Do you wanna live or die?

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I have decided to make a zombie one shot! This one is where Dipper is saved by Bill the badass! Enjoy! ^-^ P.S if you cry I will take responsibility! Also Dipper, Mabel, and Bill are 20

Dipper ran as fast as he could with his twin sister Mabel his lungs burning and his legs aching for a rest but if they stopped they would die. They couldn't stop made made that promise to all the people they lost to keep going and don't stop to live on and try and make it through this cruel world.

The twins have lost so many people they have loved to the damned dead that now walked their earth. Soo had died trying to save Mellony. Wendy had died defending the twins at the mall in South Dakota and finally Stan and Stanley had died defending one another back in Washington.

Dipper had to pull his sister away and run before they were killed as well Mabel had protested and cried to go back and save them while Dipper had stayed strong he had to be....for her and everyone they had lost.

And now they might die because Mabel had to check the boarded up church after hearing crying but it all turned out to be a recording playing nonstop and a church filled with hungry moaning rotting corpses. Dipper had grabbed his sisters hand and was pulling her along as they ran for what little life they had made as siblings.

They ran to an alley hoping the dead were too stupid to turn and look down the narrow alley....but the world had to be a bitch and have a cat hiss and attract the dead right too them. Dipper spotted a rusted ladder leading to the roof and starting climbing and yelled for his sister to follow him.

After he was at the top he looked down and yelled encouraging words that his sister could make it. When Mabel was only a few feet from making it the step broke and Mabels eyes widened in horror and fear as she fell. Dipper tried to reach for her but missed her hand by a centimeter. She fell to the ground and screamed in pain as her ankle snapped and the dead only got closer to her his beloved sibling his other half. He couldn't leave her there to die.

His train of thought was intruppted by Mabel crying for him to leave her and move on without her. "Dipper please just move on I know you can your smart and can live for us all!" She give her best smile for him but her eyes only held pain and regret but she still had hope for him.

"Mabel I'm not leaving you if you die I want to die with you!" He choked out and oh god he was crying something he promised Stan he wouldn't do. The zombies were only a few feat from her now and Mabel punched herself against a corner and pulled out her gun shooting a few zombies in the head. "Dipper..please just go!" She was crying again but still wanted her brother to live on and maybe save the planet if he could.

Dipper shakes his head and was about to jump off and save his sister or die trying but a arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him back. "Whoa kid you got a death wish don't go down there!" The blond shouts out. Mabel looks up and screams up to them. "Get my brother our of here please he has to live for me and my family!" She begs and shoots a few more zombies.

The stranger nodded. "You got it shooting star! I'll save him and I'll help you too do you wish to doe by these filthy beasts or my gun?" Mabel wioes her eyes. "G-gun and Dipper...." she smiles and makes a heart with her hands. "I love you live on for me!" She stayed smiling even when she was shot through the head and her pink shooting star sweater along with her disappeared into the horde of corpses.

Dippers eyes widened and tried to make his way back over to his dead sister he wanted to be with her they made a promise to live and died together just like Stan and Stanley. He wanted to keep his promise but the stranger kept a firm hold on him and pulled his away from the edge.

But still Dipper squirmed and tried to get away from him as he sobbed as the last if his family and lost hope at any happiness in this godforsaken works was taken from him. The blond couldn't keep him back for long so he did what he saw was right and knocked him out.

Dipper went limb in the strangers hold as he was thrown over his shoulder as the blond made his way back up to his hidden base at the inside of the old water tower. He set Dipper down and covered him in a blanket as the hold through the top of the water tower light up the strangers little home.

He stared at Dipper as he slept the poor kid was wearing slightly ripped clothes, he was covered in dirt, and tear streaks were still staining his face. He knew how hard it was to lose someone you loved he had lost his twin brother to those stupid zombies and he still blamed himself for it.

He grabbed a wet cloth and wipped Dippers face and hands cleaning off the dirt and some blood. He felt bad for the kid he had just lost his own town just like him but he was willing to throw himself off the edge to die with his twin. Him on the other hand decided to line for his twin and try his best to fix this crypt world so no had to lose anyone ever again.

He finished cleaning what he could and looked upon the others face a blushed a bit. He had soft brown curly locks hidden under his pine tree trucker hat, he had soft cheeks and his move was slightly pink. He was lean but still had a musclar built to him. He liked this boy and wanted to help him in anywat he could plus he hasn't had any company sense his twin brother was still around but that was....6 months ago.

He jumped slightly as the brunette sat up and groaned. He looked around then spotted the stranger before panicking and looking around again hoping to see Mabel still okay and not being formed apart by those hungry moaning basards.

Dipper started to tear up a bit not seeing his beloved twin then settled to give the blond his best glare. "Why would you save me I wanted to doe with my sister!" He shouts out angrily. The stranger stands and runs a hand through his hair. "She said she wanted you to live on kid and asked me to help so I did how was I going to deny her dying wish?" He crosses his arms waiting form the brunette to respond.

Dipper just sits down and starts to cry again. "Thats it...I don't want to go on anymore..she was everything I had now s-shes g-gone." He chokes out as he sobs again pulling his legs up to his chest. "Look kid I don't think your sister would want you to give up she said to live on for her and if you die how are you going to fulfil her dying wish she wants you to live in for her!" He says calmly and holds out a hand to Dipper.

"So what's it going to be do you want to live and kill some zombies for your sisters sack and live or die and be zombie chow?" Dipper wipes his eyes and sets looks up tothe blonds determined gaze and bids taking his hand. "Names Bill by the way Bill Cipher." Dipper nods and smiles a bit. "The names Dipper Dipper pines."

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