Being of Insanity and destruction

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Hey my lovelies and yes you are all my lovelies try to deny this and I'll hunt you down and drank you back to my house then lock you in my basement. But anyhow this will have a cute little 5 year old Dipper because he'll be adorable and I love odd numbers. Bill will be a Eldritch a being of insanity, destruction, and chaos it has multiple limbs but mostly tentacles but it depends on it. Bills will have any tentacles, eyes, gaping mouths, one giant eye and a triangle shaped head at the top of his massive body. It can not be looked at with human eyes or they'll go insane or their eyes will burst just from even a glimpse at him. He has a little triangle puppet, aka his triangle form from the show. That he uses to make deals and so people don't have to look at his true form. Bill will be kinda yandere in this but insane Bill is always fun! 

Bill at this moment would not admit it but he was slightly enraged and confused at the tiny stack of flesh staring at him. No human could even glance at him without turning insane and having their mind smashed into a billion pieces never to be fixed or their eyes just popped and they dropped dead.   But this little human was actually looking at him. There were no signs of him turning insane or his eyes popping like gapes in a microwave. 

The kid wasn't even frightened by his appearance his eyes didn't show fear. No his eyes shown with curiousity, slight confusion with a small hint of fear. It was weird and they both seemed to be having a staring contest. All of Bills eyes that were on his body look at the human child from all sides. 

Another thing that perplexed Bill was that how did this kid get here? Humans only came to his little pocket through the universe was if Bill brought them here or some type of random portal opens and sucks them in. Like the one in the Bermuda Triangle. 

The child steps forward and moves to touch of Bills many tentacles and he lets the kid do as he wishes . It was interesting seein the kids reactions to his body, once he touched one of Bills tentacles he got more comfortable and moves even closer touching more of Bills limbs and even pokes gently at a few of his mouths littering his body.  Then the kids surrounded by Bills body with the large space he takes up. 

Bill carefully moves his body to form a circle around the little human and he watches as he continues his poking. He would admit that the small child's warm hands felt nice against his many limbs. It was different than the usually cold bodies of demons or other beings who could see him without them having to go insane or the cold bodies or the people who've fallen victim to him. 

"Do you have a name?" Bill almost jumped in surpirse at the cute voice of the small child. He was watching him with those big brown eyes that were full of innocence and curiousity. "I have many names but most call me Bill." His voice was many of many different types with all of his mouths talking and it was echoey. It didn't frighten the small child one bit he looked like he was going to burst into giggles at his voice. "Well hi Bill I'm Dipper wanna be friends?" 

Bill moves his triangle shaped head down closer to the small child and tilts his head slightly to the side. "Why would you want to be friends with a being like me Pine Tree?" The kid giggles this time at the name and looks at his white shirt with a pine tree on it. "Well why not? You seem nice and you haven't hurt me." This was true usually Bill killed anything that came here if the sight of him didn't kill it first. 

He didn't know why but the idea of hurting Pine Tree made him feel almost sick in a way. Bill moves a few of his black tentacles and delicately picks the child up and cradles him. It felt nice to hold the small child close to his body. He decided he liked this boy and he would watch him. Dipper hugs one of Bills tentacles making him chuckle and push his bangs child's birthmark was shaped like the Big Dipper. He knew he was special and Bill would watch over him.

~Time Skip a few months later~ 

Dipper came running into Bills pocket dimension in tears, to say it mad Bill mad was an understatement. He moves a few tentacles and cradles the small child close to his main eye. "What's wrong Pine Tree?" His little sapling sniffles and wipes his eyes and it breaks Bills 9 beating hearts. "Some k-kids were making f-fun of me *sniff* a-and Mabel wasn't there to help. Then mom and dad got in a fight a-and I got sent to my room. Mabels being mean and she won't play with me!" He starts to cry and hugs one of Bills bigger tentacles as the small mouth closes so he won't hurt the small child. "Shh Pine Tree you can stay here with me will that make you feel better? I'll show you things no one will ever be able to show you and be there for you no matter what. Sound good?" He coos softly at  Dipper. He nods and wipes his new tears away. "You promise?" Bill nods and holds Dipper closer to him. "I promise." 

The small on the boys face makes Bills hearts flutter and plushes a small black hand from his body on the child's forehead. "Now sleep sapling." Dippers forehead glows softly and he yawns before closing his eyes. "Night..night Bill.." He mumbles before he falls asleep. 

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