Kid Bill

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      It was Saturday at the Mystery Shack and Dipper was sleeping in his bed. Unknown to him he was being watched by Bill and Mabel they were giggling by the door. "You ready?" questioned Mabel. "I was born ready" said Bill with confidence. "DIPPER WAKE UP I NEED A FAVOR!" Mabel yelled while jumping on his bed. "Go away." Dipper said still half asleep. "If you don't I will have my sleep over here." She said in a sing song voice. Dipper shot out of bed. "Okay okay I do what ever it is" Dipper said.

Mabel smirked and picked up a 5 year old Bill by the door and handed him to Dipper. "Dipper this is William, he is Candy's cousin and she needs someone to watch him so have fun." She said as she ran out of the room leaving Bill and Dipper alone.

Dipper put Bill on his bed."Well I guess you get to spend the day with me." Dipper said awkwardly. Bill just giggled and hugged Dippers leg. "I guess so Pine Tree." Bill said. Dipper's eyes widened and he landed on the bed, backing up on the bed away from Bill. "Bill what are you doing here!" Dipper shouted.

"I just wanted to hang out with you Pine Tree or I could tell Mabel to come back with her friends" Bill said innocently. Dipper paled and shook his head. "Good now let's play." Bill cheered. Dipper groaned and pick him up and made his way to the couch to watch TV with little Bill. Bill sat in Dipper lap and snuggled into his arms. "I like this." Bill said happily. Dipper just yawned and took a blanket then covered him and Bill with it. "Yeah it is pretty nice" Dipper reluctantly stated. All too soon Dipper fall asleep leaving Bill still awake. Bill smirked and climbed up Dipper's chest and kissed Dipper in the lips then changing his form to a teenager. Dipper opened his eyes and pushed Bill away. "What the heck man!!!" Dipper shouted. "What it was just a kiss Pine Tree no harm done." Bill stated. Dipper blushed a deep red. Bill smirked and pulled him into another kiss. Dipper eyes widened but he closed his eyes giving into the kiss and wrapping his arms around Bill's neck deepening the kiss. Dipper pulled away to take a breath."Aw Pine Tree likes me!" Bill said in a sing song voice. Dipper rolled his eyes and pulled Bill down on the couch with him. "Yeah whatever (yawns) sleep with me" Dipper said as he closed his eyes.

Bill smiled and cuddled next to his Pine Tree letting sleep take take him. Unknown to them Mabel stood by the door and took a picture. "Scrapbookatoonety" she said quietly.

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