I won't give up part two!

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Looking back and forth between a black vest or a yellow vest he taps his chin in deep thought.

Shrugging he grand the yellow brick pattern one and puts it on over his white wrinkle free shirt. Today was the day he was going to either kiss Pine Tree or die trying. Not really on the dying part but anything can happen.

Grabbing the blank journal he made for Dipper he teleports to the shack and smiles as he walks up to the door. Knocking on the door he fixes his hair and hides the journal behind his back as Dipper opens the door.

Pine Tree isn't scowling or frowning so he takes that as a good sign. "Bill what are you doing back so early? You were just here 6 hours ago." I pout with puppy dog eyes. "Can't I see my favorite human and love interest."

Bill thinks he's seeing things but there's a small blush on Dippers face but he doesn't say anything. He doesn't want to ruin any ground he has on the kid.

"Pine Tree I have something for you~" I smile seeing the bkush grow ever so slightly. "If its another deer teeth necklace or deer heart I don't want it."

Pouting a bit remembering Pine Tree didn't talk to him for a week he new when to stop with the dead offerings. "No Pine Tree I made you something!" I hold out the new journal with a pine tree on the front.

Dipper slowly grabs the journal with shaky hands and traces the spine and opens the blank pages. "Do you like it?" Bill asks hopefully but his smile faulters a but when Dipper doesn't say anything. "You don't like it."

Dipper looks at him then throws his arms around Bills neck and kisses him causing the demons eyes to widen before he smiles and kisses back.

Dipper pulls back first and Bill doesn't want it to end but steps back a little with a smile. "So will you joy me for dinner?" Bill smiles gently hoping he will say yes. Dipper chuckles and nods. "Its a date." He heads back inside and Bill jumps up and down while fist pumping the air. "Yes! I'll pick you up at eight!"

Bill laughs happy and goes back to the mindscape to get ready for his date.

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