The River

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This is an idea for a one shot I had while listening to this song. I don't own Gravity Falls or this own or any of it's lyrics but I hope you enjoy it my lovelies!

What did it mean to be beautiful? Good looks, confidence to do things other were afraid to do? Or just unique features that others would envy or even kill for to make them one of a kind? Or was beautiful on the inside instead of being on the outside? These were thoughts that plagued a young man's mind since the day he was 6.

A young man by the name of Bill Cipher was a man of many talents. One was charming a person into doing almost anything, money and looks talked, he had both.

You could hear women giggle and whisper excitedly to one another as they watched him walk by.

'He's so handsome!' A couple of teenagers would gush.

'Why can't my husband be like him?' A married women would tell her girl friends during their brunch.

'I'm going to dream about those eyes.' Another women sighed dreamily as he passed.

A man with both good looks and money could get away with anything along with getting anything his heart desired. Fame, women, expensive wine, and a private jet that would take him anywhere he wanted to go.

The problem with his life was, he had no one to share it with.

Women wanted him for his looks and money but not the real him. His family could care less for his well being unless he was giving them money, which they would never get a cent out of him. He figured if anyone would attempt to kill him it would be his family so he had his money going toward charities if he ever was to die.

Bill sighed tiredly as he ran a hand through his golden locks as he continued his walk through the forest, down a familiar path he had taken millions of times over the years towards a river that only he seemed to visit.

The place was beautiful with a small waterfall where all the water came from. Crystals were in the sand with sparkling water that didn't seem to have sort of human pollute to hurt this places beauty. He didn't dare take a crystal or swim in its waters in case he ruined his safe heaven.

Bill sighed deeply as he sat down by the bank and stared into the water blankly. Today was one of the worst days he ever had. A women tried to sue him for getting her pregnant with his baby, which in fact wasn't his. The women had gotten a test to proof whether or not the child was indeed his but ended up being some other guys kid while the women only spouted lies in an attempt to force him into marriage so she could live a comfort life.

"Is life really worth living?" He asked sadly to himself.  Everyone seemed to want his money and looks, not his personality or his love. The water he stared at seemed endless as he couldn't see a bottom to the river no matter how sunny it was outside. While he stared at the water thinking about his self pity he didn't see a pair of eyes staring at him underneath the water.

A young siren stared at the man above him with a curious look. This golden man had been to his river many times over the years and he always came back with the same expression on his face, sadness. What made the man with golden eyes and hair so sad? He had never seen him with another human so maybe he was lonely?

The young siren nodded to himself and swam slowly towards the surface so he wouldn't startle the human away.

Bill was pulled from his thoughts as a face was suddenly so close to his own and jumped back in surprise with a yell. "What the hell!" He stared at the boy in front of him with wide eyes as he took in his features.

Wide brown doe like eyes stared into his own curiously as blue ear fins flicked droplets of water, he had scales peppering his cheeks and shoulders while slits on his neck flared slightly as he took a guess that those were his gills.

"You okay?" The strange boy asked as he tilted his head curiously towards him.

"Ah...define okay.." He said awkwardly while the siren giggled and leaned forward with his arms in the sand. "Well I'll happily define it for you."

This was the start of a beautiful friendship between the two of them.

It was only after a year later did things really go downhill for Bill. His younger sister had died of cancer with his family demanding he'd pay for her funeral and give them some 'grieving' money. He of course paid for the funeral but nothing else and left as soon as his sister was buried and felt as a loss for the rest of the day. His company was going under from his employees stealing money from him and he'd soon be going bankrupt because of it. His only upside was going to see his friend Dipper.

The siren was waiting for him as usual with a friendly smile, making sure to hide his needle like teeth from the human. His smile falling seeing how depressed the blonde seemed to be. "Bill what's wrong?"

Bill smiled sadly as he kneeled down in front of his friend, not even the sirens angelic voice seemed to free him from his depression. "I'm sorry my friend but I don't think I want to go one any longer..I'm losing everything and everyone seems to want to take every last thing I have from me.." He murmured sadly.

Dipper frowned as he moved closer to gently cup Bills face while being careful with his claws. "How about I offer you an alternative?" He asked softly, gently rubbing the pad of his thumb over the blondes cheek.

"An alternative?" He asks uncertain.

"It won't hurt, I promise."

Bill hesitated for a moment then nodded as he trusted the siren more than he tursted anyone else.

Dipper started humming softly as he moved one hand from Bills cheek to take off the blondes jacket.

"We could lay here underneath the river" He sang softly as he slowly pulled Bill with him to guide the man into the river he called home.

"If you'll stay, if you'll stay. We could sleep here underneath the river." He kept Bill above the water when the human could no longer touch the bottom as his normal brown eyes glowed a soft blue instead, his scales glowing faintly as well.

"If you stay we could go home~" The siren pulled Bill beneath the surface with him as his glowing scales disappeared shortly after they were both submerged.

I hope you enjoyed it! I will not be making a second part and this is an open ending so you decide what happened to Bill and Dipper.

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