The Other Kind

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I was reading a story on Achieve of our own. It was Billdip of course and Dipper mentioned Fairies can act differently and I thought of this. Will Cipher will be in this so enjoy my lovelies. I don't know why but I love writing about a younger Dipper when it doesn't involve smut. So the twins shall be 7 since they will be adorable and odd numbers are my favorite and 7s my lucky number. The reason why it's called the other kind is because their will be different species of fairies. It will be explained in the one shot so enjoy my wonderful Lovlies who encourage me to write better and update more.

It was a beautiful summer day, the sun was shining brightly but the glare wasn't harsh as it usually was since it was only the beginning of the summer. The leaves on the trees were a bright green as was the grass. Their were flowers blooming in different colors, as faint sounds from different creatures magical and non alike enjoyed the warm weather and the vegetation growing all around now that the harsh winter was over. It was peaceful and perfect. Well it would have been if a certain group of older twins would stop bickering over which way the fairy colony was.

"Its to the east Poindexter we came here a few days ago and you now I'm right!" Stan was a man in his 60s with graying hair and glasses with a big Orange nose. He wear a black suit and a red fed on top of his head.

"No your not Stanly it's to the west and I should know since I'm the one who discovered it!" Stanford was the same age as Stan but his hair was less grey than his, he also had glasses but wore a trench coat and had six fingers on each hand. Behind the bickering adults were two 7 year old twins looked practically identical. Both with brown hair and hazel eyes, both were the same height but there were a few differences.

The girl Mabel had longer hair, with a almost permanent blush on her cheeks. While Dipper her twin had a faint pink nose and the constilation (have no idea if that spelled that right) of the big dipper on his forehead. The twins loved their great uncles but their bickering was getting old and they were heading in the right direction according to the journal Ford entrusted Dipper with so why were they fighting? The younger pair of twins just thought the liked to argue about every little thing to agitate one another.

Mabel leans over to whisper to her twin. "I think they just like to bicker to see who's right." Dipper nodded in agreement. "I bet Grunkle Stans keeping tract." Both giggle at the thought of Stan having a notebook in his pocket just to tally how many times he won an argument against his twin Ford.

Ford lightly hits Stans shoulder. "We need to stop bickering the kids are here and we are close to the fairy colony." Stan opens his mouth to yell at him but closes it remembering the twins were walking behind them. "Well how do you know anyway?" He asks with a small glare direction at his twin who pointed to a tree.

The tree was small wholes with glitter like dust around each one but with many other colors. Stan promptly shut his mouth and kept quiet as they entered the fairy colony. Little balls of light flew around but upon closer inspection you'd see they were tiny creatures with beautiful translucent wings. Since trees over hang the place it was shady and was a great relief for Stan who was wearing a black suit but didn't dare complain about how hot he was.

Mabel and Dipper looked around in awe at all the small fairies flying around right before their eyes. A green one with Dragon fly like wings sits in Mabels hair making her giggle. It was male due to it's build and wore no clothing, but their wasn't a way to tell if was truly male since it didn't have a male no female anatomy they could see. They were naked but nothing showed at all making it difficult to tell if they even have a gender.

More fairies flew around the younger twins inspecting them and their clothing, they already knew Stan and Ford so only a few went around the older twins. Mabel giggles as some messed with her hair and a few flew around before sitting on her shoulders. Dipper took off his hat for a moment since fairies were tugging on it so they could inspect his hair. One lifted his bangs and more flew around to look at his birtmark. The fairies were making different sounds but none of speaked english so they didn't know what they were saying. More fairies flew over to Dipper and looked at his birtmark before flying off.

Ford walked the kids in further into the colony and answered any questioned the twins had. "Do the fairies make glitter!?" Mabel asked with a hopeful look in her eyes. "No but this colonies dust that comes off their wings is a magical fertilizer for plant life." He gestured to the different plants that grew around them that looked healthily and were flourishing even ones who needed to grow in darkness grew just fine there.

