Dragons Treasure part 2

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Yellow my lovelies here's the next part, enjoy!

The Dragon dropped the human down on the ledge to his lair. He watches in amusement as the boy looked over the edge as if he could get down from this height. He picks the child up by the back of his vest and carries him inside.

Dipper doesn't dare move in case his vest ripped or he slipped out of it and fell. He gasps when he sees the piles of jewels, gold, gems, magical artifacts, and even statues of marble and even obsidan. Dipper looked around in awe and amazement at everything around him. He was dropped on top of a giant stuffed Roman styled pillow. Dipper looks up at the dragon then shrinks into the pillow as he sees the dragon was watching him.

The dragon started digging through one pile of treasure with his back turned to the human. Dipper didn't dare move from the pillow on top of the pile of gold in fear of falling and making the dragon angry. When the dragon found what he was looking for he turned back to the boy with a amulet in his mouth.

Dipper tried to get off the pillow when the dragon got closer, he was gently pinned down by the dragons claws keeping him from moving. He keeps still and looks at the amulet in dragons mouth feeling like he's seen it before. The whole thing was black with a blue slitted eye gem in it'd center with blood small rubbies the size of pebbles surrounding it, golden dragon claws held the gem like it was keeping it from the amulet itself.

The dragon moved when the boy was distracted by amulets design and drops it around the child's neck and moves a little ways back incase it did work on him.

The amulet glows softly and the chain shrinks to fit around Dippers neck like a collar and starts to change colors. Dipper yelps when it shrinks and pulls on it trying to get it off. The chain changes to a grey color and the eye gem widens a fraction and turns a lighter shade of blue, the rubbies turn into sapphires and the golden claws turn into silver ones. Dipper stops to look at the now collar like amulet around his neck before the pain started.

It started from his neck and traveled all through his body. Dipper tugs at the amulet with a small cry as it seemed to shock him when he touched it. He let's go and opens his eyes to try and find a way to pull the amulet off. But What he saw made him freeze.

Scales were starting to form on his body starting from his neck and traveling to the rest of his body. Dipper screams in panic and horror, he tries to pull the collar off again ignoring the shock.

Dipper couldn't pull it off and squeezed his eyes shut so he didn't have to watch what was happening to him. Light Brown scales were appearing all over his body tough like rock. His tail bone started to grow and a tail started to form, his nails turned black and grew sharper and longer, his shoes fall apart from the sharp clawed feet and slight bone structure change, his face seemed to grow and form a snout with small horns on top of his head, his hair disappeared and his clothes started to stretch and rip at the sudden changes and slight form growth. His shirt finally fell apart when small wings came from his back. One scales stood out from the rest as it formed the big Dipper on his forehead, even as a dragon he still had his birthmark.

Dipper opens his eyes once the pain stopped and let's out a shriek at his new appearance and tries to stand on two legs But falls onto his stomach. He tries to push himself up but his arms and legs shake and he falls down again. His movements were like a newborn deer trying to get up and take it's first steps.

Dipper didn't notice the golden dragon move over to him too busy looking at himself. "I knew you weren't human." Dipper jumped at the sudden voice of the dragon he could now hear. He looks up at the much larger dragon and folds his ears back. "But I've always been human and who are yiu, turn me back!"

"I am Bill Cipher and turning back is now impossible now that your in your true form. Amulets like that reveal true forms and you are not human." Dipper looks at himself not understanding how he wasn't human when He was most definitely born as a human. "Let me go home I wanna go back with my family!" Bill shakes his head and pushes Dipper back to lay down on the pillow with his snout. "Sorry little one but they will not be able to understand you nor recognize who you are. You can't even fly and I'm not letting you leave the cave."

Dipper tries to get up. "No I want to go home! I don't Want to stay here!" He yells and wiggles out from under Bills snout and runs to the entrance of the cave. Bill picks Dipper up by his collar in his mouth and walks over to a large pile of gold.

Bill lays down on top of the gold pile and sets Dipper down beside him. He drapes his wing over Dipper to keep him there and tucks his tail around the wing to make sure he stayed there. "There is no longer that home for you with you like this. Just sleep little one."

Dipper tries to dig his way out but ends up only meeting the cold floor with a wing and tail blocking his path. He whines and tries to wiggle out from under the wing. Bill moves his wing closer to his body making Dipper be right in between his side and wing.

Dipper whines again when he now couldn't move. With Bills warm body surrounding him and warming up the gold coins under him it was making him sleepy. With the day he's had and still being young with the warmth surrounding him he found himself falling asleep.

Bill lifts his wing and looks at the smaller body pressed against his side. The little dragon whines softly at the loss of warmth and presses into the larger dragons side. Bill lightly nuzzles Dipper before putting his wing over him again. He lays his head down and soon falls asleep himself.

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