If I were a Zombie

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Another song inspired one shot. Nightcore- The Zombie song. Please listen to the song above as the one shot goes on.

I love story could be kinda gory
Far form boring meet me at a post, Apocalypse

Yeah I'd be slowly walking in a group stalking
Knew you'd be the only man alive that I could not resist

Then all of your friends they try to kill us
But only because they'd be jealous
That our love is deeper than Edward and Bella's

Bill slowly makes his way through the old town they have been in since the incident that turned some of the population into walking corpses.

Not much happened here and Bills group were a bunch of morons. He was a special zombie he didn't look like he was rotting and he still looked remotely human. His hair was still golden blonde but was dirty and tangled.

His dress shirt was in tears and was covered in blood, his eyes that were almost golden in color were duller but still vibrant.

His teeth were still white but still had blood on them their last few kills. They had a new member to their group. She had brown, dull brown eyes, and a shooting star sweater. She was all alone and looked like she was looking for someone when they found her.

Too bad for her, she was now in their group and fit in nicely. Bill was near the front of the pack when gun shots were heard. Noise meant food, and humans were mostly the cause of noises.

The group make their way to the noises to see a group of survives each with a gun and bat, sword, or even shovel for a close ranged weapon.

Bills group made their way closer to them as they were fighting off another group of zombies. All the people were boring in his opinion. Two men who looked alike one with six fingers, the other with a fez hat.

A chick with red hair and a green ripped flannel, a big man with a question mark shirt, a girl who looked like she was more terrified of getting dirty than being eaten alive. She was clutching onto another that Bill couldn't see.

As they make their way closer Bill finally sees the last one...he stops as he takes a good look at him. The teen had brown hair, a red flannel, dirty jeans, sliglty worn sneakers, a blue and white Pine Tree hat.

Some of his most striking features were his doe like brown eyes, noddle yet stonge looking arms, and the few tattoos on his arms. Bill was taken by this human and he feels like he cold dead heart might start beating again.

If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain
I'd just want your heart
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart

Yeah oh, if I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain
I'd just want your heart
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart
Cause I want ya

Bill started moving with the group again toward the band of survivors. He groans and growls at the other zombies telling them the one with the pine tree hat was his. Few tried to deny him but he came over and pulled their arms off as a warning.

The zombies in the group give groans a sloppy nods for they needed their arms to catch humans and hold them down. Nodding Bill's group follows them as they run to an apartment buidling.

You'd be hidding in
A second floor apartment
Knocking all the stairs down to save your life
From the undead

Double-barrel shotgun
Taking out the slow ones
Then you'd see the passion
Burning in my eye

And I'd keep my head
Then all of your friends, they'd try to kill us but only because
They'd be jealous that our love is deeper than Edward and Bell's

If i were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain
I'd just want your heart
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart

Yeah oh, If I were a zombie I'd never eat your brain
I'd just want your heart
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart
Cause I want ya

Bill stares at the teen with his golden dull eyes as the rest of the zombies go for his friends and family.

The brunette was busy shooting at the zombies after everyone else as they left him alone. Bill grabs the gun and tosses it away along with tbe boys shovel. He turns to Bill a stops seeing him. Bill takes this moment and tackles him to the ground.

And I'd try
Not to bite anf infect you
Because I'd respect you too much
And thats why
I'd wait until we we got married
And our happiest days would be spent
Picking off all your friends

And they'd see
A love this deep won't stay buried

Bill grabs his wrist and holds them down as the teen wiggles and fights against him. Bill looks at the boys eyes and stares making the brown haired boy stop struggling and look at him.

The blonde zombie smiles a little while looking at the boys pretty brown eyes. Leaning down quickly before he can react his sinks his teeth the flesh of his neck and break through the skin.

The brunette kicks and screams in pain and tries to throw Bill off him. The zombie sinks his teeth in further and covers the boys mouth to keep him quiet.

He feels the boy struggling stop and he goes limb on the ground. Bill pulls back and admires the bite mark on his shoulder when it meets his neck. The infection was already spreading through his veins and Bill places a hand on his chest over his heart.

He feels the organ begin to slow down more and more fighting to stay beating as the virus spreads further through him. His heart slowls down to a faint beat before it stops completely.

Bill smiles as much as he can and now notices that the blonde girl is being eaten and the other people left. They must not Haven tried to save the boy. He didn't really care not right now he was going to stay here and wait for the kid to wake up and roam the earth with him.

If I were a zombie I'd never eat your brain
I'd just want your heart
Yeah I'd just want your heart
I'd just want your heart

Yeah oh, If I were a zombie I'd never eat your brain
I'd just want your heart
Yeah I'd just want your heart
I'd just want want your heart
Cause i want ya

Bill's smile grows as the boys eyes open and they a little duller but the same beautiful brown doe eyes he loves~

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