Dipper raised his hand eager to learn as much as he can. "What did you mean by this colony?" He asks slightly confused on what he meant. Ford sits on big rock that Sat in the middle of the circle trees that made up the fairy colony. "Well their are more than just one type of fairy kids, some are good and help the environment. While some cause mischief and lead people into the woods just to get lost. Their are other types too, their are hornet fairies that act like bees and have hive like nests in trees. They love honey and work hard to make it but don't have a queen. They have magic that acts like stingers and it's venom differs on how mad you make them." The twins sit down and listened to Ford talk about the different types of fairies he had encountered in the forest. "There's a species I haven't encountered but other creatures speak of them."

Dipper and Mabel move closer. "What were they called?" They ask together. They don't even do jinx they usually do too interested in this species of fairy that not even their uncle had seen. "I don't have their specific name and the creatures that speak english just call them the other kind."

"What do they do?" Dipper asks. "Well their human sized and almost like this species of fairies. They are human sized and have only body shape to tell their gender since they have no other way to tell. They have wings as well but don't act like other fairies. They don't live in colonies and have magic." Mabel squeals slightly. "Can we meet them!?" Ford shakes his head. "No no no they are rumored to take children they take a liking too. I don't want them anywhere near you two."

Ford gets up and dusts the dirt off his pants and gestures for the kids to get up. "Come on Stanley we are leaving!" He calls his twin who walks over. "Finally it's hot and one of the fairies tried fly off with my fez." a red fairy grabs onto Stans hat and starts pulling. "Ah it's back! You can't have my fez!" The kids giggle as Stan shouts and basically plays tug of war for his fez.

It took 5 minutes for it to end and the twins were poking fun at him and teasing him as Ford led the way home. None of them noticed the blue and golden eyes watching from the distance as they left the woods.

The next day Mabel and Dipper sit on the porch with nothing to do. Mabel groans loudly and falls back on the porch on her back. "So boooooored." She tugs on Dippers shirt. "Dippy entertain meee!" she whines.

Dipper swats at her hand and gets up. "I'm bored to Mabel maybe we can go out into that woods." Mabel brightens up and grabs Dippers arm. "That's a great idea!" She starts pulling her brother out into the forest. "Mabel wait we have to tell Ford and Stan!"

Mabel keeps pulling him. "Don't worry I already told them." She let's go of his arm and skips ahead. "How did you ask them when we have been outside?" Mabel just grins. "I asked before we left to the porch in case you suggested to go into woods." Dipper chuckles softly and follows his sister into their favorite spot.

It was a small clearing with a small river going off to the side and a giant rock that had different kinds of flowers growing along it's sides. The tree branches kept it shady and cool. "Race ya into the water!" Mabel takes off her shoes and socks before jumping into the water. Dipper sits down and leans against the rock and pulls out the journal. "I think I'd rather read." Mabel pouts but goes back to playing in the water.

A hour passes and Mabel lays her head in Dippers lap with a yawn and both soon fall asleep.

Soft blue and golden light shines through the shady area of the small clearing the twins were sleeping in. Two figures emerge from the tree line. One was blue with translucent beautiful like wings that folded inward on his skin to form tattoos along his arms and back. The other was yellow with wings more like a dragon fly wings that he folded into his skin as well. Both were the same height with completely black eyes.

Both walked over to the sleeping twins and kneel beside them. The blue one pulls off the boys hat and lifts his bangs to look at the birtmark. The yellow fairy moved Mabel off of Dipper and set her in the flowers.

Will picks Dipper up gently and cradles him to his chest and gently pets his hair. Bill walks back to his brother, he gently traces over the boys birthmark. Will smacks his brothers hand off Dipper and both leave the clearing deeper into the forest with Will carrying Dipper.

Okay that wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. Please don't ask for a part two because I probably won't be making a part two.

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