My very own Exorcist

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Sun shine: sup my fellow billdip lovers! I just had to do this and if you have ever watched or read the manga of D.Gray-man I'm sure you will like this! Dipper will be Allen Walker and Bill Tyki! You now the Noah of pleasure *winks* The other characters from Gravity falls will not be joining. So everyone from D.Gray-man will be normal. The picture at the top is of Allen Walker and his innocence or anti-akuma weapon crown clown. Dipper will have white hair, the scar on his eye and just cause he will still have his birthmark.

Dipper: We will be doing what now?

Bill: Why are you calling yourself Sun shine?

Sun shine: That's a secret reason and I will not tell either of you!

Bill: If you don't I'll make you watch Corpse Party

Sun shine: NNNNOOOOO!!! *runs out of the room and hides under the bed* SCREW YOU BILL!

Dipper: *smacks Bill on the back of the head* Moron

Sun shine: *pops back up* On with the show! Bill will pay I'll make him watch my little pony.

Bill: FUCK NO!

Sun shine: *smiles innocently* Too bad now one with the show my little readers!

Dipper: *snickers* Bill your screwed.

Bill: *groans* Hate it here....

Sun shine: *bows* Please enjoy this! *stands back up* Don't kill me if you or not very fair in either the anime nor manga there might be spoilers.

Dipper sighs as he flexes and inspects his new arm. It was black and harder than his last innocence arm. It still has the cross mark on the back of his hand and markings went around his shoulder.

A knock at the door tears him from his arm and Lavi opens the door with a smile on his face. "Dipper Jerry made a new rice bun come try it out!" Dippers stomach growls at the mention of food and he quickly gets up following the red head bookman.

After breakfast Dipper picks up all the plates from his food and brings them back to the kitchen.

"Dipper I know your innocence is a parasitic type and is on your body but you sure do eat alot." The red head sweat drops and fixes the green bandana on his head. "I need to eat like that crown clown takes a lot of power from me and I have to eat a lot to keep my body healthy and strong."

" eat a lot." The bookman then brightens up. "We have an assignment!" Dipper raises a brow at him. "That's good why? We just got back last night from the Germany innocence hunt."

Lavi grins. "Yeah I know buuut it will just be you me and Kanda!" Dippers mood deflates a little. "Why does Lands have to come?"

"Idiot Been Sprout you would die if I didn't come with." The white haired exorcist turns to the man with long dark blue hair that's in a pony tail. "Its Dipper." Kanda just glares back. Lavi puts his hands between them. "Come on you too let's go. We get to go to Paris this time!"

Dipper tears his glare away from the innocence wealding samurai. "What's so great about this mission that you keep among like a complete idiot?" Lavi waves his hand still smiling. "Because all we have to do is recover a lost exorcist! Then we can do some sight seeing and take our minds off this war for a little while! Come on it will be great! We find the guy and spend a little time sight seeing you take a break."

Dipper nods that did sound good. After having his arm destroyed by Bill and then reformed as crown clown it took a toll on him so a break sounded pretty good. Levi grins and throws his arm in the air. "Yes! I knew you would see it my way!"

"Oi who said I would agree to this."

"Aw come on Yu we both know you want a break too."

"Don't call me you! You stupid rabbit!"

"Oh come on Yu."

"That's it I'm saving you!"

Lavi takes off running before Kanda can pull out mugen and shave his hair off. Dipper shakes his head with a small chuckle as he follows after them.

~With the Noah Family~

Bill sihs as Road pulls him into dinning room. His niece had dark blue hair, golden eyes, and grey skin with the stigma on her forehead just like everyone in the Noah family did. "Bill come on The Earl wants us!" She tugs on his arm again.

"I'm coming you can stop trying to pull my arm out of its socket now." She puffs out her cheeks and let's his arm go and runs into the Earls office. Bill runs a hand through his hair before he enters the office where Road is sitting in the Earls lap pouting.

"Why can't I go too!" She whines and hugs his arm. "I like Dipper too!" Leo pops is pumpkin head up from his place by the Earl. Leo was a purple umbrella with a orange pumpkin head as the top. "Road-sama please calm down Leo!"

"But I want to go too!" Earl signs but thw perment grin on his face doesn't lessen. "Alright Road you can go too." Road brightens. "Thank you! Come on Bill we get to go get Dipper!" She chirps smiling.

"Wait what I thought I killed him." Truth be told that was his job to do but Bill liked the kid and he was a evil little devil in poker. "Nope he is still alive and his arm is better than before. But I don't want you to kill him. Dipper Walker is the next 14th and I would like for you two to bring him home."

One of Roads doors appears and opens and a black/purple swirling abyss awaits the two. "Come on uncle Bill Dipper's waiting!" Road grabs his hand again and pulls the blonde Noah through the door.

Bill has a grin on his face as he walks through. He was glad the kid was still alive and he couldn't wait to greet him.

~Back with the Exorcists~

Lavi and Dipper walk ahead Kanda as he walks behind the two. Lavi is talking about all the pretty girls he sees while Dipper is looking at all the different food they had. Dippers stomach growls. "Hold on Dipper when we get to the last set of buildings then you can go find a snack."

The white haired exorcist sighs but nods. They had a job to do and that comes first. Nearing the last stretch of town Dipper runs to the nearest stand and grabs the biggest item they have before running to catch up with his teammates.

Dipper stops when his eye actives and the gears start to turn on the front of his eye. He spots 10 akuma all level 2 surrounding his friends. Another 10 fly down to him these are all level 3.

Level two akuma's are more powerful than level ones and have a different personality and power. Level 3's a pretty high ranking ones that have a stronger power and are harder to take down.

Dipper grits his teeth as he is forced to rub back and away from his friends as the level 3 laugh and chase him. The souls in the akuma are different from how the akuma act. They are begging to be destroyed and freed from the metal that confines them and forces them to kill.

Dipper runs to a more abanded part of the town and actives crown clown. His black arm turns slender and a crown sharped silver band forms in his wrist, his black flingers then into long claws, and the cross on the back of his hand glows white. The right side of his body has a white cloak and part of his forms a glove on his normal arm.

A sliver mask is on the white cloak and stays by his neck. "Cross grave!" He slashes the air with his black clawed arm and a white flash happens and damages the akuma but they still stand.


Dippers arm goes back to the normal black arm and the cloak disappears as he breaths heavily and his body shakes.

His vision blurrs and he falls to the ground tired and slightly beaten.

~With Road and Bill!~

Road claps and swings her legs off the building they are on. "Quick Bill let's get him!" She turns to where Bill was but sees he's not there. She looks down as Bill picks up the passes out white haired boy.

She jumps down and lands next to her uncle. "No fair Bill I won't to hold him!" She holds out her arms but he shakes his head. "Road he's bigger than you and I don't trust you not to kiss him again." She huffs and crosses her arms as the door appears again.

"Fine you can carry him but Dipper-kun was mine first!" She walks through the door not seeing her uncles smirk. "No no Road I do believe he's mine." He walks through the door but not before admiring the sleeping boy in his arms.

He lightly runs his thumb over the scar on face. "Don't worry I won't let her have you." He walks through the door. "Besides you were mine from the start." The door closes leaving no trace of Dipper Walker for the black order to find.

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