I won't give up!

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Bill smooths out any wrinkles in his already perfect shirt with a yellow vest. Straighting his bow tie he looks at his outfit with a pleased hum. "Not as classy as I would like but it will have to do!"

He grins and grabs the yellow rose with blue tips in his hand as he heads to the shack from the mindscape. Today was going to be his 5th attempted to get Pine Tree to like him and he had a good feeling about today.

The kids couldn't resist him forever Bill had forever and Dipper did too if he accepted.

Knocking on the shack door he rocks back on his heels of his shoes which were black and yellow. Hearing the door open he smiles as the brown haired and eyed teen opens the door. Dipper has a small frown seeing its Bill and is about to slam the door until Bill grabs his hand and pulls him outside.

"Come on Pine Tree say you missed me!" The brunette scowls. "I didn't." Bill puts a hand over his heart. "Your wound me Pine Tree! I even got you a flower!" He hands the flower to Dipper and he looks at it in his hand.

"See Pine Tre-Ah hey!" E
He says as he falls onto his butt as Dipper pushed him. "Sorry Bill I don't like you." He walks away still holding the flower. "Mark my words Pine Tree I will win your heart!" He says before he disappears back into the mindscape.

He didn't see Dippers smile holding the flower close to him as he heads back inside.

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