. The whole room begins to shake and the ground starts to form cracks. "What is this an earth quake?!" Mabel and Dipper hold onto each other as the shaking continues. The ground gives way and in different places. Wendy and Robbie fall through first along with Tambry. 

Everyone screams as the floor gives out under them. Dipper and Mabel were the last to fall through the flooring with a thud. As they fall Dipper holds onto Mabel and moves so he's under her and takes the fall for them both. His head hits the floor and he blacks out before he could see the dark haunted place they had fallen to. 


Cliff hanger! Ha you get to meet all the tainted fucked up souls next time! Which will be a while cause I have to write like 5 other one shots before I can made a part two to this. So enjoy when I update again! 

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