Dragons Treasure

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Hello my lovelies! Sorry again about the siren one shot but I can't think of anything worth writing for it so I'm not gonna do it. So here's the Dragon one! Also side note Dippers 7 and a cutie pie also this might be a two or three parter.

Stanford and Stanely Pines were known as the paranormal experts of the small town of Gravity falls. They kept the town safe from the creatures that roamed the forest of Gravity Falls. They had a great nephew and niece, those two meant the world to them.

They never told the children about the creatures that roamed the forest and forbid them from ever going into it. But at night they told tales of gnomes who wanted a queen, mermaids with the most vibrant of scales, flowers that could breath fire or grant a single wish. The kids always had great times with their great uncles, even when they forbid the children from entering the forest they always wondered if the tales were true.

One night their great uncles told of a great Dragon with scales of gold and bigger than all the creatures they have heard of. They told he held a territory past the gnomes and down by a lake that simmered like gems, he had more money in gold and jewels then the richest man on earth. Both twins fell asleep with dreams of a great beast who defended his territory and never shared his treasure.

The next day Dipper and Mabel were sitting at the table eating their cereal since Stan went to track Ford down since he left for town and had yet to come back. But this usually happened when he went to town, he got side tracked at times.

"Hey dip wanna have a milk race?" His sister grins as she holds up her bowl. Dipper grins back at her matching her enthusiasm. "Your on!" Both tilt their bowls slightly back as they drink down the slightly sugary milk before the other.

Mabel slams her bowl down and coughs slightly from drinking to fast. "I-I won!" She smiles in victory and does a small dance in her seat, before falling off. "I'm okay!" Dipper gets out of his seat and helps her up. She beams at him. "Hey dip I had the most spectacular fabulous idea ever!"

Her twin sends her a almost frightened look, last time she said that he was wearing a dress with Mabel smearing make up all over his face. "Let's to out into the forest!"

"But we aren't allowed into the forest." "Come on dip it's only for like 5 minutes then we will be back okay?" Dipper bites his lip as he thinks about it. On one hand they were forbidden to enter the forest but on the other he's always wanted to go out and explore, he wanted to see if the tales were real. After a moment he takes a breath then nods with a grin. "Let's go!" Mabel grabs his wrist with a cheer and pulls them outside. "That's the spirit Dip!"

Both twins stand by the tree line not making a move to venture into the forest just yet. "Okay let's go!" Mabel shuts and runs straight onto the forest without a warning to her brother. "M-Mabel wait!" Dipper runs into the forest after her.

He stops when he lost sight of her bright pink sweater. "Oh this is bad. Mabel!?" he squeaks as the bushes rattle.

Dipper looks at the bush hopeful it was Mabel so they could go together. A pointy red hat pokes out of the Bush and a gnome stands there staring at him. The male twin stares at the gnome as it stares back. Quick as a rabbit the gnome started to run and Dipper chases it. "Wait come back little gnome!" He chases the small magical creature as fast as he could before he lost sight of him.

Dipper stops and tries to catch his breath as he looks around. "Mabel?' He asks when he notices He just got himself lost in a forest they were forbidden to go into. The boy sighs and starts to walk in the direction he thought would lead him back to the shack, when he stumbles upon a shimmering lake in a clearing. It was beautiful with it's water sparkling like gems and when the sun hit it the lake looked like rainbow colord jewels. The boy didn't notice the dark shadow fly over him but he did hear the slight thud of a huge body landing.

Dipper freezes when he hears a growl and slowly turns to face the creature. His eyes widen as he sees a giant golden dragon before him with its wings tucked in and tail slowly curling to his side. He stares at the dragon in amazing, not yet fearing the creature.

The dragon leans his head down and sniffs the child who giggle and fall onto their back. He knocks the boys hat off and smells the child's hair then looks at the strange marking upon it's forehead. The male child laughs again and holds onto his snout. He smelled like the forest and books which was old for a human, but the child didn't smell like a human and didn't have an aura like one. Which was strange again, was this a creature in disguise as a human?

Dipper looks up at the golden dragon who was looking down at him as if it was confused. Dipper himself looks at the dragon confused. When the dragon opened it's mouth and moved toward him he let out a scream and moved away from the dragon as fast as he could.

Dipper quickly goes into the hollows out part of a tree before the dragon could get him. He covers his mouth as he sees the dragon move past the tree He was hiding in.

Dipper freezes when all goes quiet around him. The boy screams when his tree is knocked down and he crawls out and tries to run again. The dragon grabs him in his claws gently so he didn't hurt him before flying up and towards the mountains.

Mabel sits on the porch at the Mystery shack growing worried that her brother was no where in sight. Out of the corner of her eyes she could have sworn she saw a golden creature flying up the mountains at the same time Ford and Stan returned home. Mabel looks at them and feels like she will cry. She had to tell them what they did and hopefully they would know how to find her brother.

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