Still here

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Hello my lovelies I have this song on my phone and I was listening to it earlier and my friend asked since I kill off characters I should do something different. What if Bill won on the last episode? But what if he killed the only being who made him feel loved. He rules the universe with an iron fist with no mercy, but behind closed doors his mask crumbles and he lives in regret for what he's done.

Musing through memories,
Losing my grip in the grey.

Bill Cipher had won on that fateful day when the Pines family had taken a stand as humanity's last chance. But sadly Stans were the first victims of his rage of when he was almost tricked into being erased.

Numbing the senses,
I feel you slipping away.

But so were Mabel and his favorite human Dipper or so nicknamed by the all powerful being 'Pine Tree'. His minions all celebrated as the barrier fell and the remaining humans in Gravity Falls were used as playthings til they too died.

Fighting to hold on,
Clinging to just one more day

It was 32 days in and Bill had already conjured the whole universe and his minions were running around freely but with strict rules that no one dared disobey. Bill walked to his room in his much bigger and grander fearimed and slams the door behind him.

Love turns to ashes,
With all that I wish I could say.

His scowl crumbles a much sadder expression and tears fall from his one visible eye. All the pent up emotions he hide behind his mask came out as he walked to his bed and laid on his back. He picked up a blue and white trucker hat from the nightstand hugging it close to his chest practically crushing it to himself.
I'd die to be where you are.
I tried to be where you are.

Bill Cipher an all powerful dream demon laid crying on a bed of golden sheets clutching a slightly burned trucker hat to his chest. The tears were free falling now as memories of fun times wish the kid played over his mind almost mocking him of his horrible mistake. He tried to bring the boy back in so many ways..but sadly nothing worked. Not. A. Single. Thing. False sensing of hope shattering immediately when he saw a soul of his lost love begin to reappear to him once more before crumbling to the void of nonexistence.

Every night, I dream you're still here.
The ghost by my side, so perfectly clear.

Bill clutches the hat tighter as he remembers all the times invading the kids dreams just to chat with him. Dipper was afraid and cross with him at first but soon got use to Bill invading his head and the two grew close.

When I awake, you'll disappear,
Back to the shadows
With all I hold dear.
With all I hold dear.

Bill never loved or cared for anyone besides himself but he soon found himself growing attached to Dipper more and more. He loved to pick on him and ruffle his fluffy brown locks. 'I can never do that again.' Turning human just to hold the kid close to his chest and tickle him when he was in a grumpy mood to help lift the kids spirits a bit. He even kissed him once saying how cute he was, his Pine Tree turned a lovely shade of pink. 'Ill never be able to hold him again.'

I dream you're still here.
I dream you're still here.

New waves of tears fall from his eye as he glances up at the star ceiling. The only constellation up there was the big Dipper, everything reminded him of his sapling. Books, stars, trucker hats, forests, trees, and now even humans in general. It was like the whole universe was punishing him taking it over by reminding him of his greatest mistake.

Hidden companion
Phantom be still in my heart
Make me a promise that
Time won't erase us
That we were not lost from the start.

He squishes his eye shut and held the hat to himself, he was sobbing at this point and nothing was stopping his tears anytime soon. "I'm s-sorry I'm so sorry. I miss you p-please come back!" No one answered his cries and pleas to return his lost love and his heart ached at the silence.

I'd die to be where you are
I tried to be where you are

Bill had tried so many things to bring him back but nothing ever worked. Just brought his hopes up only to come crashing down once more when they failed. He stared at the hat with sorrow and grief that he never thought he could feel. "I miss you." He says softly his voice cracking and breaking.

I dream you're still here,
Ever slightly out of reach.
I dream you're still here,
But it breaks so easily.
I try to protect you,
I can't let you fade.

Bill passed out at one point the hat still clutched to his chest like a life line. He could have sworn he felt a hand small hand pet through his hair.

I feel you slipping.
I feel you slipping away.

A small flame of hope sparked in his chest hoping it was Pine Tree and not his imagination.

I dream you're still here
(Every night I dream you're still...)
(Every night I dream you're still here)

His eye opened to a meadow where the grass was swaying softly in the wind. He was laying under a giant weeping willow with his head in Dippers lap. Small fingers combing through his hair as the boy hummed a lullaby making him smile softly and close his eye feeling at peace with where he was and being to be with the one person he loves who makes him feel complete.

I dream you're still here
(Every night I dream you're still...)
(Every night I dream you're still here)
Ever slightly out of reach.

Just like glass the dream shattered around them into millions of sharp pieces. Bill Sat up quickly to check to see if Dipper was alright but what he saw him him freeze and tears to slide down his cheek. His loves body was mutilated with his arms and legs at odd angles with bloody claw marks covering his body. He was badly burned and his clothes barely held to his body. But his face was peaceful with his eyes closed. Bill woke up screaming with shivers racking his body as he sobbed openly. He quickly pulled out a demon killing gun that he secretly asked made. He held the gun to his heart and pulled the trigger before he stopped himself. Blood painted the wall behind him and he fell back onto the bed as his body weaked and started to shut down. Black spots started to eat away at his vision and his heart had stopped beating. Just as he's about to fade he saw a held being held out to him he smiled before everything went black and his life ended.

I dream you're still here
(Every night I dream you're still...)
(Every night I dream you're still here)
But it breaks so easily.

'Maybe now I can see you again. Pine tree."


I'd like to hear how you all liked it, honesty please don't worry if you cried I did a little too while writing this.

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