Experimenting 2

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Well my lovelies here's your second part, now I'm actually still pissed about a bunch of you just saying part two. I mean seriously it just pisses me off when that's all I get in the comments. If all I hear in the comments after this part is 'Part 3 Part 3!' Then I'll never do a part two to any of my one shots again, ever.

It was a day like any other for Dipper, he had blood taken by men in white lab coats and he was given a small breakfast as everyone passed by him with tubes of different liquids or samples of gods knows what as it swam around in it's jar.

It felt strange being surrounded by adults who took blood from him and wanted him to try and communicate with their 'zombies'. He didn't see a real difference between the zombies and people, just that they had different needs. A zombie didn't need water and could stay up even after being shot in the heart or even loosing a limb. They were honestly smarter than some of the people they herded him along his so called 'Home.'

The boy honestly couldn't remember anything before he was brought to the hive. Dr. Summers told him that he was saved from the outside world and that his family didn't want him around anymore, it hurt to hear his family hated him so maybe he was better off in the hive. But whenever he asked about the spider looking device on his chest it was brushed off by doctor Summers as for his own protection.

"Yeah right.." He stared down at the glowing device on his chest and lightly touched one of it's silver legs, flinching with a hiss as the thing dug it's legs in deeper to his chest at the possible threat of being pulled off. 'It sure doesn't want to come off..' It reminded him of a tic sucking blood from its host but this metal tic didn't seem to be taking anything from him, so what was it doing to him anyway?

Dipper was pulled from his thoughts as a women in a white lab coat and blonde hair bended down to his level with a smile. "So how are you doing today? Are you up for meeting a new project today?" She asked sweetly.

Dipper perked up immediately with a smile at the thought of meeting a new project of theirs. The last one he meet was called a Licker, it was once human apparently as they injected the T-Virus into living tissue as it called surprising mutation they hadn't expected. At first the Licker didn't know what to make of Dipper as it jumped around the walls and watched him from a distance as it tried to get a read of him.

The Licker had slowly made it's way toward him with it's tongue whipping out of its mouth as it studied Dipper, while he stared back in amazement at the creature in front of him. It eventually licked his cheek as he laughed and hugged one of the Lickers front legs while scientists had watched with both amazement and shock as each new project of theirs never hurt the kid but turned on everyone else that entered their cage.

It was a fun experience and it was even better when the guard that always seemed to sneer at him got his head eaten off by the Licker. He happily patted the Lickers arm before leaving the room before anyone else died trying to get him away from the human bio weapon, it was strange to think the Licker was once a human like him as it changed so much. 'Could I turn into one of them?'

Dipper wasn't stupid, he liked to play dumb when some scientists would talk about the T virus and how it turned people into flesh eating monsters while others mutated when they changed. He heard two scientists ask doctor Summers why he was so important that they couldn't experiment on him, apparently he was already infected with the virus and it was what kept him healthy and breathing. It was strange to think that he was like them but he'd rather be a zombie then be one of the humans keeping him here.

He would leave, if he knew where he was and what waited for him outside these walls. Did he even have a family to begin with? These people seemed to be good at making clones so maybe he was one too? But wouldn't he see another him somewhere if that was the case? All the thinking of the possibilities made his head hurt and actually made him dizzy so he decided it would be best to stop for now.

He didn't have to wait long for the dizzy spell to disappear and not long after that a scientist and a couple heavily armed guards were leading him to a containment area. Dipper waved to a couple of the experiments that were in clear glass chambers that surprisingly could take alot of damage before they were even scratched.

The dogs decaying tails briefly wagged seeing him but their attention was quickly taken by the scientist and guards as they growled, clawing and barking at the barrier keeping them from the fresh meat.

The further they moved away from the cells he got confused to why they kept going down a long hallway to a elevator that took them even lower underground. When the doors opened to a new floor that had a single wall way leading to a what he guessed was their largest containment cell. The weird thing was that the glass was whitened out so he couldn't see anything inside but he thought he could faintly make out scratches on the glass.

