Tainted Soul

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Hello my lovelies! This one shot was a request where Bills he demon king and Dippers a angel. This will contain yandere and insane Bill, cute little innocent teen Dipper and lots of other junk so enjoy! Also Dipper and Mabel are not siblings in this.

Every angel knew never go to earth unless you had a job as a guardian. It was a strict rule but angel never knew why those who did never said why for fear young angels would go see if it was true. Luckily Dipper didn't go to earth despite his curious nature.

He was assigned a guardian job watching over a teen with a bubbly and sparkly nature Mabel Pines. It was a big job keeping her from trouble ever since she found that journal Dipper was working his wings  off to keep her save. He even put a barrier around the shack to keep demons and all other supernatural out.

He liked his job tho it was always amusing to see her with her friends and watch her flirt with all the cute guys she met. But something nagged at him ever since he came to gravity falls for this job he felt like he was being watched. He asked other guardian angels around Gravity falls about it but they never had the feeling so he was out of luck. The only save place where he felt the feeling go away we when he was back in the barrier that was around the shack.

The creepy part was even when Mabel went to school back in her hometown Dipper still felt like he was being watched. It made his skin crawl and his wings curl around him in a protective manor.

When they went back to gravity falls he was relieved that his barrier was still in place and that nothing happened to it. He knew Mabel would be upset if anything happened to her second home.

But what surprised Dipper was the man that was in the shack when they returned for Mabels second summer in Gravity falls. The man wore yellow or more like golden tail coat, his hair was also golden along with his eye, the other was covered by a black eyepatch, he wore a top hat and bow tie, black slacks and dress shoes. 

He was talking to Stanely and Stanford when they got there he acted like a gentlemen and kissed Mabels hand. It made her blush it's a small giggle. But what unerved Dipper was he seemed to be looking at him when he kissed Mabels hand. There was no way he could be able to see him.

Dipper watched the man as he left and felt his wings brisle. He didn't like this man and he hoped he never returned. 

As Mabel settled in for bed Dipper lays down just above her bed. Mabel layed down with her pet pig waddles that she won at the fair. "Night waddles." She yawns as she closes her eyes. "Good night Mabel." Dipper says as he closes his own eyes with his wings wrapped around him.

A bang off the side of the shake and a shattering noise woke Dipper from his sleep and he quickly got up and touched his feet to the floor. He looks at Mabel to see her still asleep and no other noises sounded from down stairs ment no one else heard it. 'If  they didn't wake up then-" Dippers eyes widen at he looks out the window as the barrier crumbles into nothing. This wasn't good this wasn't good at all. 

Dipper tenses as the feeling of being watched returned but it felt stronger than before and it made his feathers brisle and made his wings curl around him in a protective manor. The feeling kept getting worse and it made the teen angel feel uneasy as he looked around the attic. 

There in the corner was a red eye with a black slitted pupil looking at him. It unerved him more and Dipper moves closer to Mabels bed. But it wasn't watching her it was watching him. Most supernatural  creatures couldn't see him but this one could clearly see him and it wasn't after Mabel which somewhat relieved Dipper.

Dipper spreads his wings and glares at the eye. "Who are you and how did you break the barrier!?" He shouts. Much to his surpirse the eye crinkles in amusement and a laugh echoes off the walls of the attic. It didn't wake Mabel up so she couldn't hear it but Dipper could and it made his wings fold back and him to take a step back.

He didn't like this and was the room always this dark? No no it wasn't! The room was getting darker and it made him want to shrink and lay in a protective ball. But he couldn't he could hurt Mabel and it was his job to protect her. During his small distraction a clawed hand grabs his chin making him look at the being. He was mostly darkness with one glowing red eye while the other was covered with a upside down triangle eyepatch, his hair had a slight touch of blonde into it and he reminded Dipper of the man they saw earlier today.

He tenses and he feels the need to fly away and never return to anywhere near this being. He actually shakes and he tries to stop but something about him makes his blood run cold and his wings to curl around him protectively. The being chuckles darkly and tightens his grip on the Angels chin then wraps an arm around his waist and pulls him towards him. "Such a pretty thing you are~" it purrs and Dipper tries to move away from its touch but to no avail. He moves his head away from its grips and hisses and spreads his wings out to try and be menacing. But it only made the dark being chuckle and pull him flushed against him.

"Wouldn't you rather come back with me instead of watching a human child?" It's eye glows brighter and Dipper keeps himself from looking. "No! It's my job to protect her and your not suppose to be here!" He can hear the being growl but he doesn't dare look up at it.

It grabbed his chin and he could feel its claws dog in painfully and he just knew he was bleeding slightly. "Why even protect a child who will just die? Here's no point." He pulls his pitch black hand back and gently rubs the Angels chin in an almost affectionate way.

Dipper growls and smacks the hand away. "Don't touch me!" His wings flair out and he hisses at the being holding him. Dipper freezes when he feels a clawed hand on his wing. "Never seen an angel with   black wings with white dots on them." 

Dipper shivers when the clawed hand pets his wings and he presses them against his back to try and get him to stop. He shrinks away from the touch but he's trapped against the dark being so he only makes himself move closer to try and get away from the hand touching his wings.

Dipper tenses further when he moves to the base of his wing and shudders at the touch. He whimpers as his clawed hand moves back to his chin and makes him look back at the dark being. Dipper closes his eyes so he doesn't have to look at the red eye that seems to look thought his entire being.

He could hear it chuckle and a small part of him wants very much to punch him but he doesn't want to try his luck against a being who's probably stronger than himself. Dippers mind goes blank as he feels cold lips on his own and it takes him a moment to figure out what's happening. He gives a muffled protest then pushes against the beings chest. When the being finally pulls back Dipper covered his mouth with his hand. He glares at the being then shudders seeing the black forked tongue  as the being licks his lips. 

"You taste sweet~" Dipper squeaks as he's pulled closer and his back is pressed against the beings chest. Dipper starts to struggle and kick. "Let me go!" He freezes when a clawed hand goes to his throat and tilts his head back. "No I don't think I will I've been watching you and I don't tend to let this I like go." His forked tongue licks the angels cheek making Dipper whimper and move his head away.

Dipper has to keep his wings tucked in or they might brush against the being in a painful manor. The clawed hand around his throat moves to be in his hair and grabs his bangs pulling them back to look at his birthmark. "Your special for a angel." He hears the being say as a clawe finger traces along his birthmark. "Yes I think I'll keep you~" it coos before he feels sharp fingers pierce the flesh of his neck. 

Dipper screams in pain and kicks while a hand covers his mouth but he keeps screaming. It felt horrible not just the fangs sinking into his flesh but it felt like he was being branded and claimed. He starts to feel weak and his struggling stops as he tries to keep his eyes from falling shut. It was a loosing battle as his eyes fall shut and he's pulled into a dreamless sleep.

He being releases the angels neck and licks away the blood. There where his fangs went into flesh was his mark and summoning wheel. He grins at his work then looks at the sleeping girl who will never know what happened. He didn't feel bad about stealing a innocents child protector no not at all. He tips his hat to the sleeping child. "Have a nice life if you survive that long!" He laughs and Mabel shivers and pulls the blanket closer. They both disappear and arrive back at Bills castle in hell. So what if he stole a guardian angel from a child? He was the demon king and could do as he pleased. He looks at the sleeping angel with a smirk and gently touches the teens forehead where the birthmark was. He was king here and he planned to do as he pleased with his new toy. 


I can't believe I wrote that! Almost 2000 words! That's the more than I planned on writing for this! Oh well hope you enjoyed this! 

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