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Mabel runs up the steps with a bright smile on her fave as she throws open the door to her shared room with her 14 teen year old brother. Even if they were twins she was older by 5 minutes. Her said brother jumps when she throws the door open. "Mabel what the heck!"

She just shrugs. "Sorry bro bro but I'm going to a sleep over and I can't wait I'm so excited!" She bounces and grabs her backpack with a giant kitten on it with tons of glitter on it. She quickly packs and waves to her brother before slamming the behind her.

Dipper sighs and relaxes back into the bed going back to researching info on Nagas on his lap top. He was just reading an article about them when a high pitched voice interrupted him. "PINR TREE!" The dream demon chirps with a beaming glow.

"No now Bill I'm looking up information on Nagas since the journal doesn't mention them or give any info." Bills glow fades a little and he gives him a glare. "How we watch some funny cat videos?"
He human shakes his head. "No Bill I just want to stay in bed and do research."

He turns his attention back to the screen. Bill glares at him then he snaos his fingers. "I have an idea if you won't watch some cat videos with me then you can be one!" He chirps and lights a one of his hands in blue flames.

The human pales and makes a run for the door but something slammed into his side and he fall back into the bed. He felt a weirs tingling sensation and he felt incrediblely small. Bill looked impossibly big. Instead of him being bigger the triangle was like a giant right now. He tired to yell for Bill to turn him back but all that came out was a small mew.

Dippers face twisted in horror as Bill laughed at him. "Aw pretty kitty too bad you can't see your OH you can!" He snaps his fingers and mirror appears before Dipper as he takes in his new form. He was a brown taby with one black ear and white paw.

Bill laughs even more as his ears fold back in horror. Dipper was the size of a 4 week old kitten. "Aw the pretty Kitty's mad but be your too cute!" Dippers ears fold back again as he gives off a low growl and jumps at bill with his claws out stretched.

But he was stopped within mid air as a blue glow surrounded. Bill looked down at the kitten his eye turning red for a second before going back to normal. "Don't attack me like that Pine Tree." He says in a sickly sweet tone with a slight edge to it.

He nods his head and curls up slightly in fear of the demon. As he was set back on the bed he looked back up at Bill but he wasn't there. Panic set as he was worried that Bill would leave him like this. He felt a dip in the bed and turned around to see a cat much bigger than him.

On the cats neck was black colored fut that strangely looked like a bow tie and there was black fur covering part of his tail. Dipper back up as cat Bill smirked as much as a cat could and pounced onto the smaller cat.

Dipper let out a small yelp and barely dodge Bill as he jumped off the bed and ran down the hall with Bill chasing him. The taby made a turn into the kitchen and hide in one of the cupboards. He curled up into a small ball shivering not knowing what Bill was going to do and the fact he was bigger than him scared the poor little kitten.

Bill pulled open the cupboard and picked Dipper up by his scruff like a mother to her kittens and starts to head back up the steps to the attic. Dipper curled his body up so he wasn't being dragged up the steps.

The yellow cat jumps onto the bed and sets the smaller cat on the bed as he curls around him. Dipper started to panic he was surrounded and couldn't move much with Bills body around him. He stiffened when he felt Bill nuzzle his neck and he closed his eyes fearing the worse.

He opened his eyes when he felt a tongue grooming his head. If cats could blush Dipper could be red right now he tires to protest only yo have a small mews come out instead. He turns around to tell him to stop and Bills ends licking his lips. They both freeze and Bill grins and starts to purr as he goes back to grooming his fur.

Dipper eyes start to close and he yawns a bit and snuggles against Bills warm fur. Bill looks down and curls around the smaller cat more as he starts to fall asleep. He purred and rested his head on Dipper as he closed his eyes and fell asleep as well.


Mabel runs back up the steps having forgot her Werewolf big chest novels. As she throws open the door she sees cats on Dippers bed. "KITTIES!" She's shouts in delight as they both wake up and fold their ears back in terror. Mabel runs over and tries to grab then but they jump off the bed as she chases them through the shack for the next few hours.

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