The scientist, he bother learning his name or remembering it, clicked a button on the panel and the glass cleared up. He heard the scientist suck in a sharp breath seeing the varies claw marks on the glass in certain areas that started to quite thin, little bits of red were on the glass as well. Dipper heard it before he saw it and gaped at the creature roaring at its visitors. It was a beast.

It looked like a massive dragon with its lizard like body and giant wings it was spreading out to make itself look bigger as it growled menacingly at them. Skin was taunt over muscles and bones that were visible all over the creatures body, the muscles were big like the lickers just like the claws were. But they were much bigger and thinner than the Lickers as they were in very fine points, no wonder there were claw marks on the glass.

Another feature that stuck out were it's horns that were growing from its skull and the glowing yellow eyes that were narrowed and sizing up the guards who carried guns and even a couple grenades. The horns curved slightly outward and there seemed to almost be a protective cartilage that grew close to the eyes as a means to protect them, long thick spines started from the back of the skull and went all the way towards the base of its tail that was armed with a wickedly curved tip that was shaped like a dagger. All of it looked to be made from hardened bone that looked like it was started to grow more and more with the greying skin that was tearing in my places.

Dipper saw the scientist enter a code in the keypad, no doubt to open the door, while the guards made a show of pointing the guns towards the door while the dragon experiment seemed to take it as a challenge as it spread it wings out again. The brunette finally had time to see the membrane stretched between the bones that was surprisingly not ripped yet as it seemed the beast hasn't been able to use its wings since it was mutated. "You like experiments, kid? Well here's one we're sure won't like you." He gave Dipper a not so gentle shove in before shutting the door once more before the experiment tried to get through the door.

Dipper gulped lightly, getting a little nervous with the giant zombie dragon staring him down with narrowed eyes like it didn't know what to do with him. Most of the zombies took a liking to him instantly but whoever this person use to be might still have some brains left. It probably took him as a threat dispite their height differences so the brunette decided to slowly sit down and stare at the beasts chest instead of making eye contact.

Dipper sat there for what felt like hours, when it was only a couple of minutes while the dragon stared him down as it decided on what actions it should take. Bill hated what Umbrella had done to him as they didn't stop injecting that virus into him until he mutated into what he was now. They didn't account for him still having thoughts when they tried to making him into a controllable weapon like their failed Nemesis program. He had eaten and killed the closest people to him and destroyed anything he could before he was forced into his cell.

No one dared come into his cell, not even to fix the glass he was slowly getting through. But now they shove a infected child in front of him and expect him to eat him? Grumbling angrily to himself, that was more of snarling as he got off his perched of destroyed chairs, tables, armor, and even some human bones that he had pounded down to be safe enough to lay on without tearing his remaining skin off, he went towards the small child with a huff.

Bill sniffed his hair and neck to confirm he really was infected, growling softly when he was. How come this child was perfectly normal when anyone else who got the virus died and came back with a craving for human flesh? Huffing down at the brunette he knocked him over onto his back not caring about his surprised squeak, blinking in confusion for a moment at the red and silver tick like device on his chest.

He sniffed the little device and growled seeing the metal legs tighten and dig further into the child's chest, making the brunette gasp in pain. Bill growled angrily while glaring at both the guards and the scientist who was watching them closely. Curling his boney tail around the small child he was careful not to hurt him while he curled the rest of his body around him, not taking his eyes off the scientist.

Bill roared at them while putting a wing over his curled body to hide Dipper from view to tell both the guards and scientist they'd have to come in if they wanted him back. He curled his lips in a sick grin that was all teeth to say 'Fuck you' to all of them.

Suddenly the lights when out and a robotic voice sounded throughout the whole hive complex. 

'Security system disabled, central computer reboot in 5 minutes.'

That's when all hell broke loose..

I know this was a long wait but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Obviously there will most likely be a part three as it would be mean to left it here. But look my lovies I want you to listen closely. If all I get in the comments is 'Part 3 part 3!' or 'Please update!' There will be no update for Experiment. Thank you all for reading! Have a nice day or night, depending where you are!

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