Insane Affection

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Hello my lovelies! Here's a one shot I know many of you might's the creepy pasta one shot! With Bill as Jeff and Dipper as Ticci Toby but in this he won't stutter. Mabel will be in this too and she'll be clock work. 

Clock work or Mabel runs into the living room wearing a colorful outfit and tackles her bother. "Dipper! I bedazzled my clock!" She says in a happy tone and points to the left side of her face where a  pocket watch was in place of where a eye should be. It was covered in pink glitter with purple and bright pink small little beads glued to it.

Dipper groans and pushes off making her land off the ouch with a thud. "Ow Mabel that hurt and careful or you'll get glitter in your other eye again." Mabel blows hair out of her face and spits the strands that went in her mouth. "I will not! The first time was a accident and it was Bens fault!" Ben is sitting in the living room with them playing call of duty. "It was not." 

Mabel gets up and and brushes off her skirt. "I'm going to go see Jack!" 

"Which one Mabel?"

"Laughing jack why?" 

"Don't you take any candy from him last time you were knocked out for 4 hours." 

"He won't do it again." 

"Mabel he was laughing when you fell unconscious."

"Pfft no he's nice!" 

"He kills children and people at a carnival he makes their guts into balloon animals."

"...fair point. I'll go talk to Eyeless jack then!" 

She runs off towards jacks room. Dipper lays down on the couch and pulls his book off the floor and starts reading again. He shifts then sits up and takes off the holdster for his hatchets and sets them on the ground. Cheshire Cat comes out from under the couch and steals them before running into Bills room with them.

Bill takes them from the cat. "I'll pay you tomorrow." Cheshire smiles wide and disappears. 

After an hour Dipper stops at the end of a chapter and sets his book down on the couch. He stretches and goes to grab his hatches off the ground. He furrows his brows when he doesn't feel the strap or the wooden handles to his weapons. Dipper looks at the ground and there's a slip of paper where he was sure he put his weapons. He picks up the slightly bloodly paper and opens it. 

Dear Pine Tree, 

 I took your hatches if you want them back come and get them! 

                                                                                    Love Bill

Dipper throws his head back and sighs loudly. Ben doesn't turn from his game. "Bill?" Dipper nods and gets up. "Bill." "Well you have fun with that and can you get me back my other controller from him?" Dipper sighs. "Yeah sure..elf." He laughs and runs up stairs before a empty pop can could hit his head. 

Dipper walks down the fimilar way towards Bills door. The door was many slashes on it from a knife but the neatest thing on it was Bills name elegantly carved onto the door. Dipper doesn't even info as he storms into the room. "Bill give me back my hatchets." Bill sits in a chair with Dippers hatchets in hand. "You mean these?" 

Dipper glares at him and holds out his hand. "Yes those now hand them over." Bill grabs Dippers hand and tugs him towards himself. "But it if I give you them back you'll leave." He tries to pout but the ever lasting grin cut into his cheeks makes it impossible. "Damn right I will now give them back." 

Bill tosses them away from them both and pulls Dipper into his lap. Dipper pushes on his chest. "Bill seriously I'm going to stab you with your own knife if you don't let me go." 

"Come on kid just hang out with me for a little while and I'll give you back your hackets." Dipper rolls his eyes and pushes himself off of Bill. "In your dreams." He grabs his hatches and straps it back to his waist. "See ya Bill." He says as he walks off. 

Bill sits in his chair twirling one of Dippers hatches on his fingers. "Yes you will."


I'm sorry if this was bad I don't know much about some of the creepy pasta gain and this was kinda lame and no there will not be a part two! So do not ask. Also I am not doing the maid one shot I change my mind and I really don't want to do it

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