What's in a name?

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Hello my lovelies! I know it's a shocker I'm updating so early but I got a request from @Lost_Phantom.The request was for Bill to find out Dippers real name and there's gonna be some drama and sappy moments to this so enjoy! Don't forget to thank Phantom in the comments, I wouldn't have wrote this unless they said this request so please enjoy! Also Bills human in this and learning how to be a human. 

Bill sat on the couch with Mabel as she showed him pictures of her and Dippers childhood, of course Dipped wasn't home since he'd probably burn the scrapbook and the embarrassing memories. "Hey shooting star? Who's Mason?" Mabel stops telling the story of the time they went to the park for the first time to look at Bill. "Oh Dipper didn't tell you? It's his real name." 

(Side note, this is what they look like) 

Bill blinks as he thinks it over then looks back at the name printed on the page in pink sparkly pen. "That's really his name? Well that's dumb." Mabel lightly hits his shoulder. "Don't say that and don't tell Dipper you learned this from me. He'll definitely want to burn this scarpbook if he found out. Or tease him about this, he doesn't like his real name."

"Don't worry Star I won't!" Bill smiles innocently as he crosses his fingers behind his back as he thinks of ways to tease Dipper. 

The dream demon sat behind the counter with a bored expression as he drums his fingers against the wood of the counter. It was a slow day and barely any tourists had come in and Stan refused to close the shack til 4 so he could make a bit of a profit if anyone else came in. Bill groans and slams his head down once onto the counter in annoyance and to see how badly it would hurt. It hurt surprisingly bad and he regretted the decision immediately. He rubs his forehead with a hiss and a quiet curse as he glared at the counter like it was its fault for hurting him. "Stupid wood and stupid human body for reacting to the pain." He stops his glaring contest with the wooden counter when Dipper came in with a few boxes of merchandise for the gift shop. A grin made its way to Bills lips as he stares at Dipper. "Hey Mason~ can you help me?" 

He could see Dipper visibly tense but didn't reply to him, much to the dream demons annoyance. Bill got out from behind the counter and walks up to the human and pokes his shoulder. "Hey Mason whys your name Mason? Is it just to go off of Shooting Stars name and why do you hate it so much?" Dipper continued to ignore him and Bill refused to stop pestering him and followed him around once the shack closed up for the day and continued to tease him for his name and poke him. "What does Mason even stand for? Did your parents just name you that to go along with Shootings stars name? Did they hate you or something?" 

Clearly he hit a nerve and next thing he knew he was knocked on his ass and looks up in astonishment and was ready to yell at him but stopped once he saw tears in the others eyes. Bill quickly got up once Dipper ran upstairs toward the attic. "Pine Tree wait what did I do?!" He tries to open the door but it was locked and the demon cursed as he knocks on the door. "Pine Tree open up I'm sorry!" When he didn't gets response he presses his ear up against the door and could have sworn he heard the other crying. 

Bill frowns and goes downstairs and sits down on the steps outside on the porch. He sighs and bangs his head on the wooden pole keeping the roof part up on the porch. "Stupid stupid stupid." He sighs again then lays on the ground and closes his eyes. When he heard foot steps approach him he opens one eye to see Soos standing there with a tool bag in hand. "What are you doing laying on the ground triangle dude?" Bill didn't answer for a minute then sits up and rests his chin on his knees. "I hurt Pine Tree but I don't know why it hurt him. I found out his real name and thought it would be funny to tease him but I didn't think he'd start crying." Soos nods the  sits down on the ground beside him. "Well maybe he didn't tell you his name because he knew you'd do this and his real name brings up bad memories." 

"But what's so bad about his real name that he couldn't tell me?" Bill glares at the ground the crushes a lady bug. 

"Well you won't know but just sitting here while Dipper cries. You need to apologize for your actions." Soos explains calmly. 

"But I already did and he didn't say anything!" 

"You can't just say sorry Bill, put some effort into saying your sorry so you can prove you really mean it." Soos stands up as Bill silently thinks it over. "Now if you excuse me I have a job to do." He heads inside, probably to help Stan with something, and left the demon to think of his actions and how he could fix them. 

Bill stands by the counter in the kitchen with a big smile. The kitchen was a mess with a pile of dirty dishes in the sink and with batter all over the stove and counter along with broken eggs on the floor, and what looked like a black blob on the kitchen table that was eating the salt shaker. The only thing that was neat and clean was a wooden tray with a stack of pancakes on it, a small bowl of strawberries, a glass of orange juice, a white rose, and lastly the bottle of syrup. The demon was proud of his work and as a finishing touch used some icing he found to spell out 'I'm sorry Pine Tree' on top of the pancakes in his neatest handwriting. Bill nods in satisfaction then picks up the tray and walks upstairs to the attic door and mutters a small spell to unlock the door. 

He knocks on the door once it was open and seemed to startle Dipper who then hid his face in his pillow. Bill frowns and sets the tray down on the nightstand before sitting down on the bed. "Pine Tree?" He got no response and he sighs softly before lightly rubbing the others back. "I know what I said hurt you and I'm sorry I kept poking fun at you and wouldn't stop. I didn't mean to make you cry." 

"Then why did you continue to do it even when I gave no response and told you to stop." Dipper was now looking at him and glaring at him dispite his eyes being puffy and red from crying. 

Bill sighs again and stops rubbing Dippers back. " I don't know..I just wanted to see if you'd blush and get all squeaky like you usually do when I tease you. I really didn't mean to hurt you like that." 

A long silence stretched between the two and it made Bill fidget as he waited for Dippers response. He wanted a answer, even if he wouldn't like it, it would be better then this awkard silence. 

"So..you made me pancakes and learned your lesson?" 

Bill snaps his head up to look at Dipper then nods his head quickly. "Yes! And I promise I won't tease you about it again! Please forgive me!" The demon practically begs and even makes puppy dog eyes as he looks at Dipper. Dipper chuckles then nods. "Alright I forgive you. But" he folds up a finger to stop him from hugging him. "If you ever do that again I'll kick you out of my room and you can go sleep on the couch." He warns with a serious glare making the demon nod his head quickly. "I promise I won't!" 

Dipper then smiles and grabs the tray and sets it in his lap. "This is nice of you to do but you cleaned up your mess right?" Bill nods and waves his hand. "Pfft yeah of course I did." Dipper raises a brow at him. "So if I go downstairs right now the kitchen won't be a mess?" 

Bill stands up. "I think I need to use the bathroom. This stupid body am I right, I'll be right back?" Bill runs downstairs and Dipper watched him run to the right. "The bathrooms not in the kitchen Bill!" He yells to the demon. "It is too! You don't know what your talking about!" Came the demons reply making Dipper laugh as he takes a bite from his pancakes. He supposed it wasn't all bad Bill knew his real name, now he knew not to bring it up again. "Now I just need to burn Mabel's scrapbooks." 


Yay I finished!!!! I wrote this instead of reading fanfics for once! Yay me! Also here's a beautiful picture for you lovelies. I found it on Pinterest.

Hehehe I love this picture. Yelp until next time my lovelies! Hopefully I'll finish the second part to New World soon so I can have that up. 

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