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Hello my lovelies! Surprise I actually have an update today! I was watching the Resident Evil movies and thought to myself 'Lets turn it into a one shot!' So this is where that was born, make note I don't own the Resident Evil movies nor do I own the picture above. This is what Dipper will sort of look like and the Dead By Daylight will be up as soon as I can figure it all out. (If you didn't notice the book got the most votes but I was kinda disappointed barely anyone voted for the book and 'Do it' or 'I'd read that' is not voting so I didn't count those) Anyway enjoy my lovelies!

The T-Virus was a medical break through that no one could believe and the Umbrella company was pleased with it's results on a little girl to help stop her fast aging, it was a miracle and was going to help people world wide. One hospital in particular was getting the first samples to test out on patients to see how it handled other diseases, a brunette with the stars on his forehead getting the first dosage as nurses were assigned to report his behavior or any side effects the virus might have on him.

It was almost immediate how his health greatly improved and the boy could move around again without assistance and even began eating once again when his stomach wasn't rejecting the food like before. The staff at the hospital were excited about the results that but a near death child back into full health and were eager to test this virus on the rest of the patients, if he could cure a child then what couldn't it cure?

But it seemed the virus didn't bond with the other patients like it did with the child, in fact the results were horrifying...people had died soon after getting the T-Virus. But they didn't stay dead for long.

Soon people were panicking as patients awoke after their death and began attacking doctors, nurses, and even other patients. They bit anyone they came in contact with and began feasting on their flesh until they attacked someone new who caught their attention, the dead body they were eating soon getting up as well to join in on the carnage to eat their fill to try and satisfy their unrelenting hunger.

Umbrella soldiers soon arrived and killed the infected patients and staff as they needed to cover this incident before it could get out to the press. As they were sweeping the building to get any stragglers and killing any staff whether they were infected or not. When they had arrived into the boys room they were shocked to see multiple infected patients and staff standing around the boy, instead of attacking him or trying to eat him they turned their attention to the Umbrella soldiers and immediately attached them.

A minute later with 8 dead zombies and 3 dead soldiers later a man in a white lab coat flanked by two guards walked into the boys room to see the situation for themselves.

"What's the situation here?"

"Sir the boy seems to be something immune, he's infected but isn't dead. He still has a heartbeat and doesn't have a single bite on him."

"Not one?"

"No, it seemed the infected were protecting him instead of attacking him. They turned on us the moment we opened the door."

The science only hummed as his interest was peeked at the small child trying to hide himself in his blankets. He approached the bed and gently tugged the blanket from the child's grip and shushed him softly as he needed the kid to come willingly with him instead of fighting. "My name's Dr. Summer what's yours?" He asked the kid softly with a kind smile as he tried not to frighten the kid away, he was a genetic break through and knew the company could learn so much from him.

"Dipper.." The kid said with a sniffle as he was still shaken up from the events of people eating one another.

"Well Dipper would you like to come with me? We'll get you somewhere safe, how about that? Doesn't that sound nice?" Dr. Summers said with a charming smile to Dipper, offering his hand for him to take.

Dipper eyed the man uneasily for a moment before placing his smaller hand in the larger one as he allowed to be led out of the room by the man in the lab coat. "Make sure to clean this place up and bring another survivor." He ordered the men as a man with golden hair and eyes as sedated and brought along as well.

A helecopter was out waiting for them as Dr. Summers helped Dipper up inside. "Don't worry kid, we'll take good care of you."

This would set off a string of events that the human race wasn't ready for.

The moment Dipper was brought to the hive they were running small tests and taking blood samples from the 8 year old and were surpirsed and amazed by the results. "His bond with the T-Virus is even better than Project Alice. Its healing his cells and body while bonding with him deeply enough to protect him against the infected."

This was a big achievement that they couldn't afford to loose for their experimentation with the T-Virus and began erasing Mason Pines from all files to make the child disappear.

"Um..excuse me? But when can I go home?" Dipper asks unsurely as he rubbed his sore arm where they kept taking blood samples. He was grateful they saved him but his parents would be looking for him and he didn't want to worry them.

At the mention of leaving Dr. Summers approached Dipper with a smile as he readied something behind his back. "Don't worry you'll see your family soon, we're just making sure you're healthy enough to leave." He said to ease the kids worries as a robotic tic began squirming in his hand as it searched for a host to attached to.
Dipper smiled in relief as he could see his family soon. "That's good, they're probably worried about me and I hate making them worry."

"We all do kid." He pushed his hand against Dippers chest as the tic stopped wiggling in his hand and immediately suck it's legs into the child's chest with four tendrils sinking into his skin as well, the red color to it's back glowing brightly as it soon stilled completely. "We all do."

The brunette didn't have time to attempt to pull the thing off his chest as stabbing pain as the thing attached itself to him. He couldn't form words as his vision started to blur and was having a hard time remembering where he was or why he wanted to leave the lab, his eyes soon became heavy and he slumped against the Dr. Summers chest, completely asleep as the tic did it's job. "You're going to help us build a new works kid, we can't afford to loose you."

He picked the child up and walked out of the lab. "Prepare a room and a new file for Dipper. I want a sample of his blood added to the data base and all staff to know this boys face. We can't have him escape this facility."

//Time Skip//

"Get the fuck away from me!" A blonde shouted as he fought against the two guards holding his arms as they strapped him down to a medical table, tightening the straps so he could barely move. "You can't do this! You won't get away with this!" He was getting desperate at this point as everyone seemed to ignore his struggling and shouting as men in lab coats were pulling out little tubes of a blue substance and loading it into a needle.

"Get that away from me! I saw what it did, don't come near me with that!" Bill remembered vividly of his roommate getting that same shot that killed him in a matter of seconds before attacking the nurse and ripping a chunk from her neck.

"Calm down, we're giving you a better version than that one. With this the test results will be better, you'll barely feel a thing." It was meant to be reassuring but only made the blonde fight harder against his restraints in a desperate attempt to get away. "No stay away!"

They ignored him and proceeded to put the needle in his skin, straight into his bone where they proceeded to inject the Virus there to see the effects it would have.

It was almost immediate when Bills skin began shifting with the Virus attacking his cells and changing them into something different as he screaming and thrashing on the table as the pain only seemed to be getting worse as bones started shifting and muscles contracted and expanding against his will as every part of his being seemed to be in pain.

It was then that bred a new breed of monster that still had a faint heart beat and a fully working brain. They named it, the dragon.

"How are testing holding up on test subject 336?"

"He's a monster sir, he has a consious and eats anyone we try to send in there! He can't be controlled and always waits til we're all inside before attacking us!"

The dragon was their must successful killing machine but couldn't release it to the world as they were sure it wouldn't act like a normal zombie and hunt for people above ground, no it would come for them and kill everyone in the hive if given the chance.

"Let's send in our little zombie whisperer then, maybe he can game this beast no one else seems to be able to handle."

Dipper was a breakthrough and could take even the most violent of zombies, even their mutants didn't dare harm the child while with him. Even the dogs calmed enough to sit with the kid and stay by his side, they even listens to commands he gave and allowed samples to be taken from each creature without a scratch, if they weren't teased and harassed.

This would lead to events that Umbrella wouldn't be prepared for, after all. A dragon didn't  share their treasure.

I hoped you liked it! I know this was probably a little lame and Billdip. I might make a part two, but if all I get in the comments is 'Part two part two!' then I won't make one. 

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