Forever trapped in your claws

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This is a request from kstachowicz44 for a one shot where Bills a siren and takes Dipper for his mate. I'm gonna add surprises in so enjoy my lovelies! Also side note I found this on YouTube a few days ago and I love the song so much plus the beginning picture is funny. Also I'm pretty bad at writing smut so I will no longer be writing smut in my one shots. I seriously cringe everytime I see the smut I've written in my one shots so I'm sorry lovelies.

Being out at sea was not something Dipper liked at all, he apparently got sea sick pretty easily but that was getting better. He didn't have his sea legs quite yet and stumbled around everytime he went to the mess hall to grab something to eat. Their great uncles were captions of the Mystery Hack. Which was originally called the Mystery Shack but the S fell off years ago after a storm. His sister always giggled and said it gave the ship character in her opinion.

But back on topic it was their first week on the ship and apparently their great uncles were after some treasure their long time friend Old man Mcgucket had buried on a near by island that was on their route. To say Dipper was happy wasn't really the word at the moment. Their parents had moved away just this year stating their children were old enough to take care of themselves at 17 leaving Mabel and himself to immediately find jobs. The only reason he agreed to go with his twin on this ship was the promised of some of the treasure so they could take care of themselves at home and take it easy for a little while. But the thought of a small adventure was exciting, if only he'd stop puking whenever the boat rocked too much this would be much easier for him.

Dipper spaced out in thought before a bell up in the crows nest startles the teen from his thoughts. "Land Ho! Crystal island ahead!" A crew member Dipper could never remember the name for bellowed from his position above. 'Finally.' he thought to himself as he watched the sun start to set in the horizon. The sky started to then purple with a soft oranges and yellows blended in where the sun was.

By the time they finally anchored the ship and got in the row boats to the island it was growing dark with stars starting to shine through the sky. Dipper and Mabel got wood from some fires while other crew members set up tents made of cloth and wood and others just made hammocks between two trees. "So you excited bro bro? This is so cool! I wonder if I'll meet a jungle boy and we'll fall in love." He couldnt already see her day dreaming with a look of wonder on her face. "Mabel there's no way a person would be on this island and of they were there's no way they would be sane."

A punch that mostly meant to be playful but actually hurt pretty bad was thrown at his shoulder. "Mabel ow!" His sister pokes his chest looking quite serious. "I don't ruin this for me dip or I'll bedazzle your books!" She suddenly turns back to being cheery and skips back to camp. A shudder goes down Dippers spine watching her go back and talk to their great uncles. 'Sometimes Mabel can be pretty scary.' He makes his way back to camp too and places the wood he collected in a fire near a fire pit before setting up his own hammock that was pretty close to the water.

Hours pass of crew members singing sea shanties that were really off key that made Dipper wince and them telling tales of sirens and even dragons. Dipper found himself in his hammock the whole time even after everyone had fallen asleep. He stated up at the night sky in slight awe of how beautiful tonight was. Stars were twinkling while the moon hung in the sky like a lantern bathing everything in a lighting that made everything appear silver and beautiful. The moon's light lit up the water making it sparkle with the small waves but also look dark and sinister at the same time. Dipper couldn't sleep for the life of him at the moment and just tossed and turned as he tried to force himself to sleep. "Ah screw it!" He suddenly shouts and gets out of blue hammock before walking along the shoreline as the water grazed his feet and sand stuck to his feet when they got wet.

Dipper climbs over rocks that were mostly flat and away from shore so he could look into the deep water that was a good few feet from the shallow water. He sits down and looks out into the sea seeing nothing but clear sky full of beautiful stars with them reflecting over the water. The water looked black and he had a slight fear of it that it might one day swallow him whole and never let his body go only to drift with the currents never to be seen again. "I really wish we could be home.." he trails off as the hair on the back of his neck stands on end and he gets the partial feeling he's being watched.

A splash in the distance catches his attention and he looked out in the water for any sigh of movement. A wet hand touching his ankle startled him with a small scream Dipper falls onto his ass and scoots away from the hand that grasped his ankle. His breath catches in his throat as he started at the man with his upper torso above the waves. His hair was so yellow and for some odd reason it looked completely dry, his eyes were a brilliant golden color that actually looked like someone melted down gold and made this creatures eyes from it. Ear fins twitched from his hair and his hands were webbed with wicked claws instead of dull nails like humans had. "Wow.." Dipper breaths as he looked at the creature. He didnt know what this man was but he was fairly certain the was a merman. "Can you speak English?"

Either the man didn't understand him or just didnt want to say but Dipper didn't particularly care. This was an amazing discovery and he wanted to know about this being and that's what exactly he did.

Dipper talked to him for hours and even had his feet in the water as he talked about his small town he lived and about his family. He later found out the creatures name was Bill when it spelled out its name in some sand that was in the rocks. He knew Bill did know to speak English but he figured be was too shy to speak or maybe was mute. Time flied at Dipper talked and even let Bill play with his feet. The teen really wanted to see Bills tail but couldn't see it with how dark it was and the water was pretty much pitch black at the moment. As the sun was just starting to come up Dipper looked towards then frowns. "I should probably go..I still haven't slept and a hour or two will be good." He pulls his feet out of the cool water and stands up. "Bye Bill maybe we'll talk again before we leave."

Dipper didn't even a step before a webbed hand grabbed his ankle and he looks back at Bill who was giving him puppy dog eyes. "No Bill I really have to go now come on let go." He steps closer to him so he didn't fall with Bills tight grip on him and tried to pry his hand off. "Bill seriously let go." Bill shakes his hand being stubborn like a child who doesn't want to share their favorite toy with anyone else. "Bill really I need to get back to my family." He got a hiss in reponse at that word and he was taken back by Bills kind eyes turn into something more predatory. He caught a glimpse of Bills tail and his eyes widen. It wasn't a simple tail like a mermaid was said to have but a long almost serpent like tail with a long fluke and other fins that looked sharp to the touch. It's tail was slightly hunched up with all its fins spread out that remind the teen of a beta fish before it attacked something that got in its tank. He yelps as the siren grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him into the water with it.

Dipper thrashed as it dragged him deeper in the water and away from the surface behind it coiled part of its tail around his lower body and grabs his wrists in one hand to keep him still. Dipper opened his eyes and couldn't still help but think Bill was beautiful dispite the situation he was in. He was forced to close his eyes to avoid the salt water stinging his eyes before he felt sharp fangs pierce his shoulder.

Dipper went to scream only letting out precious air as he thrashed weakly now and only thought of how he was going to die soon and most likely be eaten down to the bone. He felt a hand cup his cheek before lips were pressed against his. Before Dipper passed out he was actually able to take a breath dispute being under water after the kiss and heard a slightly mumble of 'mate' before he went unconscious. Bill swam with his sleeping mate back to his cave where no one would find them just as the sun rose and the crew members started to awake...

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