He's Back~

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This fanfic was literally inspired by a dream I had last night. Bill came back a few years later and was out for revenge. Enjoy my lovelies. The picture above is one of my favorites and doesn't really go with it but it's okay :) just enjoy. By the way thank you all so much for your support on my A/N! I read all the comments and you guys are all so great! I love all my lovelies thank you all so much!

Dipper had no idea what to get for his sisters birthday this year. She still loved sweaters, glitter, and stuffed animals the same as always but she had so many of both of those things. 'Why does this have to be so hard?' Her pig Waddles had things too so he couldn't get any piggy toys or anything for him as a gift. Dipper sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he walked around the town of Gravity Falls with his hands in his jean pockets. He kicks a stone down the cracked sidewalk looking around store Windows for an idea at a gift.

A sign catches the teens eye and he walks over to it. It was a sign for candy store, it had an eye at it's center that was golden with the advertising for the store. Dipper looked around and spots the same eye on a store window and hurries across the street and enters the shop. The inside was like a rainbow of different types of candy lining the shelf and even used as decor for the inside of the store itself. "Hello!" A girl stands behind the counter smiling cheerfully and not a fake smile like most people did in stores. Her hair was so many different colors Dipper couldn't count each one to tell just how many colors it was. "Can I help you?'

The girls questioned snapped him from his thoughts on her hair and walks to the counter. "I'm looking for a present for my sister and I think some candy will be a good present til I can get her something better." The girl smiles and nods. "I have just the thing for you." She leaves to the back room for a few minutes.

Dipper looks around the colorful candies surrounding him in the shop and could have sworn he saw the eye on the door with the shops logo blink at him. A slap scares him out of his thoughts as the girl puts the bag on the counter smiling with her eyes closed. "Here on the house." Dipper slowly takes the bag filled with little yellow triangle candies unsure if she was serious. "Are you sure? Won't you get in trouble?" She just waves her hand her expression not changing with her eyes still closed. "Its fine it will be our little secret."

Dipper starts towards the door. "Well thanks." He leaves the shop taking the bag of candy. The girls eyes open but they weren't normal. Her eyes were yellow with black slitted cat like pupils. "Your very welcome Pine Tree. I'll be seeing you very soon~" The girls body crashes to the ground as a triangle shaped shadow flew under the door.

Turns out Mabel loved the candy and she gave Dipper a few new books on their birthday. Their parents called right before they were preparing to get on the bus to leave. Apparently school was canceled for a month due to a mysterious gas leak that they were trying to locate and the gas was very toxic they even evacuated the homes near the school.

Mabel was over joyed but Dipper was worried that they would have more school work and more school days because of it. Mabel shared her candy with everyone in the shack but Dipper didn't want any. The candy was shaped like a certain demon they had defeated 3 years ago.

The next week to follow the candy was long gone but everyone seemed to be acting very strangely. The tours and shack were closed which was unlike Stan and everyone seemed to spend time in the basement but Dipper wasn't allowed down. It was suspicious but Ford kept saying 'Its just a project I need help with and Stanley and Mabel wanted to help. I don't want you getting hurt so please don't come down.'

So he was fine if Mabel got hurt? He usually argued the supernatural was dangerous and he didn't want Dipper and Mabel near it unless he knew about it. The days seemed to be getting stranger Stan kept stuttering saying his name like he was going to call him something else instead of Dipper. Mabel stopped wearing her more colorful sweaters and instead wore yellow and black sweaters with small triangles covering it. Ford's trench coat had small triangles with eyes stitched on It and Stans fez now had a triangle on it. All of this was freaking Dipper out but he didn't see them often they were always in the basement, even Waddles was scared and ran from Mabel in fear. He now stayed in Dippers room since he was the only person not acting strangely. Dipper made his own food and didn't dare eat the food that was left out for him, he wanted to leave and get help but if he left then it could get worse and maybe even his family would disappear.

