Dragons Treasure part 3

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Hello my beautiful and amazing lovelies! I have made what some of you have been asking for. I'm a pretty lazy person and I update when I get inspired, I feel like I have to finish the one shot the moment I start on it because other wise it bugs me so much! But anyways here some cute Billdip to help take the pain away from the other one shot Still Here.

Bill awoke to an annoying sound of birds chirping at his cave entrance. He growls and lifts his head letting out a small roar at the annoying pests. They flew off with cries of alarm and Bill huffs at the stupid feathered creatures. A whine drew his attention and he lifts his wing off the smaller dragon who awoke from Bills roar. "Time to get up little one." He nudges the smaller body who bats at him with another whine. "But I'm sleepy." Bill noticed Dippers neck was bare but a patch of black scales on his neck formed a Pine Tree where the amulet once was.

Bill gets up and stretches much like a cat with a yawn. He shakes his body a few coins fall off him from where they were stuck in his scales. "Well time to get up anyways you need to eat." It seemed Dippers stomach agreed and decided now was the time to growl loudly. Bill chuckles as Dipper curled around his stomach. If he could blush he would be pink. "That just proves your hungry.' he nudges the smaller dragon towards the cave entrance and picks Dipper up much like a mother cat would a baby kitten since his wings were too small yet so he couldn't fly.

Bill spreads his own massive wings before flying off towards the lake keeping a secure hold on Dipper who squeezed his eyes shut with how high they were. Bill lands down before setting Dipper in the grass. "Don't run off I'll be back in a moment." He goes into the water before disappearing under the water a few seconds later. Dipper was left on shore looking around in amazing with his heightened sight, he spots a pink bird that reminded him of his twin and felt a wave of homesickness hit him. Tears started falling before he could stop them and starts to cry curled up on the grass. His family wouldn't recognize or understand him if he went to the shack, Ford would probably try to document him and Mabel would try to keep him as a pet. Stan would probably chase him off with a shot gun fearing danger to his family and home. Dipper didn't realize he was still crying til he felt a snout nudge him and faint rumble from the other dragon which was oddly calming.

A fish was pushed into his line of sight and Dipper made a face at the fresh still flopping fish. "Ew." He pushes it away I only to have it pushed back to him. "You need meat and fish is the best for young dragons.' Dipper sniffs it and takes a hesitant bite only to take a bigger bite and another til the fish was gone. It would have tasted disgusting as a human but it was pretty good as a dragon. Another was pushed in front of him and he quickly ate that one and another before he was fully laying on his side contenting before yawning feeling sleepy.

"Time to go little one." Bill picks the smaller dragon up before flying off back to the cave up in the face of the cliff. He lays Dipper down on the bed of coins before starting to groom him getting a whine as the younger one tried to hide in the coins. "You need a bath I won't stop til your clean." He grabs the chocolate brown dragon by the tail before dragging him out of the borrow he made in the coins.
Dipper whines louder and claws for anything to grip onto but only coins were able and didn't make a very good foot hold. "Nooo baaaath!" He tosses coins at Bill getting an annoyed huff from the golden dragon. "Yes bath." Bill pins Dipper in-between his claws carefully so he didn't hurt him before curling around Dipper making his body a barrier and drapes his wing over them making escape impossible for the younger dragon. "Biiiiiill no!" He starts to groom Dipper again dispute the youngers whines and pleas for him to stop.

Dipper groans before giving up and lays limp letting Bill clean him and pouts. Once Bill was done Dipper yawned feeling tired again and moves closer to the bigger golden dragon and snuggles into his side. "Sleepy." He mumbled before falling asleep making Bill chuckle softly sounding more like a rumble in the dragons chest. He lightly nuzzles the smaller dragon and moves his tail around them both and gets comfortable deciding to take a nap as well.

Dipper smiles softly in his sleep his dreams no longer filled with his family but with him and the golden dragon known as Bill having adventures into the forest.

Hope you enjoyed my beautiful lovelies! Jasmyn if you read this I love you and stay cheeful and happy I'm here for you. But anyways my lovelies I was thinking on doing either a Zombie movie Billdip one shot or a Wrong Turn one. Which would you guys prefer?

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