New Life

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@Bipper-Cipher gave me this idea for this one shot. So thank them for this one shot and enjoy my lovelies!

The forest was bustling with life of many shapes and sizes, sounds filled parts of the forest with bird songs and babbling from a near by brook. Cries disturbed the peace and scared off near by deer as a child sat on the ground with his knees to his chest and his face buried in his arms. The boy had fluffy brown hair with a pair of innocent brown eyes to match, his face was round with some baby fat and his nose was slightly pink. He was around 5 with shorts and a blue sweater with a pine tree on the front of it and under it was a plain red t-shirt.

There were faint red lines on his hands and knees from when he fall earlier. Tears were still falling from his eyes and he wipes them away with a sniffle. "Why would they leave me.." he wipes his eyes again as a fresh wave of tears come down his cheeks remembering how he got there.

2 hour earlier

"Grunkle Stan, Ford why are we hiking up in the woods? Why does Mabel get to go on a sleepover and I don't?" Mabel got to go on a sleepover with her friend's Candy and Grenda. Dipper wanted to go too he wanted to meet Mabels friends since he'd had yet to meet them. "Because I doubt you'd like makeovers and we wanted to show you something." Ford replies as he helps Dipper up the rocks further into the woods. "Well what are we going to see?"
They had been hiking for about an hour and Dipper was starting get tired since they had left early in the morning. "Here we are! This will be a great time for a break too."

Dipper looked around in amazement as Ford set down a sleeping bag for him. They were in a small clearing that had glowing mushrooms on the trees and ground with shimmering crystals that looked like they were growing with the trees. He laid down on his sleeping bag and shortly fell asleep.

He woke up an hour later and stretched looking back at the beautiful clearing. "When are we leaving Grunkle Ford?" He looks around but both Ford and Stan weren't anywhere to be seem. Panic set in and Dipper stood up. "Ford!? Stan!?" He looks all around the area as tears start to fall from his eyes. He didn't know the way back and the only thing he had was a sleeping bag. They didn't leave him on purpose did they? He sat back on the sleeping bag as he started to cry.

Present time

Foot steps could be heard walking toward the young boy and Dipper looked up hopefully thinking it was Stan and Ford coming back to get him. But instead he saw a man dressed in yellow and black with an eye patch over his right eye with a top hat, and bow tie. "May may what's a small child like you doing in the forest alone?" the man kneels down to Dipper. "M-my grunkles left me here." He stops the fresh wave of tears that threaten to fall. "Poor child do you know your way home?" Dipper shakes his head no at the question and wipes his eyes again bushing his bangs a bit revealing part of his birthmark.

"What's your name?" The blonde asks as he stares at Dippers birthmark. "My names Dipper sir. What's your name?" the man chuckles. "My names Bill. Bill Cipher now how about you come with me? Unless of course you'd rather sit here hoping for family members who won't come back for you to return and possibly get attacked by an animal. Which will it be?" Bill offers a hand to Dipper.

Dipper looks back at the forest then Bills hand before slowly putting his own hand in Bills causing him to smirk. "Wise choice. Now sleep sweet child." He kisses the boys forehead right on his birthmark making him fall asleep and picks Dipper up. "I'll teach you everything you need to know about your New life when you wake." blue fire surrounds them both and they disappear without a trace.


I hoped you enjoyed my lovelies and this idea came from Bipper-Cipher so thank them for this. By the way my hair is now blue and I love it so much! For a few one shot I think it'd be cute if Mabel played love god with Dipper with the love potion for Wendy but it ends up being the wrong person or should I say triangle? *winks*. One more thing a friend of mine _--BillCipher--_ made a point about making a part two to Ones Failures another's gain. So I will be making a part two to that but be sure to thank them for convincing me!

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