Mirror Mirror

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This is just something I wanted to write, I'm extremely lazy and don't really wanna work on the drafts I had on here so I decided to write this instead. Enjoy my lovelies!

Mabel Pines didn't know how to react with everything, she loved her brother dearly but with him running into the woods all the time he usually got hurt.

He got bit by gnomes one time and even fractured his wrist somehow while escaping, got sprayed by a flower and almost fell asleep for eternity, and he broke his leg while being chased by a werewolf.

Each and every time he came back hurt or completely fine she could help but think 'What if he doesn't come back next time?' She quickly banished those thoughts but when he came back all bloody with multiple gashes in his side she just couldn't take it anymore. Enough was enough.

Mabel loved her brother more than anything, she may not live up to her promises all the time for him but now she didn't want her brother to ever be hurt again.  She'd give her life for his if the opportunity came, but she knew he'd do the exact same thing for her.

"Bro bro?" She asked almost hesitantly from her bed while her brother was fixing a section of the journal about mermaids. "Yeah sis?" He didn't turn to look at her as he continued to write and it broke her heart slightly seeing him so obsessed with the journal.

That was another thing that worried her, he was so obsessed with the authors work that he didn't get enough sleep and skipped meals. He had bags underneath his eyes and he was always yawning and he seemed to avoid sleep at any turn if he could.

"Can we talk?" Dipper stopped writing in the journal and set it to the side to give his sister his full attention. "Sure." He yawned.

"It's just...I really worry about you with all these monster hunts and you with that journal. This really isn't healthy and...could you please just take it easy on the hunts and filling up that journal, I hate seeing you hurt day after day or seeing you so tired you fall asleep while standing up."

When he didn't reply she looked up at him and frowned both in guilt and sadness. He had fallen asleep while she was taking against his head board at an uncomfortable angle. She hoped off her bed and got him underneath the covers and slowly moved him so his head was on the pillow and turned off the light. "What am I going to do..?"

Never in a million years did she think the answer would come from a mirror appearing on her nightstand with a note saying 'Use this.' Saying she was skeptical was an understatement, how could a mirror help her brother and who even gave this to her? She never told anyone about her fears for her brothers health but how was this mirror possibly going to help?

Mabel threw the mirror away not even trusting the thing that appeared out of thin air. Even if weirdness was normal in Gravity Falls she didnt want to know what the mirror possibly could help.

/One week later/

Dipper now avoided sleep like it was the plague, his dreams always full of all his worst fears with that damned triangles laugh in the backround as the nightmares continued. He didn't​ know why the triangle kept torturing him with nightmares, he got small hints to why but they never made sense.

You'd ruin my plans

Once that rift breaks open I don't need you in my way

There will be no room for her in my world so you better learn now

I like you kid, I think I'll make a place for you by my side!

But the most confusing one was after the nightmare he had the night before.

I'll help your sister, it'll be killing two birds with one stone. Better watch your back hahaha!

Help his sister? 'What does that even mean?' He wished he would have taken the threat seriously when everything suddenly when something touched his arm and everything swirled around him before it all went black.

Mabel Pines wasn't a bad person, she could be crazy sometimes but that was just her nature. Anyone would argue that this was crossing the line, but she didn't have to worry about that.

She was never seen without her mirror in hand, it wasn't a standard pocket mirror most girls might have, not it was a hand held mirror that was about a foot long with triangle engravings around it and an eye design on the back of it.

Nobody knew why she insisted to keep it with her at all times or refuse anyone to touch it, there didn't seem to be anything special about it.

She could be something seen talking to the thing but everyone shrugged it off as just a Mabel thing everytime it happened.

Mabel looked around to make sure no one was around and tapped the surface of the mirror once. It rippled like when a small stone lands in a pound before it changed from her reflection.

Dipper pounded on the inside of the glass and tried to talk to his sister but nothing was heard from his end as the screen went away again.

Mabel didn't think this was a bad thing, her brother was safe and all she had to do in return for Bill was get this snow globe like object from Ford later and give the triangle the mirror after she opened it so he could free her brother so they could be put in a bubble together.

What she didn't realize was Bill didn't plan to give her brother back once she handed him the mirror and was put into a pink bubble by herself with a Dipper clone of his design to act like him. Pine Tree was his puppet, and he wasn't gonna give him back.

I know this was weird but I felt like writing this, hope you all enjoyed it, if only slightly.  

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