Journal entry 11: Vampires

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Yellow my beautiful lovelies this one shot was inspired by the show Supernatural and it's vampires. With their angler fish like teeth instead of just two fangs which, I like the angler teeth more. But anyways I won't explain much but just enjoy this one shot my lovelies! Also to Benson I haven't forgotten your request and I'm still working on it just having a bit of writers block on it. The clip above is from the episode Yellow Fever on Supernatural. It's where Dean got this sort of ghost disease and he got scared of everything and it was hilarious! Cause Dean doesn't get scared like that. XD anyway enjoy my beautiful lovelies!

Log date: July 7 2007

I've been with the Stan twins for a about 7 months now and have helped with about 10 hunts. The first was a windigo, nasty creatures that are always hungry and are pretty damn smart. Lured away one guy were helping by mimicking a guys screams for help. But we took care of it soon enough then moved on to solve other cases. Like a vengeful spirit who was drowning people and even scarecrow who was actually a minor god who got two sacrifices, one man and one women, each year and the town would continue to have good crops and plant life. We had to burn the tree and Stan was almost one of the sacrifices. But now Ford says our next hunt is-

The blonde curses under his breath as the motor home jerks and his pencil breaks just as he was to start writing again. He gets up to sharpen his pencil when his foot catches on the carpet and he falls flat on his face in the musty old carpet. "Bill you okay back there?" "Ha Ford look at him! He fell flat on his face and he brags he's like a cat! Ha!" Bill lifts and glares at the man laughing at him from the passenger seat in the front. "Shut up Stan I've seen you do worse!'

The blonde stands up and dusts himself off and makes a face as he could still hear Stans laughing and Fords attempts to get him to stop. Bill may have been with them for about 7 months but the 40 year old men were totally different from what he's witnessed. Stan was over confident that punching something with gold and iron knuckles will always work and that there's always time for a beer and hot chicks. When he was flirty with women or hunting he was quite lazy and wore only a pair of boxers and a stained tank top.

Bill shudders at the thought, there were just some things he wishes he could forget. He sharpened his pencil on the hand wound one that was attached to the counter in the motor home. He thought about Ford and about how different he was from his twin Stanely. The guy always seemed to be dressed in his trench coat and glued salt to the windows of the RV along with the door. It was a safety precaution and they were all relieved Ford did it because it helps keep lots of things out. But back to Ford, the guy was always studying cases thoroughly and had read and reread books so many times he had things memoried which also came in handy and has saved their asses a few times.

The RV comes to a stop and Bill grabs onto the table before he fell back on the floor. "Come on Bill we gotta ask eye witness on what's happening." "I'll catch up with you in a second!"

He sits back down to finish his journal entry before he would follow the Stans.

Our next hunt could be either vampires or werewolfs from the witness accounts and from what happening at night. With people disappearing and never showing up again so far. I really hope it's neither since I've never faced off with either kind.

Bill closes his journal and locks it before setting it in his bag before getting out and following the Stans. "Got your FBI badge kid?"

"Wait uh.." Bill digs around his his jacket before pulling it out. "Here it is!" He states proudly with a smile before Stan takes it. "Hey!" Stan tucks the fake badge into his pocket. "We don't want you coming with us on this case for your own safety. Your young and trust me you don't wanna be in this hunt and before you argue you need a break from studying nonstop and training." Bill sighs and kicks a rock on the road before stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Fine..but if you guys need my help you'll ask right?"

The Stan's nod before going off to ask families and eye witnesses about the attacks and kidnappings happening in the town. Bill sighs softly and was thankful that it was summer and warm instead of cold, he really hated the cold. He spots a bar down the road that read 'Dead Mans bar' the name was alittle odd but hes been and seen weirder names for bars. Deciding it was better than hanging out in the RV or just wondering around aimlessly til the Stans got back.

He walks inside and immediately the smell of booze and something sweet hit him and fond it not unpleasant. Usually some bars smelt like vomit and cheap booze and those were the worst in Bills opinion and even Ford agreed with him. Stan just always said 'It just has character you two wussies wouldn't understand.' well he was glad he didn't.

There were only a couple people in the place, two guys playing pool and another sitting at the bar nursing a drink in his hands looking miserable. Bill sits down on one of the red bar seats and was happy it wasn't sticky or wet and as a bonus, it spinned! Bill spins in his seat and giggles like a child before stopping and going the other way.

Someone's throat clearing made Bill stop his joyful spinning to face the bartender who was looking quite amused by his actions. "That's real cute what your doing there but I bet you came in for a drink and not for our rotating seats." Bill could feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment and he chuckles as he rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah I did I just a little carried away. I just couldn't resist."

The girl just smiles with a small laugh. "Well now that your done what can I get you or do you need a minute with your seat?"

Bill chuckles awkardly. "I'll need a minute if you don't mind?" He was thankful his voice didn't crack or anything and make a bigger fool of himself.

"Well I'll be back in a minute and not a second less or more." The girl walks off to refill the glass the sulking man at the bar counter leaving Bill to think of his drink and look around. The windows were small and high up and had little red curtains letting little light in the room while the only door for people go come into was away from the bar so there wasn't much light besides the artifical light coming from the light bulbs in the lamps. He found him himself looking back at the bartender and couldn't help but blush faintly looking at her. He would sometimes flirt with girls who seemed interested but he was never really in the town long or was studying in the RV to really date or talk long plus he didn't like one night stands much, so he hasn't really done anything in a long time.