Dipper laid awake in his bed one night lightly petting Waddles head as the pig slept. "How did this all happen?" He said quietly to himself, the only clue he could think of would have to be they candy. He tried to go back to question the girl but the shop wasn't there anymore it was just a run down old shoe store. Dipper knew Gravity Falls was strange but he didn't get how that could happen. His eye lids began to grow heavy and a yawn made his eyes tear up slightly. 'Guess I better get some sleep.' He glanced at his door to make sure it was properly locked before closing his eyes and succumbing to sleep.

Heavy banging and Waddles frantic squeals woke him up as his door busted open. "Quick pin him down!" He hears someone shout but couldn't tell who said it. A body tackled him back onto the bed before he could even get up. "Get off me!" he struggled against the person sitting on his back and keeping his head still. He felt a sharp pain in his neck and grips his teeth struggling to get up. His body started to feel heavy and his movements stopped all together. He couldn't move. His eyelids started to feel heavy again as the person got off his back and he was picked up to be thrown over Stans shoulder. His eyes slipped closed as he was forced to sleep because of the drug.

Dipper groaned as he started to wake up, his body was stiff and heavy as he went to sit up. His arms wouldn't move and so wouldn't his legs. Or more couldn't. His eyes open and he looks around, he was strapped to a to a cold metal table in the basement under the shack. Dipper start a to tug at his wrists and struggle to het off the table. "I would stop struggling if I were you but keep struggling it amuses me." He freezes and looked over at the floating triangle by the door. "Did you miss me? Admit it you missed me." Bill puts a finger right under his eye like he was touching his cheek. "Of course I didn't miss you psycho! What did you do to my family!?"

Bill floats over and pinches Dippers cheek getting a scowl from the teen. "I just gave you the candy it was all you who gave the candy to your family members. I'm so glad you didn't get my mind control candy because I got a special plan for you~" Dipper looks at Bill nervously with slight fear. "What plans?'

Bill sits on Dippers stomach. "My form can't last long anymore I need a permanent host to continue with my existence. And you my dear Pine Tree are the perfect human for the job!" Bill says cheerfully while Dipper starts at him in horror and starts to struggle again. "No I'm not let me go!" Bill rolls his eye at his worthless struggling. "Well I need a vessel and I think this is perfect so hold still or this is going to hurt worse then it needs too. I'm sure you'll see things my way in a moment."

Bills hands grow claws and he digs them into Dippers stomach making him scream in pain. Bills rings scratch like vines under his skin in all directions. Black lines were visible under the skin as they moved through out his whole body and even to his face til it reached around his eyes. Dipper squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth as he felt the vine like fingers wrap around something that wasn't organic. He gasped as the fingers squeezes it. "Found it!" Bill says as blue fire starts from his small black arms then works it's way down into Dippers body spreading everywhere his fingers were.

Surprisingly it didn't hurt it was warm and almost calming as the fire spread under his skin. Dippers eyes started to glow blue and he stopped moving entirely as the fire reached his soul. Flashes of memories and millions to billions of knowledge since Bill first came into existence mixed with Dippers own mind and memories. Bills fingers started to fade completely in with Dippers body, the demon started to fade into the humans body as well his own being mixing with Dippers soul instead of casting it out of the body or destroying it.

Dippers body stopped moving once more and his eyes slipped closed. Markings and symbols started to appear all over his body with Bills wheel on his back. The pine tree part of the wheel was glowing faintly as it turned blue on the wheel. A pine Tree appeared on the back of his neck with an eye at it's center. Bill and Dippers energies, and beings mix together. Their eyes open and the cuffs on their hands disappear as they sit up. One eye was yellow with a cat eye pupil while the other was more human like with a hazel color with golden flicks among the color. A sharp grin splits across their face in a way that looks painful. They take a breath and flex their fingers which now had black claws instead of nails. "I told you that you would come around Pine Tree."

Bipper was back but not just Bill inside of Dippers body but with them as one being.

Again I'm so happy you guys respected my decision and supported me. Your all so amazing and love writing and hearing how much you enjoyed it! Thanks again for all your support and encouragement.

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