New World

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Hello my beautiful lovelies! I'm a really lazy person and it took me forever to find any inspiration to write for a bit. Plus schools draining and I practically fall asleep when I get home so I really don't have time to update. It's gonna suck when I get a job cause then it will take me like a year to update! *huffs* wish I could stay young forever. Well anyway enjoy this chapter and the picture above is what Bills human form will look like since I love this art style. P.S the picture isn't mine, I found it on Pinterest but anyways enjoy part two to New World. I hope you enjoy! 

His body felt cold, stiff, and most of all sore. He found he couldn't move his body, not even flex one of his fingers, he couldn't open his eyes either. "You're all a bunch of morons! I give you one task and you all failed!" Who was that? It sounded familiar yet different all the same. "You're all so lucky one of the eyeball bats found him or I'd be serving all your worthless asses to my new creations!" He now had a better idea of what was happening and he was pretty sure he was stone right now, but if he was how could he be hearing all of this? "Take him up to the top and don't you drop him! If he breaks I'm breaking all of you!" He felt a pair of giant hands, that he was guessing belonged to either Zanthor or eightball, lift him up before he lost all his senses again. 

"They are all morons Pine Tree, but at least you seem to be in one piece." A gloved hand ran through his hair but he still couldn't move, just trying to even wiggle his finger or crack open his eyes was a chore. "Oh you poor thing, you can't even move right now can you? Here I'll help you." Dipper felt extremely annoyed by all this and the teasing tone Bill used. He could do this on his own, he just needed a little time to get his bearings and regain his ability to actually move. "If I didn't know better Pine Tree I'd say you were a life sized doll by your appearance." He felt an arm slip under his knees and another go under his back as he was lifted up bridal style, much to his annoyance, and be pressed against the beings chest. 

A eerie tone filled the air making Dippers skin crawl in an unpleasant way, like when spiders crawl up your arm. He felt himself being set down in a chair and his arms being set on the arm rests before cold claps were around his wrists to keep them there, the same done for for legs so they were pressed against the wood of the chair. "There you go, now no running off now Pine Tree!" He heard footsteps walk away from the chair then a door opening before slamming shut. 

While the demon was away Dipper concentrated on getting his body to move and respond to him again. 'Come on move!' He manages to get his fingers to twitch and works to at least crack open his eyes so he could see the situation he was in. 'Probably going to be tortured for his amusement.'  He thought to himself dryly, if he could make any type of expression he knew he'd be scowling. 'Just need to get out of this looney bin before I die or become the demons sick decor.'  He pauses for a moment as he only manages to wiggle his pointer finger. 'Easier said than done.' 

Bills POV. (But not in first person)

Bill couldn't fight the grin that spread across his lips as he left the room he was keeping Dipper in. He chuckles softly as he walks away from the door before it turns into full blown laughter mixed with insane cackles. He finally had the last piece he needed to fulfill what he was promised all those years ago, a child  born from the stars. He had been waiting for centuries for this child to be born and he was sure that at one point it was Sixer, than shooting star. The demons nose wrinkled in disgust at the thought of her being the star child. 'Too much energy and a disgustingly sweet imagination.' He was almost relieved it was Pine Tree instead of her or he'd go insane if he'd had to do the ritual with her. 

It was such a twist that little Pine Tree would be the star child along being a thorn in his side in catching him! Along with killing a good chunk of his minions anytime they got close to that bunker. 'The hard parts over, now comes the easy part.'  The smirk was back and with it were his shark like teeth on display as he walked down a separate hall. There were no doors along this hallway besides the twin black oak wood doors at the end with snake heads holding rings in their fanged mouths as door handles. The room was pitch black without a single light on sight till the dream demon snapped his fingers. 

Candles littered all across the room suddenly were alit with blue flames making the room look more eerie than it always was. There were symbols carved all over the walls and were painted in with navy blue paint and a stone alter stood out in the middle with constellations carved onto its surface. Bill hums a tone he had long forgotten the name to but still new the melody by heart as he walked into the room. Lines were engraved onto the ground, much neater then the ones on the walls, and all the lines ended at the alter. Blood was coating certain parts of of the carvings and Bill pulls out a vile from his pocket filled with a red liquid. He pulls off the cork and almost gags as he smelled some of the blood inside. "Practically smells like someone would get a sugar high just from drinking this." He pours the blood onto a section of the carvings and hums in satisfaction when it glowed blue for a brief moment before fading. "Just need one more person for this." His single whe glances at the last spot that was untouched by any blood before leaving the room. "Let's get this thing finished." 

The twin doors slam shut as he leaves the room and every candle slowly goes out one by one till one last candle lingers for a moment longer, too stubborn to go out right away. The blood seems into the small cracks in its spot among the carvings and one was to look down from the ceiling they'd see Bills summoning wheel. All the spaces where the symbols are were covered in blood expect for the pine tree..and instead of Bills true form in the center the Big Dipper was carved right in the middle of the alter to take its place. 


I know it'd mean but cliff hanger! I'm really sorry for the lomg wait but school it's so draining and I'm practically a zombie when I get home, I usually take a nap right when I get home and by that time I'm too lazy to update but it's Christmas vacation now so I'll try my best to update! I'll make part three soon and also we are gonna have a little vote here. It's between a Krampus AU and a Coraline AU for my next update. So please my lovelies vote on which one you'd like me to make first. It'll be one whole big chapter instead of two or three so pick your favorite so I can get to work. Which of those two gets the most votes for I'll make that one first then the other next. I'll try my best to have them done soon and Merry Christmas my lovelies!

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