The girl looked young maybe about 21 or maybe even 23? He wasn't completely sure but she was really pretty and he could see the man perk up slightly when she refilled his glass of whiskey. She was wearing a Walking Dead shirt with Daryls wings on the back of it and him on the front with his cross bow, it fit her nicely and showed off the curves she. Then she wore a mini jean skirt with a pair of black leggings so she wasn't showing off any skin there with a pair black combat boots that laced up. Bill would never admit it but Daryl Dixon was awesome and he watched both 'Fear the Walking' and 'The Walking Dead' whenever he could. He was snapped out of his thoughts when the girl came back. "Minutes up golden boy now what's your poison?"

"Just a margarita please." Bill thanked himself that his voice didn't crack after hearing golden boy. "Alright one margarita for you golden boy."

Bill watched the girl mix the drink and look for the jar of olives that was in the mini fridge under the counter. She slid Bill his drink he pays for it right away which the brunette seemed to appreciate. He also noticed her eyes were hazel and seemed to sparkle with mischief and content at the moment but he couldn't help but notice something else a little darker that he could place. "If your gonna stare at me for 5 straight minutes at least tell me your name golden boy."

Bill blushes lightly as he noticed he was indeed staring at her and didn't even notice the time fly as he did. "My name's Bill." He says with a small kind smile as he sips his drink before eating the olive.

"Well nice to meet you Bill, a nice looking guy with manners for once. A real nice change to who comes in here." She smiles at him and he swore his heart fluttered for a moment. "Anyway my name's Dipper nice to meet you. If you want we could go back to my place and I'll show you a good time you'll never wanna come back from."

Bill was sure he was blushing again and opens his mouth to speak before his phone starts to buzz in his pocket. He pulls it out and sighs when it was a text from Stan. 'We got all we need get your butt back to the RV.'

"Guessing from your expression you can't." He could hear the disappointment in her voice and Bill himself was disappointed too. It was times like this where being a hunter sucked and he somtimes wished he didn't wind up in this. "Maybe we'll meet again Bill." He looks up to see her wink before leaving the counter to go into the staff only door. "Stupid Stan." He mutters bitterly before finishing the rest of his drink and heading back to the motor home that was parked a few blocks down. "Kinda put hot sauce in Stans coffee again for this."

The sun had set hours ago and now Bill was stuck in the RV in the woods while Stan and Ford went looking for the vampires nest that was a old farm barn somewhere past these trees on a abounded apple farm. The blonde sinks in his seat as he groans in boredom. "I wanna help and yet I'm stuck here suppose to be studying werewolves and vampires." He knocks after a plastic cup off the table before crossing his arms and scowling angrily in his seat. It looked more like a child pouting he always heard Stan say and then Bill would throw something at his head and they'd wrestle til Ford pulled them apart. He chuckles softly at those memories before putting his feet on the table and closing Ford study guide he always had thw blonde read so he could learn about different monsters. "This is so boring and I already read all of this so it sucks even more!" He tosses the book on the table. "This couldn't possibly get anyway worse!"

He grumbles as he gets up and opens the door to the RV. "Stupid Stan forgetting to fill up the tank." Bill heads to the back where the gas can was hidden in a hatch on the side of the RV and fills up the tank. "Need to get the generator fixed.." he mumbles before setting the can down. "Tonight sucks.."

"It's gonna suck alot more Golden Boy." He hears a voice say before gets hit in the head and everything turns black.

Bill groans as he starts to come to. "Ow fuck my head." He goes to touch his head but found he couldnt move his hands. He looks at the chains holding his hands above his head and groans as he tugs at them. "Oh no come on! Not in the mood for this."

"Oh come now I was gonna show you a fun time remember?" He hears from his left and tries to turn his head. Dipper walks in front of his vision and smiles innocently. "A fun time you wouldn't want to come down from."

Bill glares at her as he tugs on his chains again. "So your a vampire? You were gonna drain me dry weren't you?"

Dipper sits down on a barrel in front of Bill and plays with a small butterfly knife. "No that's not what I was going to do." She opens the knife again. "You see the Stans have just killed a great number of us over the past 5 years and we are one of the last of our kind." A gruff scream was heard from the other room and Dipper smiles. "That's them now, with them both they could feed us for maybe 3 weeks and that's two less hunters to worry about." She looks back at Bill. "Well three actually but you won't be food like they are." She stands up and walks over to Bill swaying her hips as she goes before wrapping her arms around his neck. "Once you join us you'll never want to go back~"

Bill glares at her and growls lightly. "I won't join you I'd rather die."

Dipper opens up the butterfly knife and makes a cut on Bills arm making him hiss at the pain. "It won't hurt for long." She cuts the palm of her hand and places her cut over Bills. "I'd have you drink my blood but I have a feeling you'd spit it right in my face." She kisses his cheek and smiles sweetly. "See you in a few hours! I'll bring you a snack and we can get you settled in." She smiles sweetly to Bill. "We are gonna have so much fun Bill I promise~" she purrs before closing the doors leaving Bill there to turn. "I just know it."

Gosh that took so much time to make! *Lays on the floor* I powered through this so I could post it for you lovelies before I go to school tomorrow. If you want I could make a part two and I thank you all for supporting my writing!

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